In a flash, Qi Tianyu's heartbeat missed half a beat, "Oh, how to forget ling'er." Qi Tianyu could only smile bitterly in his heart.

Ling'er looks at Qi Tianyu. They communicate with each other for a long time and make things clear. It turns out that they are going to attack xuanshewei sub hall.

Fortunately, Qi Tianyu and others haven't mentioned the problem of sending ling'er's parents for a long time, so ling'er doesn't know the inside story.

"Brother Tianyu, what's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this? What's wrong?" Ling'er asked carefully.

She also knows that the power of death in her body has delayed her a lot. She always makes some moths in an emergency. It must be this that worries her all the time.

"Linger, are you going to take part in this operation?" Although Qi Tianyu asked, it was 10000 people who didn't want ling'er to get involved.

After all, blood is thicker than water. Even if they don't say it, only when they set foot in the palace of xuanshewei, linger's heart may have a reaction. If there is any good or bad, he can't take care of it.

Ling'er shakes her head. If she doesn't go, she's just trying to save Qi Tianyu's mind. Although she wants to participate, ling'er also knows that although the power of death in her body has stabilized, what if

Therefore, before the power of death in her body is solved, linger doesn't want to take risks. Only when the identity is adjusted as soon as possible can ling'er have the chance to follow Qi Tianyu and others.

Qi Tianyu nodded. He could only hurt ling'er for a while. With the Xuanwu beast in ling'er's body and the protection of Yan's Inn, Qi Tianyu didn't worry even if ling'er stayed here alone.

"It's not too late. Let's go." Qi Tianyu said, leading the crowd to the direction of xuanshewei sub hall.

The practitioners took a few meters at a time, and their feet were very fast. In a short time, they arrived not far from the xuanshewei sub hall.

The crowd slowed down and went to join the people of the blood killing organization first.

"I've been here all morning. Have you found anything?" The blood hand asked a member of the blood killing organization.

The member shook his head. "No, it's the same. And now it's day time. It seems that those mysterious snake guards are less alert than last night. I just saw one yawning

The member of the blood killing organization said with disdain that it was absolutely impossible for members of the blood killing organization to commit such low-level behavior.

To know that as a killer, we must be vigilant all the time, or we don't even know how to die in the end.

"Keep watch here and pay attention to everything, especially those Xuexiu who are dressed in fresh blood. If there are those guys around, please let me know as soon as possible. "

"Yes." Members of the blood killing organization nodded.

"How bloody hand, you want to come with us like this." Cloud son navigation looks at blood hand to smile to say.

Blood hand nodded, and then looked at Qi Tianyu.

Although the blood hand is very ready to move, not willing to stay outside, but still listen to Qi Tianyu's deployment.

"Come on, let's go in together." Qi Tianyu said, leading the people to hide their own vitality, quietly touched it.

Blood hand smell speech, a joy, quickly follow.

Qi Tianyu also has his own plan, the blood hand will eventually control the whole blood killing organization, and the strength of the blood hand is far from enough.

It's better to take the blood hand with you and experience it for several times. Maybe you can find the chance to inherit the blood hand in the xuanshewei temple.


Due to the exploration of the blood killing group, Qi Tianyu and other people's progress is particularly smooth, especially they have found out the rules of the mysterious snake guards.

Qi Tianyu several people hide their own vitality, quietly lying on the top of a mountain, coldly looking at everything in the broken temple.

In the sight can see and can not see the place, there are xuanshewei figure. Because Qi Tianyu and others are too familiar with the dark breath of xuanshewei.

So no matter how those mysterious snake guards hide in front of Qi Tianyu and others, there is no escape.

"It's strange how I feel that someone is looking at us in the dark." A Xuan snake Wei says, the line of sight then sweeps toward Qi Tianyu etc. this side, but didn't discover what unusual place.

Qi Tianyu dodged quickly and sighed that it was dangerous. The vigilance of the mysterious snake guard was so high that it was almost exposed.

"Well, there's no one. I think you're just too nervous." Another Xuan snake Wei disdains to say.

There is no one who is free to set foot in this broken place. In addition, how many layers of guards are there on the inner three layers and the outer three layers? Let alone invasion, even an ordinary fly doesn't want to fly in.

After listening to another Xuan snake guard, he feels very reasonable. Recently, he seems to be a little nervous. After all, the new forces cultivated by Emperor heixuan have gradually emerged, and the position of Xuan snake guard, who has been dominating for many years, is in danger

Qi Tianyu and others will not know the little nine in the heart of Xuan snake guard."Boss, even if we know the distribution of these Xuan snake guards, how can we break through the defense of Xuan snake guards and enter the broken temple without any sound?" In the eyes of no dust, this is almost impossible to complete the task.

"It's difficult. If you want to kill all the defending Xuanshe guards, it's a bit too much work." Wuchen has some amazing divine knowledge.

"No, we don't need to face up to these Xuan snake guards. We can go underground. There is no defense of Xuan snake guards underground." Qi Tianyu took out the ground line from the space ring, and then passed on the sound.

The last trip to Aoyue country made Qi Tianyu deeply feel the importance of dixingfu. Qi Tianyu now has the ground running rune, which was made by Qi Tianyu.

Seeing the ground running sign in Qi Tianwan's hand, people's eyes lit up for a moment. How could they forget it.

"I've just explored. There's no defense of xuanshewei in the broken temple. As long as you enter the broken temple and set up a shielding array, you can rest assured to find the entrance of the xuanshewei sub hall."

Although I don't know why the arrangement of the guards is so strange, Qi Tianyu doesn't want to pay attention to it. After all, the guards don't act according to common sense.

Qi Tianyu's voice was transmitted by his divine sense, so he divided the terrain symbols among the people.

The people who pasted the symbol of the earth sank into the ground in an instant. Until then, Qi Tianyu found that things were not as simple as he thought.

In this underground soil layer, the force of taboo has been added one after another, which makes Qi Tianyu and other people's use of the symbols of the earth unable to extend.

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