Isn't it a surprise that the special longevity noodles can increase the life of three years?

Jun Jiu couldn't help showing a solemn color on his face.

Unexpectedly, there are gifts!

He didn't dare to ask her how many rare herbs she added to the bowl of noodles, and how much effort and time she spent.

Jun Jiuli felt happy and kind, but he was too stupid to speak.

Seeing this, they held back their laughter and quickly put in stitches.

"Your Highness, what's the taste of this noodles? Is it delicious?"

"What's the last egg?"

"What's that white and tender lotus? Millennium radish?"

"Your Highness, talk about the feeling after eating. What is noodles made of? Does Wannian wheat become essence?"


Everyone's tongue and tongue successfully distorted the atmosphere.

Qi Tuan was so amused by their more and more wonderful problems that he laughed that his little face turned red.

Jun Jiuli was helpless, sat up straight, solemnly searched for words in his brain, and then said in a deep voice: "delicious, very delicious."

People who thought they could hear something amazing: "..." can they salivate well?

Or the lovely Mian Mian and the little Yuanzi of the little adult saved the people: "the future brother-in-law will eat and taste our craft!"

Then they remembered the important play.

"Try this pork tripe ginseng pigeon soup... Tonic!"

"And this chrysanthemum quenched vegetable heart mixed with shrimp... Nourishing and reducing fire!"

"I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm


Listening to the chaotic introduction, Qi Tuan couldn't help laughing.

As an elder, Mr. Liu naturally only needs to eat, but now he is holding chopsticks and finds that he can't do it at all.

He looked at Jun Jiuli strangely, hesitated and said, "little mo, you... Take it easy. Although it's empty, you have to fill it slowly."

Jun · it's too empty to be mended · Jiuli: "..." listen to me, sir!

Qi Tuan Tuan took a chopstick and mixed tofu with shallots. He trembled and stuffed it into the emperor's mouth with red ears. He smiled sweetly: "fill it up quickly. Don't be afraid. I've stewed the soup for reducing fire after dinner. I'm not afraid to make up for nosebleed."

"...." the emperor's muscles were stiff. He was so sweet that he didn't breathe for a long time. He swallowed it whole for a long time and filled himself with a cup of tea.

"Thank you very much." the emperor looked at Qi Fang with an expectant face, thanked him seriously, and then turned to Qi Tuan Tuan and said, "Qi Fang has been working hard recently, so he should use ginseng to make up for it."

Qi Tuan looked at Qi Fang's pale face and nodded: "he's crazy to do things. He has to fly with young waves. He never knows how to keep fit. He really should make up for it."

Jun Jiuli sincerely suggested, "this dish of shallot mixed with tofu is excellent."

Qi tuantuan smiled and handed the plate to the emperor.

Jun Jiuli looked at Qi Fang gently: "you eat more."

As soon as the voice fell, half a plate of shallots and tofu went into Qi Fang's bowl.

Qi Fang was stunned: "... I, I can eat so much?"

Probably the signal was bad. Jun Jiuli didn't receive his question. As soon as he extended his long arm, he put the shallot mixed with tofu in the middle.

"This dish is excellent. Please try it." the emperor said sincerely and seriously, "thank you today. I borrow flowers to offer Buddha."

Qi Mingfeng immediately stretched out his chopsticks foolishly and sweetly. As soon as the tofu entered his mouth, it became stiff, good, sweet!! Onions are sweet!!

The crowd looked at his crazy tea filling and smiled with a smile with a higher IQ.

It's nice to eat longevity noodles. Can you be so generous? Mingfeng, still too young!

The crowd watched Qi Mingfeng and Qi Fang drink tea and frown. They couldn't help laughing.

It's time!

Let you a silly white sweet, one wants to be whole!


They had a noisy meal and commented on each other with a smile. Finally, when the banquet was over, they gave gifts one by one.

Knowing that the emperor would leave Suzhou county to fight against Beijing tomorrow, they tacitly found an excuse to slip away and left the rest of their precious time to this little couple.

Qi Tuan smiles from beginning to end. The warm and sweet smile makes people feel sweet to the bottom of their heart.

Even the deepest sorrow of separation, in front of such warmth, we have to retreat.

Jun Jiuli was pulled by her to open the gift. She was used to seeing rare treasures, but she was strangely packed in front of the large and small boxes in the house. She was accompanied by Qi Tuan. She was inexplicably excited. She could not help laughing when she pulled out a glass bead.

After everything was disassembled, Qi Tuan carefully helped him sort it out and put it away. He was as orderly and serious as a little wife. His mood became more sour, soft and warm, and he was only satisfied.

When I packed up my things, I got together and talked for a while. It was dark.

When Jun Jiuli noticed that the room was dark, he couldn't return to his mind.

Time flies.

He turned and looked at Qi Tuan around him. There were thousands of words in his heart, but he didn't seem to want to say anything. He just wanted to lean quietly with her.

Qi tuantuan smiled and took the emperor's hand and looked at him.

"Elder martial brother, let's go to roll strings."


On the street, in front of the barbecue stand, Jun Jiuli bowed his head, carefully separated the spicy and non spicy kebabs, and waited half with one hand for Qi Tuan to buy sugar and stir fry chestnuts.

Separated by two or three stalls, seeing her smile sweeter than chestnuts, Jun Jiuli suddenly remembered the scene of him and her in the auction house and on the roof when he was still in the imperial capital.

Standing in the dim lights, watching Qi Tuan getting closer and closer, Jun Jiuli couldn't help leaving the barbecue stand and walked towards her quickly.

Rather than waiting, he preferred to try every means to get close to her and guard her.

"Hey! That guest! Hey, that guest! You haven't taken all your things! You haven't paid the money!"

The stall owner yelled in the back and immediately turned the blood surging in the emperor's heart into embarrassment and shyness.

In front of his sweetheart, he always makes a fool occasionally, so stupid that he can't wait to start over.

"I know, I remember. Shut up."

The emperor turned his head with a handsome face, and the cold and solemn momentum came to his face, which suddenly made the anxious stall owner freeze - er, yes, I'm sorry to bother you!

Qi Tuan Tuan fell to the ground with a slap of sugar fried chestnuts in his mouth, holding a warm oil paper bag in one hand and the emperor's sleeve in the other hand.

The night wind blew and gently raised their clothes and wrapped them together.

In the night, the girl in red suddenly stood on tiptoe, leaned over and kissed the cheek of the young man in black.

This shallow kiss like a dragonfly, with the sweet glutinous of sugar fried chestnuts, suddenly made the young man in black holding the roasted string freeze in place and red his ears

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