"A well may be a good place." Qi Tianyu said in a deep voice.

"There is a spiritual vein and a palace under the well. If there is no accident, it should be the best to let rosefinch into Nirvana and rebirth."

"The palace has been ransacked by winged birds. I don't think there will be any danger."

Qi Tianyu is saying, fairy old suddenly came over, and Qi Tianyu said.

"Hurry up and send the Queling over." Qi Tianyu was in a hurry and asked the immortal to lead the way.

Originally, Qi Tianyu wanted to go with him, but the smell of blood around him was too strong. If we don't deal with it, it's hard for the array to cover up the smell of blood. After all, the array around them is just a short one.

Qi Tianyu was relieved to see the spirit of the bird being sent in. All the four sacred beasts recognized the Lord in him and had a mark in his body. If there was any danger in the four sacred beasts, Qi Tianyu could also detect it in the first time.

"Let's clean it up. If you need to divide the crystal, please tell me." Qi Tianyu's face was a little tired.

Most of the crystal stones around are the combination of the earth property and the ice property. Only by cutting the power of the two laws apart can we make the best use of crystal stones, unless some monks have the power of the two laws in their bodies and can directly absorb the power of the earth property and the ice property.

Some of the corpses of countless fierce beasts on the ground died under Qi Tianyu's hands, and some of them were crushed to death by the holy beast's fight.

As Yue Yunfeng shakes his head and sighs, he selects the ferocious animal meat that doesn't seem to matter and puts it into the space ring.

In the wilderness, Qi Tianyi looks at Wang Yan's report, and his nervous mood is relaxed.

The places that have been shaken in the wild land are no big problem now. All the array mechanisms are still hidden underground.

"Make a map and mark these places." Qi Tianyi said.

He knew that 80% of the news was made by his son, so when his son came back, just give him the map.

In the wilderness, there is basically no xuanshewei figure in those places, so Qi Tianyi is relieved.


"Boss, that mysterious snake guard has been in contact with a group of organizations dressed in red recently. It's extremely mysterious. I've seen them twice, but I think they have been in contact many times." Ye Fei came over and said to Qi Tianyu.

Ye Fei originally wanted to talk to Qi Tianyu about xuanshewei, but he was just delayed by this well. When he saw Qi Tianyu, he just opened his mouth and didn't make it clear, but he saw the damned Phoenix.

So now, he can only take advantage of Qi Tianyu to clean up the beast's body and talk with Qi Tianyu.

"The red dress? I don't seem to have heard of any organization whose friars are decorated in red. " Qi Tianyu frowned. After all, the color of red was too bright, which was not conducive to the monk's concealment.

"Yes, that's why I'm surprised. Unfortunately, I didn't observe what they were saying. When these old guys met, they were still weird and mysterious." Ye Fei said.

Qi Tianyu nodded, thinking.

"I have passed many places in the Qinglong Dynasty. Basically, no one from that organization has ever appeared, and I don't know where their stronghold is."

"But one thing to be sure is that the color they wear is the red they don't match in the workshop."

"as like as two peas, it looks like it is completely bloody. After that, it is not the same as the color of the blood that just came out.

Ye Fei's face is dignified, and he can't help shaking as he says.

"Red? The color of blood? " Qi Tianyu's eyes are heavy. If he uses red as his clothes, it doesn't mean anything.

But the cloth dyed with blood also uses secret method to seal the blood, so that the blood does not change color, which is very strange.

"Yes, shall I send more people to investigate?" Ye Fei dignified said.

"Don't use it for the time being. If you control the territory of Qinglong Dynasty, just monitor the movements of xuanshewei. I think if you go to explore that organization, you may die. You don't know how to die." Qi Tianyu's face was solemn.

It has been noticed twice by Ye Fei. Xuanshewei's personnel is only three times, and being followed twice. It can be said that it is an accident. But if you find the third time, the friars of xuanshewei will be alert and attack Ye Fei.

You know, if ye Fei and Xuan snake guard fight now, there is still a big gap.

Ye Fei nodded, knowing that Qi Tianyu was good to him, but at this time, he also knew something.

If you want to follow Qi Tianyu's steps, you need constant cultivation.

Even if he can't catch up with Qi Tianyu, he can't throw himself too far away.Otherwise, even if Qi Tianyu has something to arrange for him to deal with, he doesn't have the strength.

"Xuanshewei, red organization?" Qi Tianyu whispered, listening to other things reported by Ye Fei, and remembering the contact between xuanshewei and the "red organization".

Around Yue Yunfeng, they have also heard the discussion between Qi Tianyu and ye Fei. Without Qi Tianyu's command, Yue Yunfeng has already sent this message to tianzhuzong as a high-level note.

Everyone knew what to do if they saw a friar in a similar dress.

"I didn't expect anyone to be more fashionable than me? I got a fiery red hair at the beginning... " Yue Yunfeng muttered in his heart.

"Yue Yunfeng, pay attention to choose a better one for the fierce beast meat. Anyway, when the barbecue ingredients are used, other people choose the fierce beast meat, and the rest is yours." Qi Tianyu smiles at Yue Yunfeng and goes into the well.

The outside has been almost cleaned up, and now I'm worried about Queling's second Nirvana rebirth.

Although the breath of Queling's life is still stable, it will change at any time in the process of Nirvana rebirth. If something happens suddenly

Qi Tianyu conceals his own vitality and footsteps, and walks in carefully. Although Queling can detect that he is near, Qi Tianyu doesn't want to affect Queling's nirvana and rebirth because of his own breath of life and footsteps.

The palace under the well hole is full of spiritual power. The hot flames rush towards it, almost scorching Qi Tianyu's eyebrows. .

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