Fortunately, Xuexiu noticed something was wrong in time. The monk quickly escaped Qi Tianyu's attack, and the secret way was dangerous. "Why, what else can you do besides playing tricks behind your back?"

"You don't have to be aboveboard when dealing with monks like you? Go to hell Qi Tianyu said. He took up the golden sword and rushed forward.

"Bang..." Two powerful soldiers, hand over together, two powerful breath, violent collision in the air.

Since the friar dared to attack Yue Yun so openly in front of Qi Tianyu, Qi Tianyu naturally did not need to reserve any feelings for him and summoned him to fight to death.

"Bang Bang..." The fierce attack made the monk almost unable to resist. If it wasn't for his strong foundation, he would be defeated in two or three moves.

"Boom..." One flew back for a long time before the monk stabilized himself.

"The sword Qi is so perfect. How can it be..." The friar in the fresh blood clothes was full of disbelief. Qi Tianyu's understanding of the meaning of the sword just revealed in his moves really made him feel frightened.

"Illusion, it must be illusion, it's impossible..." The friar shook his head and thought it was impossible. After so many years of hard work, I didn't even touch the threshold of the imperial sword.

No matter how tough the monk is, he can't be so abnormal in his understanding of the meaning of the sword

The friar, dressed in fresh blood clothes, was comforting himself. Qi Tianyu's voice had already sounded coldly.

"It's impossible. I'll show you what real strength is." Qi Tianyu said that, his heart moved, his golden sword in his hand turned sideways, and an extremely powerful sword Qi kept gathering in it.

"Cut through the air!" A sword suddenly bombarded out, containing the powerful energy of opening the sky and breaking the earth, and went straight to the monk in front of him.

"What The friar was shocked, but his powerful majesty had oppressed him. Now he was a little out of breath.

If you are hit by this blow, you have to be bombed to pieces. There was no way. The friar had to run.

He tried to weaken Qi Tianyu's sword Qi by constantly releasing his martial arts while running.

However, no matter how hard he tried to run, the sword spirit always followed him like a shadow. The palace was so big that he had to stop to face the blow.

After a while, the friar was very tired and panting. It was really a waste of physical and spiritual strength to escape and resist the attack.

It's not a problem to escape any more. The monk's face was frozen. In a flash, he used up all his physical and spiritual strength to gather a blow and bombarded him.

There is a big gap between the meaning of Xianjie sword and the spirit of the sword. This attack did not weaken the power of pokong chopper. However, pokong chopper still attacked the monk wearing blood color clothes with fierce attack.

The monk was shocked. He could not tolerate his reaction at the moment. He put the blood sword in front of his chest and tried to use the strength of the eighth level soldiers to stop the attack.

"Bang Bang Poof... " Basically, the Blood Sword didn't have much blocking effect. It was easy to break the blood sword into pieces and then continue to penetrate the monk's body.

But it met another layer of obstacles, that is, the eighth level of battle clothes.

The battle clothes of the eighth level played a very powerful buffer role, greatly weakening the power of breaking the air and chopping. But also paid a great price, it is also broken empty cut rolling into slag.

"Poof Cough... " The friar, dressed in a bright blood coat, fell to the ground like a broken kite, spitting blood on his own clothes, which made his clothes more strange and charming.

The friar groped for his tattered eight step battle suit and was very afraid.

If it's not for the resistance of the battle clothes, I'm afraid that my current situation will be the same as the broken sword lying on the ground.

Qi Tianyu stood in front of the friar with the golden sword in his hand. He pointed at the friar coldly and said coldly, "don't say I don't give you a chance. Those who know the truth will surrender early and tell me everything you know. Maybe I can spare your life."

"Who the hell are you?" Instead of facing up to Qi Tianyu's problem, the friar in the color of blood asked.

You know the man who can defeat him with a single blow. In the whole continent, the friar searched the information he had in his eyes for a long time, but no one could match the man in front of him.

It's no wonder that Qi Tianyu's accomplishments rose only after he entered the palace, and they didn't know much about the monks in the wild land.

Qi Tianyu had just realized that the sword was powerful and perfect recently. Before entering the palace, Qi Tianyu was just a monk who could only understand the meaning of the sword.

If the monk didn't see this abnormal scene with his own eyes, how else could he believe it."You are not qualified to know." Qi Tianyu said coldly. Seeing that the monk seemed to have lost his activity ability, he asked again, "death or obedience."

Looking at this friar with his head down and not talking, Qi Tianyu only thought he was acquiescent. Qi Tianyu went up to the Friar and was ready to give him a mark of eight trigrams.

At this time, the accident happened. As Qi Tianyu approached, the friar suddenly burst out, clenched his hands into a fist path, and came straight at Qi Tianyu.

"Be careful..." Seeing this scene, people were shocked, but they were still a little away from Qi Tianyu and couldn't help at all.

The distance is too close, Qi Tianyu also can't make a reaction, can only grit one's teeth, plan to bear this blow abruptly.

At this time, Qi Tianyu's spirit suddenly burst in front of his chest, reflecting the dazzling golden light.

"Bang..." At the moment when the monk's fist was about to fall on Qi Tianyu's chest, Qi Tianyu's body shackles suddenly opened.

At the same time, the friar was attacked by himself and was shocked out.

"Poof..." The friar was shocked several meters away by Qi Tianyu. He fell to the ground and spat blood at his mouth. His eyes at Qi Tianyu were shocked.

He was also a little confused at this time. What happened? He was just about to succeed. Why did he suddenly do this?

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