"Rub rub rub..." Yue Yunfeng's spirit power, which had been stable, began to fluctuate again. He rushed to his feet and began to attack the closed shackles ten times more fiercely than before.

"That's about it," Qi Tianyu nodded. He took out a pile of spirit stones from xuanhuang Tianbei and piled them on the ground like a hill.

Yue Yunfeng couldn't absorb the power of Lingshi as quickly as Qi Tianyu did. Qi Tianyu pondered for a moment and set up a spirit gathering array around Yue Yunfeng to transform Lingshi into the power of heaven and earth and gather it in Yue Yunfeng's body.

"Yue Yunfeng, if you feel like you're going to die, you'll be promoted," Qi Tianyu told him, and he sat down around.

At the chest, the power of human shackles kept shaking, but the surrounding pressure was not enough. Qi Tianyu completely opened the human shackles at the chest.

"It seems that if I want to find the position of Jianqi, I always feel that the power of Jianqi is more than that." Qi Tianyu's face coagulated and carefully released the power of spirit.

With sword Qi around, it's easy to be scratched by sword Qi when releasing the power of spirit.

"Sure enough," Qi Tianyu's face was frozen, and he noticed that the sword power around him was not released in a balanced way. At his feet, there was a point where the sword power was very strong.

"Is that where the sword Qi is?" Qi Tianyu frowned, but it was the top of the mountain.

With a buzzing sound, all the debris under the mountain suddenly hovered in the air, forming countless soldiers who came to Qi Tianyu.

"Red girl, can you hold these soldiers?" Qi Tianyu said in a deep voice.

Yue Yunfeng and several of them are still breaking through. Zhu lin'er and Tang Yiyue have not opened their eyes. Now Qi Tianyu is the only one who has combat power.

"It's a bit reluctant. Aren't they not afraid of coercion? Let them out for a walk? " In the middle of the xuanhuang Tianbei, the red horned doll suddenly released countless Taoist soldiers to attack the Yinyang River in the middle of the xuanhuang Tianbei.

In the Yin Yang River, countless yin yang fish look at the red horned doll and reluctantly come out of the xuanhuang Tianbei.

Against the sword Qi, their scales are easy to fall, but the fighting power of zhanbingge seems to be stronger than the sword Qi outside. After weighing it, Yinyang fish still reluctantly swim out of xuanhuang Tianbei.

Qi Tianyu's face was slightly surprised. Yin yang fish hadn't appeared for a long time. He almost forgot the existence of yin yang fish.

The small world of xuanhuang Tianbei is constantly expanding, and it has been born independently. In xuanhuang Tianbei, the power of law is constantly improving.

"Can xuanhuang Jue promote the growth of this space?" Qi Tianyu lost his mind for a moment, but he didn't know that in the xuanhuang Tianbei, a resentful look came at him.

That's xuanhuang Tianbei Qiling, a little girl.

With yin yang fish and warfighter Pavilion, it's easier to deal with the warfighter attack of the fourth floor palace. But now, the attack from the surrounding warfighters is stronger than the first attack.

The longer they stay in the palace, the more dissatisfied Qi Tianyu is with the sword spirit in the mountain. Now, Qi Tianyu is still at the top of the mountain.

"I want to know where the essence of sword Qi is." Qi Tianyu took out the running amulet, and in a flash, his whole figure sank into the ground and rushed down to the point where he had just detected the most powerful sword power.

There are yin yang fish and zhanbingge guarding Yue Yunfeng. They should be OK.

In the mountain peak, Qi Tianyu fell to the ground vertically. Qi Tianyu's face changed. He opened the only divine orifice to slow down his descent.

There is not a piece of soil in the mountain. The whole mountain is empty, and countless sword Qi are flying in the air.

"What is this?! Is this mountain the essence of the sword? " Qi Tianyu's face coagulated, and he fell to the foot of the mountain. Only this time, he was in the position of the mountain.

Qi Tianyu went to the edge of the mountain, opened his own life rune, and used the ground running rune. He couldn't let himself go through the foot of the mountain.

There is an altar suspended in the air. It seems that there is no channel leading to the altar, but in Qi Tianyu's life rune, there are four channels leading to the altar in the air.

The place with the most powerful sword power is the altar.

On the altar, there are four candles in all directions. The candles are constantly burning, and four groups of flames are beating on them. But as long as you are more careful, you will find that the candles are not lit, and the four groups of beating flames are suspended in the air.

"Strange fire in heaven and earth?" Qi Tianyu was very happy, but he was disappointed when he used the Rune of his own life to see the past. The fire was just the power of the array, not the strange fire of heaven and earth.

Qi Tianyu's lost mood gradually calms down when he thinks of the strange fire in heaven and earth, which is so easy to get.

The sword power is released from the altar. It's a pure idea of kendo. It doesn't smell of blood or kill."Qi Tianyu's sword spirit can't extinguish the upright and awe inspiring people, not to mention the pure sword spirit," Qi Tianyu raised his eyebrows and walked up the passage.

Every step of the invisible passage, there will be more powerful sword power to crush Qi Tianyu, forcing Qi Tianyu's body shackles.

Qi Tianyu bit his teeth and went up to the altar step by step. Countless swords came to crush him. Qi Tianyu's face turned red, and the life rune that had subsided on his chest began to move again.

Qi Tianyu's chest was pounded by all kinds of forces, and the golden light was beating. Qi Tianyu's face was solemn, and he didn't know whether the sword Qi would attack suddenly.

"Don't worry, boss. We are here." Among xuanhuang Tianbei, Tianming beast and lava fire beast carefully look at the altar outside xuanhuang Tianbei and seriously talk with Qi Tianyu.

"Really?" Qi Tianyu's face was slightly surprised. It was not that he was not at ease, but that the sword power was too powerful. If lava fire beast and Tianming beast were attacked by sword power, Qi Tianyu would have to distract himself to save them.

"Of course, don't worry. With the power of space law, there should be no problem." Tianming beast, like a little adult, said cautiously to Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu nodded, emptied his mind, manipulated his spiritual power, and moved to his chest where the human shackles began to flow.

Qi Tianyu is standing on the channel of the altar, and he has not come to the altar yet.

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