A gold coin in Daqi is equivalent to 1000 yuan, and a hundred gold coins is 100000 yuan.

One hundred thousand yuan is used to buy their hands and legs. They recover as before. It's too cheap for these big family children.

Well, it may be a little fake.

The young man selected by Qi tuantuan was a little excited at first. After all, Qi tuantuan took out the prescription that shocked xueyidu. His medical skills should not be worse.

However, hearing the price, he hesitated again.

He couldn't help frowning: "this, this... Tuan Tuan, can you really do it?"

Can you walk reluctantly without treatment? After treatment, you will be completely paralyzed, right?

Wang qiuya burst out laughing: "Tuan Tuan, don't dare to make fun of your brothers and sisters! They are all hurt and in great pain. Don't try to torture them!"

Qi Tuan glanced at her unhappily: "Why are you everywhere? Now my father is still there. Don't you pretend to be virtuous and virtuous? Broken cans or something?"

The smile on Wang qiuya's face suddenly twisted and quickly turned to see Qi Zheng. Sure enough, Qi Zheng's face was ugly and his eyes were cold.

Wang qiuya secretly hates her cheap mouth and wants to explain to Qi Zheng, but Qi Zheng has a straight face and says coldly: "you are not allowed to interfere in Tuan Tuan's affairs in the future!"

Wang qiuya slapped her cheek: "brother Zheng!"

If you can't meddle in Qi Tuan's affairs, don't you want her to die?

Qi Zheng looked at her with warning and was about to scold her, but he heard a scream nearby.

Qi Zheng quickly turned his head and saw that Qi Tuan had taken out a strange knife and cut open the young man's leg!

"Ah! What are you doing?" the young man screamed with horror.

In fact, he didn't feel much pain, but it was strange that he didn't scream when he saw his flesh cut open and the broken bone residue in his legs poked and poked over and over.

It's horrible!

The situation in his legs is terrible!

Qi Tuan cut his flesh and blood without shaking his hands. It was even more terrible!

I, am I going to be killed by this little seven? Cut it into pieces and then she collects it for fun?

The young man was frightened by his brain and trembled all over. He couldn't help shouting more and more miserably: "Xiao Qi! Sister Qi! Can I say I'm sorry? Don't bother me anymore! I've said something for you before. Don't play with me like that, will you?"

Qi Tuan's head didn't look up. "I know. If it weren't for this, you think I would save you first?"

The young man's face is white. He is really a little unlucky to accept this honor... Huh? wait!

The young man was suddenly stunned. He looked at Qi Tuan's fingers turning in his flesh and blood, watched his broken bones placed neatly, and then adhered by a strange powder, and his eyes widened.

It was not until his legs were sewn like clothes, and then the severe pain came a little bit. The more the pain was, the more severe it was, that he regained his consciousness, and then cried out with a loud cry.

It hurts. It means the leg is still there!

He stared at his legs in tears and looked up at Qi Tuan from time to time. He could not look at his handsome face now.

Is this NIMA's bloody technique really useful?

Is it because I'm too afraid of being disabled and have hallucinations, or is Qi Tuan really going against the sky?

Qi Tuan Tuan fixed the young man's legs and glanced at him with disgust: "you owe me a hundred gold coins, remember!"

She stood up, clapped her hands, and walked away.

The young man is still wailing, a little dreamy, unable to distinguish the southeast from the northwest.

Qi Zheng glanced at the people with extremely poor faces around him and quickly shouted, "Tuan Tuan!"

You have explained things clearly!

This unlucky child, have you completely abandoned others or cured them?

The face of the three elders is almost black. Do you crazy child see it? If he hadn't been busy saving people, he would have rushed to smoke you now!

Qi Tuan didn't look back, but raised his hand and waved, "Dad, I'm so tired. I'll go back to bed first."

When she was about to go out, she paused slightly at the door and looked down at Qin LiuYe and Qin Yunqing on the stretcher, puffing and laughing.

"Sixth master Qin, you look so handsome!" Qi tuantuan smiled, thumbed up and said sincerely, "I like it very much!"

The sixth master of Qin's face was blue and his masseter muscle was stiff: "Qi Tuan, don't be happy too early! You're involved with the emperor and blood guard. You don't know how to die!"

He sneered: "what kind of good people do you think they are? Small milk dogs that can be played with at will? Wrong! That's a group of mad dogs! From top to bottom!"

Qi tuantuan smiled, but her eyes showed a fierce look. She rushed out and waved: "Xiao 16, remember what Qin sixth Master said, and then go back and tell Xueyi! By the way, what's the crime of slandering the emperor? Do you want to drag it out and cut it?"

Blood sixteen's eyes were cold, and he walked to the sixth master Qin without saying a word. In the frightening eyes of the Qin family, he kicked the sixth master Qin to the ground as soon as he raised his leg.

"To insult the emperor and despise the authority of the monarch is as light as thirty sticks and heavy as beheading."

Xue16 said coldly, and a steel military staff appeared in his hand. After stepping forward and kicking the sixth master Qin's ass up, he slapped it down.

The sixth master of Qin was so ashamed and angry that he screamed, "ah ah! Stop! You stop! Qi Tuan! Don't deceive people too much!"

The pain in his body made him collapse, but the shame in his heart made him faint.

But every time he was conscious of chaos, he would be fiercely awakened by blood 16. He just wanted to faint and avoid embarrassment.

When the last stick fell, Mr. Qin only felt that his whole ass had rotted, and his face was covered with tears and snot.

The thirty sticks were really beaten, which made him feel that his whole lower body had been wasted.

Xue16 coldly accepted the military staff and said faintly: "next time, it won't be such a simple thing!"

He knew what the emperors called them.

Mad dog!

Yes, as long as they don't hear them, they can abuse and curse whatever they want. It's mediocre who won't be envied.

But once they hear it, that's the end.

Blood guard is never afraid of gossip and abuse. How many words can he say after he breaks his teeth and pulls out his tongue?

Qi tuantuan looked piteously at the bloody buttocks of sixth master Qin and smiled like a little fox.

The sixth master of Qin was unlucky. He probably didn't know that among all the people, he and Qin Yunqing were the most seriously injured. Their legs and hands were not only bone necrosis, but also meridians. Unless they were reconnected, they were waiting for a wheelchair!

The sixth master of Qin was flustered by Qi Tuan: "what else do you want to do?"

He didn't find that his voice seemed very sharp, like a girl who was about to be humiliated, with panic.

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