"Go back to the capital of Aoyue to join Wuchen first, and then go to the Qinglong Dynasty. During this period of time, many things have been delayed in the struggle of Aoyue kingdom. Fortunately, nothing has been achieved." Qi Tianyu said as he followed the flow of the Heihe River to the foot of hunlun mountain.

"Well, boss, it's time to change the name of the Heihe River. It's always the Heihe River. It's really ugly." Cloud son hang a face dislike of say, the side keeps up with the footstep of Qi Tianyu.

"Let Mo Hui deal with this little matter. We don't have to worry about what he can arrange." Qi Tianyu said with a smile.

Qi Tianyu's feet were fast, and it didn't take him long to get to the capital of Aoyue.

Wuchen has already arranged the handover of the staff. Originally, he wanted to find Qi Tianyu. After receiving the message from Qi Tianyu, he simply stayed in Aoyue city and waited.

After Qi Tianyu arrived at the capital of Aoyue, he didn't stay much. After he simply arranged something for Mo Hui, he took Wuchen and others to the Qinglong Dynasty.

There are still many messes waiting for Qi Tianyu to solve in the Qinglong Dynasty, such as the dark forces colluding with xuanshewei in the forbidden land;

there are still many mysteries waiting for Qi Tianyu to solve in the Qinglong Dynasty, such as how many secrets the Qinglong Dynasty has covered up in the past ten thousand years after the collapse of the Qinglong empire.

He knew that the Heihe problem, which had plagued the monarchs of Aoyue Kingdom and the people for thousands of years, was solved by Qi Tianyu and others in just a few days. Mo Hui was stunned for a moment and thought he had heard the wrong thing.

After reaction, seeing the back of Qi Tianyu and his party, Mo Hui could not help murmuring, "with such a strong master, why can't Aoyue be strong?"


Qi Tianyu and his party were heading for the direction of Qinglong Dynasty. Qi Tianyu's eyebrows are faintly beating. As the great emperor, his intuition has always been accurate. His intuition tells him that this road will never be very smooth.

Sure enough, if you want to reach the Qinglong Dynasty from Aoyue Kingdom, the nearest route is to pass through the wild land.

When passing through the periphery of the wild land, Qi Tianyu was acutely aware that something was wrong in front of him. As soon as he waved, he let everyone stop.

People who had already cooperated with each other very well didn't even need to ask. For the first time, they hid their vitality and went to the shelter nearby to completely integrate with the surrounding environment.

Not long after Qi Tianyu and others had finished hiding, there was a sound in the trees in the distance. Then, several Xuexiu dressed in bright red appeared in the sight of Qi Tianyu and others.

As soon as these blood repairs appeared, Qi Tianyu's look suddenly became condensed.

"Why is Xuexiu here?" Qi Tianyu was cautious. Didn't the people organized by the gods notice the appearance of Xuexiu?

After all, it is obvious that the direction of these blood practitioners is just coming out of the wilderness.

"Boss, what should we do, go up and have a fight?" Yue Yun asked.

"No, let them go." Qi Tianyu didn't fully understand the details of the blood repair, so he couldn't do it rashly.

Although Yue Yunfeng was very unwilling, they also knew that the impulse might lead to serious consequences. They could only suppress the anger in their hearts and watched the blood practitioners slip away from them.

Although Wuchen didn't deal with these Xuexiu, the strong dark smell of these Xuexiu and the strong signs they were wearing made Wuchen frown tightly.

Qi Tianyu and Qi Tianyu came out slowly after these blood practitioners had gone away.

"It's very frustrating." Yue Yun Feng's teeth itch to say, but have nothing to do.

"Well, don't be angry. I think we should change our plan and go to the wild land first. I don't know how the gods are doing." Qi Tianyu looks at the direction that just a few blood repair just walked out and says thoughtfully.

Although Qi Tianyu didn't know what the purpose of the blood cultivation was, the gods who were in charge of the wild land must know.

Since these blood practitioners can enter the wild land, and can seemingly walk out of the wild land without hair, there must be something that Qi Tianyu doesn't know.

If you want to solve the doubts in your heart, the best way is to go in person.

Only in this way, the affairs of Qinglong Dynasty will be shelved again.

The speed of blood repair is not fast. Qi Tianyu conceals the vitality in his body, sinks his figure into the ground and follows blood repair cautiously.

In front of them, Xue Xiu looked around suspiciously, then looked at each other, took out the magic weapon, and disappeared in front of Qi Tianyu.

"Fuck! That's the magic weapon of space? Is that exaggeration? " Yue Yunfeng was stunned, but he couldn't react.

Qi Tianyu went to the place where Xuexiu appeared before and released the power of spirit. He wanted to catch the fluctuation of space. The beast of dawn came out of the xuanhuang Tianbei and carefully looked at the fluctuating power of law around him.

"The power of this space magic weapon is too powerful. When using the space magic weapon, it is completely to integrate the blood cultivation into the space. I can't detect the change of the power of the space law." Dawn beast's face is dignified and takes back the power of spirit."Go directly to the gods," Qi Tianyu said, pressing a stone in his heart and giving up the idea of pursuing each other's figure.

These blood practitioners are too sensitive to danger, and they seem to have so many magic weapons on them that they can easily use space magic weapons.

"I hope the gods will find them." Qi

Tianyu's face was solemn.

"Qi Tianyu, why are you here?" A familiar voice rang out. Qi Tianyu turned around and saw that it was immortal.

"Well?" Qi Tianyu was surprised.

"Didn't those weird monks in red come here just now?" Fairy old face doubts.

"Did the gods also notice the blood cultivation? Those friars are even more weird than the Xuan snake guard. We just met these blood practitioners in the wilderness, and then just wanted to catch up with them, they immediately used the magic weapon of space to leave. " Qi Tianyu gave a bitter smile, and his face was dignified.

"Oh? Those friars used to be called Xuexiu. Even their clothes are sealed with blood. They are full of resentment. Recently, there are three Xuexiu in the wilderness. The gods have been chasing and killing them until now, but they haven't touched their skin. " Xianlao doesn't look very well.

"As soon as we were about to catch up with them, they used their magic weapon to disappear directly in front of us. At the beginning, we thought we had been exposed and found out by them."

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