"Don't wait for a while. The boss has no way to rest when he comes back. He's going to clean up the mess for us. Do you want to lose face like this?" Su Zhou thought about it for a while, but he stood up and spoke.

All of a sudden, everyone stopped talking. They gathered around and kept drinking. After drinking, they used their spiritual power to dissolve their drinking power one by one. They didn't want to get drunk at this juncture and make trouble for themselves.

The situation in Aoyue university is very chaotic. They can't relax. Once they relax, they can't be sure that their arrangement will be destroyed.

Qi Tianyu's face became more and more dignified in his life. These creatures absorbed the power of memory transformation faster and faster. If he didn't find a way to restrain these creatures, his own memory might be swallowed up.

Although these creatures are very easy to kill, as long as you pinch them with your fingers, they will die, but now there are too many of them. Qi Tianyu has no way to resist and kill them one by one.

If you want to destroy them one by one, it is estimated that you will live in this long river of life for a year, provided that these creatures will not reproduce.

There was no chance for him to come out of the golden sword.

Qi Tianyu's sword spirit was constantly released, and the memory of those living creatures was suddenly vomited out where Qi Tianyu passed, and the whole living beings disappeared.

After a long time, the strength around him gradually weakened, and there was no such strong fluctuation as before. Qi Tianyu was relieved and still ran forward nervously and cautiously.

Looking around, the whole river of life is occupied by these creatures. Xu Luoluo is not far away, riding in a boat, looking at the front with a dignified face.

Countless energy quickly into a larger creature body fusion, this creature rapid expansion, Xu Luoluo attack how can not help this creature.

"Xu Luoluo?" Qi Tianyu appeared on the scene and noticed Xu Luoluo's breath. Sure enough, Xu Luoluo's figure appeared just behind the giant.

"Tianyu, why are you here?" Xu Luoluo's face was slightly surprised and his brow was locked.

"You go back quickly, this creature is very difficult to deal with, and it will be bad if you are hurt by mistake later." Xu Luoluo looks worried.

But at this time, she knew one thing in her heart. It turned out that Qi Tianyu was killing these things.

"What are you afraid of? Can I lose my life? What is this guy? Can't you kill it? " Qi Tianyu was out of breath. He constantly released his martial arts skills and wanted to kill everything around him.

"What appears inexplicably should have something to do with the power of darkness. Now it's speculated that it's the yin-yang fish that is tainted by the power of darkness that causes the mutation." Xu Luoluo's heart warms up and says to Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu nodded. Although he had a wide range of martial arts attacks, his life was even bigger. Countless creatures turned into spiritual power one after another and converged to the behemoths in front of him.

The behemoth in front of him constantly compresses his body and compresses all the energy as much as possible. On his body, there is a faint halo, which is dark and resists all the attacks of Xu Luoluo.

Qi Tianyu didn't believe in evil. After a martial art, he just scratched the giant.

Among the xuanhuang Tianbei, the one horned thunder beast was a little alarmed, and the dawn beast looked at the giant with a dignified face.

Countless Yin and yang fish came out of xuanhuang Tianbei and devoured these creatures crazily.

After these creatures enter the belly of yin yang fish, they immediately turn into pictures and re merge into the long river of life.

Hundreds of Tianming beasts also flew out of the xuanhuang Tianbei, as well as the lava fire beast. Countless creatures living in the xuanhuang Tianbei appeared in an instant, turning the surrounding of the huge object into a vacuum zone, and there were no more creatures.

In ancient times, the divine tree also drew out countless branches and scattered them in the long river of life to prevent the movement of the spirit power. For a moment, the giant had no movement, and there was no spirit power for him to absorb.

"Is that all right?" Xu Luoluo's face was shocked, as if he knew Qi Tianyu for the first time.

"There are many people and great strength. If these are not enough, I will go out and bring the whole tiantianzong people here." Qi Tianyu's face is dignified. If these creatures destroy the river of life, the whole world will become hell.

It is only now that Qi Tianyu has renewed the price and hardship that the chosen one has to pay.

"Does heaven care about all these things?" Qi Tianyu's tone is complicated.

"I don't know. I don't think so. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care." Xu Luoluo said, some sad words.

Dawn beast, their body is like a filter, filtering out all these creatures, the giant seems to move, but I don't know why, he can't move."This guy is the mother of other creatures and needs them to feed back. Without these creatures, the mother will not live long."

"Both of them are indispensable. I wanted to kill the mother first, but now it seems that it is more reliable to solve these creatures."

Xu Luoluo smiles bitterly. Even her attack has no effect on the mother, let alone other people.

For a time, on the long river of life, countless forces of qi movement condensed into clouds, slowly penetrating time and space, penetrating space, moving to Nanyang country in the wilderness.

The strength of Nanyang state's qi movement is growing quietly, but no one is aware of it. Even Qi Tianyu is not aware of it.

"There are countless memory fragments in the body of the mother. After all the creatures die, it will split up new creatures and let them absorb the energy in the memory fragments."

Xu Luoluo's face lightened a lot. With Qi Tianyu, it's much easier to deal with these creatures.

At the moment when they killed the animals in the dawn, many monks, civilians and all kinds of life suddenly froze, as if they suddenly recalled what happened a long time ago.

When the memory fragments are swallowed up, the inexplicable sense of emptiness invades them. Every living body that has lost the memory fragments is pondering in varying degrees, and seems to realize that it has forgotten something.

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