Seeing that Xiaoyuanzi's eyes were red, and the tears in the big phoenix eyes were about to fall, Qi Tuan Tuan was distressed.

She had intended to give each other some face. After all, she was Xiaoyuanzi's family. She rashly broke in. She could give the child face and just scare him.

However, Qi Tuan Tuan was angered by the other party's attitude of coaxing and intimidating Xiaoyuanzi completely as a child.

These people, from head to foot, didn't realize what Xiaoyuanzi was angry about.

He was angry because he cared about his sister and the other party despised him.

Qi Tuan touched the child's head and looked faintly at the three uninvited guests in the room: "distinguished guests from the upper three states?"

She smiled softly: "I broke into Princess Daqi's room at night with the intention of plotting something wrong... Hehe, I should kill you on the spot."

The three looked slightly changed and all frowned.

If it's just personal grievances, everything is OK to talk about, but once it rises to the chaotang realm and the national level, it really kills them for convenience, then their water family can't do anything else except asking for compensation afterwards.

This is Daqi.

The emperor of Daqi is full of wolves and has a strong sense of domain. He provokes in his absolute domain, especially breaking into the rooms of people with titles at night, which involves a war between states. The emperor must not be afraid.

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "my younger generation is too reckless. Please don't mind, little girl."

Qi Tuan said faintly, "one leg."

The middle-aged man was stunned: "what?"

Qi tuantuan touched Xiaoyuanzi's soft and smooth hair, pulled up the corners of his mouth and looked at the middle-aged man with a smile: "I said, I just want to care, not only care, but I also want to kill him. Unless you break your son's leg."

The middle-aged man's face sank.

Qi Tuan said coolly, "a big man ran into the little girl's room in the middle of the night and put insects... Oh, give me a tracking bug? What are you doing? Just snooping. He still wants to follow? Why is he so shameless?"

She raised her hand and pointed to the ugly young man and said coldly, "he has three legs now. You fight or I fight, choose one. If you don't choose, the princess will set him a crime of coveting my royal Dan Fang of the Qi Dynasty and cut him off immediately!"

The middle-aged man's face sank: "little girl, don't be too unreasonable."

Qi tuantuan sneered and said, "since you know you are impolite, you can make a choice. It's great to go to the three states, but I'm not a counsellor, let you knead!"

After that, he sneered: "this gentleman doesn't think that the whole upper three states are the facade of your family?"

The middle-aged man frowned and remained silent.

He understood Qi Tuan's meaning. Although their water family respected the status of the upper three states, it was unreasonable this time. Other family alliances just wanted to help, but they had no motivation and reason.

But Daqi... Has the ability to influence and even win over some forces in the upper three states to make them act against the water family.

The girl's political consciousness... Is too high! The middle-aged man's heart is slightly heavy, and he knows that if he protects his shortcomings, his business will be difficult.

Qi Tuan said coldly, "I despise you people who have some accomplishments and forces and don't know your last name. Why don't you have time to catch some bandits and practice recklessly when you have time to bully the weak?"

After a pause, he finally concluded: "shameless."

After summing up, he clapped his hands coldly: "if they don't choose half a cup of tea, you can choose it for them!"

The middle-aged man's face was cold and his eyes looked at Qi Tuan. He knew that the girl was not joking.

Although he had something to check, he didn't follow the girl all the way like his son and qiucao. He knew a lot about the girl, but he also read a few big and small things. He knew the girl's decisiveness.

The young girl is young, but she is as powerful as the emperor of Qi. If she grows up completely, she must be a troublesome figure like the emperor in the future.

The middle-aged man took a deep look at the girl. His eyes stayed on her little face very similar to her nephew for a long time. Finally, he sighed in his heart, raised his hand, flashed a sword in the void, and broke the young man's leg.

The subordinates of those people in black around the girl have a secret breath. If they do it, they will be greatly damaged.

The most important thing is, in the final analysis, his son did something wrong and fought with each other. It's not necessary.

"Ah!" the young man groaned with pain, but he clenched his teeth and didn't let himself cry out, let alone resent his father's actions.

He is a cruel man and a smart man. Qi Tuan Tuan glanced thoughtfully at the young man, his face still cold: "well, let's talk about the second problem."

She took out a medicine and threw it to the middle-aged man: "if you don't lift the medicine, the prescription is three years. You can give it to him."

The young man's feigned calm face suddenly became angry.

The autumn grass on the ground has raised eyes: "you are presumptuous!"

"Presumptuous?" Qi Tuan smiled coldly, raised his hand and slapped him down: "I think you are really presumptuous!"

"Ah!" the autumn grass screamed, and her face was crooked.

The middle-aged man twisted his eyebrows and looked down at the medicine in his hand. His eyes flashed and didn't say a word.

"Third Master! Third master, you can't watch this woman trample on the young master!" qiucao cried bitterly.

The middle-aged man frowned and said nothing.

Qi Tuan said coldly, "I have a small one in my stomach. I think I'm golden and noble. I don't remember whose servant girl I am, do I?"

This time, the middle-aged man's face completely changed: "Shui Qiming! What's going on?"

This time, qiucao has been with his son and nephew. Yuan'er is still young. In my opinion, only my son can do this!

The younger brother's servant girl's belly is enlarged... Is this something that a serious person can do?

The young man's face changed slightly, pursed his lips and said, "Dad, my son doesn't know."

Qiucao stared in horror: "young master!"

The middle-aged man turned around a few times and his face was as black as the bottom of the pot: "Shui Qiming! You'd better explain all your stupid things to me, otherwise you don't have to go back to Shui home with me!"

The young man then changed his face, brushed his lips white and said, "Dad, I was confused for a moment. Indeed, I did hide some things from my father. When I was in the inn, I was calculated to talk to qiucao... Yuaner lost it at that time."

His face was ugly: "it was a cowardly child who dared not admit his mistake. Dad, the child is willing to go back and get the family law twice. Please don't drive the child away from the water house!"

The middle-aged man didn't expect to hear this, and his face turned red

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