"The hunlun mountains don't seem so simple. I wish I could call her grandfather over." Qi Tianyu thought.

There are many strange places in the wilderness. At present, the most clear understanding of these strange places is the mysterious organization in the wilderness.

All the way, there was a strong spiritual power near the well.

The reason why a well cave is called a well cave is that there are countless caves in this mountain, like a labyrinth.

"Boss, I always think there are fierce animals in these caves, and they are extremely cunning." Yue Yunfeng frowned and observed in the distance for a while.

"There are really fierce beasts in these caves, and it is very likely that even these caves were dug out by fierce beasts." Qi Tianyu's face was frozen, and he noticed that the arrangement near the cave was strange.

If there were no fierce beast, the cave in front of us could not be so clear, and it seemed that there were still waves of the power of the law of soil properties.

Although nature can also form some strange and unpredictable places, such as the power of taboo.

However, those strange and unpredictable places formed in nature will never be condensed by the force of a single law. Heaven and earth stress balance, and things formed by the force of a single law can only be deliberately arranged by living beings.

"It's supposed to be a fierce beast of social nature. Have you found that the layout of these openings has the appearance of spirit gathering array?" Qi Tianyu watched carefully for a while and was surprised.

"Boss, what you say is what you say. We are not the master of the array." Yue Yunfeng opened his mouth and said helplessly.

In his opinion, if he had obsessive-compulsive disorder, he would be driven crazy by these caves one by one.

In the cave, an unexpected person Qi Tianyu was trapped inside. He looked a little tired, and he seemed very eager to leave the well.

"If you want to come to the wild land in the future, you still need someone to take it with you. Although you have the token of the wild land, you won't be targeted by the mysterious organization."

"but it's really weird here. According to the principle, a place with such lush spiritual power shouldn't be a dangerous place!"

"Concentrate on it. Don't let a group of winged birds come out soon, or you'll lose your hands again." More than ten people lost their way in the cave and discussed helplessly.

The ten or so people were ye Fei of tongzizong. The evil forces on the frontier of the forbidden land of the Qing long Dynasty have been controlled by him and Ma Fei, and they are connected with the one in the Qing Long palace.

From Qinglong Dynasty to zhutianzong, there is a big country named Aoyue. Ye Fei doesn't know that when he secretly controlled Qinglong Dynasty, Qi Tianyu had already controlled Aoyue

"Boss, shall we go in or go out first?" Yue Yunfeng couldn't help asking.

"Wait a minute. First, judge what kind of fierce beasts exist in these caves." Qi Tianyu thought for a moment and said.

Qi Tianyu suddenly released ten thousand swords to return to his family. Tens of thousands of swords gathered together and flew into one of the caves.

On the sword Qi, he controlled the direction of the sword Qi with the power of Qi Tianyu's spirit, so as not to bomb the cave wall as soon as he entered the cave.

The cave is so deep that it looks frightening.

a breath of yin and cold constantly stimulates Qi Tianyu's spirit power. If it's ordinary people's spirit power, I'm afraid it can't bear it now.

"Double attribute fierce beast?" Qi Tianyu's face was frozen. He moved in the cave for a long time, and finally saw the nest of a fierce beast.

"Fire dragon? No, it's a winged bird Qi Tianyu's face is a little dignified. These winged birds are very difficult. They are flying animals, but they can fly in the narrow space in time, overturning the world view of flying fierce animals.

Under the winged bird, two crystal eggs lie down, and countless spirit grasses are laid underneath.

Before Qi Tianyu had time to observe, the winged bird suddenly waved its wings. A burst of crazy sand completely defeated Qi Tianyu's ten thousand swords.

Qi Tianyu had no choice but to abandon wanjian and return to his family in time. If he moved a little slower, he might have to vomit blood again.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Qi Tianyu had come back, Zhu lin'er asked quickly.

"The winged birds inside are fierce beasts with double attributes. They have the power of ice and the power of earth. Maybe they are born to move fast. I didn't detect the power of wind in them." Qi Tianyu said in a deep voice.

People's faces are dignified. They have not heard of the name of winged bird. However, although the winged bird is extremely aggressive, its defense ability is very weak. As long as we find their flight path, it is not so difficult to shoot them down.

"I don't know how many winged birds there are in this cave. I just found one after walking around for a long time." Seeing that they were a little heavy, Qi Tianyu comforted them.

Yue Yunfeng nodded with a bitter smile. Looking around, the hillside is densely covered with caves. If there are only a few winged birds, how can they believe it? Moreover, the winged bird is a typical social beast.Only when the winged birds appear in groups, they won't be caught by their opponents so soon.

"Go in. Just be careful. We may be rich this time. The nest of the winged bird just now is covered with spirit grass and two eggs."

"If the offspring of a winged bird hatches one, it can roam the city at any time in the future. Of course, the premise is not to be attacked by others." Qi Tianyu smiles and gives Yue Yunfeng an injection of cardiotonic.

"Wow! Boss, you didn't say earlier that if there was nothing but fighting, then I would have no energy. " Yue Yunfeng's face was full of light, and then he said Qi Tianyu's speechless words.

"Is that bird's egg baked or fried?"


"This winged bird can get so many spirit grasses to plant here, which means that there must be something good underground in this mountain range. If there is the Jinyuan beast, it can be determined basically. We have found another spirit vein."

"It's just that there's no Jinyuan beast. I'm not sure whether it's a secret place or a spiritual vein. Let's go ahead and have a look. Be careful. It's said that none of the monks who enter the well can walk out of the mountain alive." Seeing that all the people were excited, Qi Tianyu told them not to be too excited, so that they would not fall in the well because of carelessness.

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