The appearance of human friar breath immediately attracted the attention of other lava fire beasts.

"Something's wrong. Why do I detect the smell of human friars?"

"Yes, I've noticed it, but it's the same breath that just appeared in that direction."

"What are human friars?" Many of these lava fire beasts are just enlightened, and they have not contacted with human friars.

"Human friars are more terrifying than other fierce beasts. They will kill us for their own interests, regardless of the circumstances..."

"Well, don't worry about so many. I'd rather kill one hundred by mistake. It seems that there are not many human friars. Since they dare to break into our territory today, none of them can go away."

The first one among the lava fire beasts said coldly, leading other lava fire beasts to jump out of the lava slurry and chase Yue Yunfeng and others.

Under the ground, lava fire beasts can make holes very fast, and soon catch up with Yue Yunfeng and others.

Yue Yunfeng and others did not delay at all, riding the lava fire beast under them to disperse in all directions.

The lava fire beast has not gone far, and it may turn back at any time. Qi Tianyu restrained his temper and didn't take the risk.

"It's strange, chief, why the smell of human friars is also similar to ours." As soon as the distance gets closer, not only the human friars, but also the breath of other lava fire beasts is very obvious.

This lava fire beast leader's face is a little deep. It is not difficult to find out the scene that its own kind is used by human friars.

"These people may have been deceived and used by those despicable human friars. In that case, those people can't stay."

We should know that lava fire beast is a kind of fierce beast that rarely drives and subdues human friars, because lava fire beast has high requirements for its living environment. At least without lava cultivation, it can not make progress, and even will gradually regress.

Since ancient times, no human friar has been able to meet the harsh living conditions of lava fire beast. After all, no one can build the lava vein at home.

Of course, Qi Tianyu is an exception, but these lava fire beasts don't know about it.

When the leader of the lava fire beast said this, the leg of the lava fire beast carrying Yue Yunfeng almost softened. Fortunately, it stabilized in time.

A flock of crows flew over his head, thinking, "these lava fire beasts are really brain tonic."

"Oh, my mother, you give me a little stability, my life is up to you. If there's a mistake, I can't tear those lava fire beasts to pieces."

The sudden instability makes Yue Yunfeng's heart tremble, and he says to the lava fire beast.

"Don't worry, it was an accident just now, accident, hehe hehe." The lava fire beast was embarrassed and said, "but what are we going to do next?"

"Since they think you are being used by us, they have to perform the whole play, so we will follow their ideas." Yue Yunfeng said, and told the public about the plan.

All the people who received the message from Yue Yunfeng and other lava fire beasts instantly entered the drag show mode.

Qi Tianyu's Lava fire Beast instantly empties his eyes. He has no spirit in his eyes. It seems that he is really controlled by Yue Yunfeng and others.

Qi Tianyu's Lava fire beast, specially slowed down the speed, and behind them to catch up with the lava fire beast closer.

Catching up with Yue Yunfeng and other lava fire beasts, taking advantage of the gap, finally see Yue Yunfeng and others, and their lava fire beasts.

The lava fire beasts under Yue Feng's body seem to be confused, which makes these lava fire beasts more firm their conjecture.

"How can we tolerate that our fellow creatures are bullied by those human friars. Go ahead and tear those human friars to pieces for me. "

This scene, obviously aroused the fury of this group of lava fire beast, each head is angry to rush after Yue Yunfeng and others.

Seeing that these lava fire beasts were deceived, the lava fire beasts under Yue Yunfeng and others speeded up the speed of drilling holes, and led the people behind them to the fire of the earth's heart.

It's a tacit understanding that the black hole will lead the fire to the center of the hole.

Qi Tianyu was clear about Yue Yunfeng's actions. "Yue Yunfeng is a real man. He doesn't teach him in vain." Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

"Yue Yunfeng, be careful. And try not to hurt those lava fire beasts. " Qi Tianyu did not forget to say.

"Yes." Yue Yunfeng and others received Qi Tianyu's divine voice, and they dodged the lava fire beast behind them.

The lava fire beast under Yue Yunfeng and others also received Qi Tianyu's divine voice. He couldn't help feeling secretly happy that he was following such a master.

"Bang Bang..." One by one, fireballs of light are constantly exploding beside Yue Yunfeng and others.The lava fire beast under Yue Yunfeng's body is too fast. The lava fire beast chasing after them finds that they can't catch up and can only attack Yue Yunfeng and others in front.

However, try to hit the fireball to Yue Yunfeng and others, try not to hurt the lava fire beast below.

The lava fire beast under Yue Yunfeng and others constantly uses the walking position to avoid the light fireball attack behind them, so that the lava fire beast can't attack them.

If it had not been for Qi Tianyu's orders, Yue Yun's Fengyun Zihang had already mentioned that the soldiers would have bombarded the lava fire beast behind them, so they would not have been chased behind their buttocks like now.

Tang Yiyue originally took out the poison powder from the space ring. After hearing Qi Tianyu's divine sense, he quietly changed it into anesthetic powder. Now that there is no inexhaustible poison powder and poison from the family space, it's better to use it sparingly. It won't be used until the last moment.

Yue Yunfeng they can only constantly take out a small attack space which is not powerful from the space ring, and constantly throw it behind them.

The power of these attacks on small spaces is not powerful. It's just like tickling for these rough and fleshy lava fire beasts that are soaked in the molten pool all the year round.

But these small attack spaces can greatly slow down the pursuit speed of these molten fire beasts behind them, and stimulate their anger by the way.

"It's just a few Saint level human friars. Apart from these little tricks, what else can they do? If they dare to break into our territory with this skill, they're just looking for death."

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