As they walked, they said that Xueyi briefly introduced the situation of Mexico City. Qi Tuan's small face turned red and wanted to kiss her emperor immediately. Thank him for worrying about her.

Qiu baiqiu Ze and others who followed him became more and more dizzy. They looked at each other and felt that they had no foundation in their hearts.

The Emperor... Is he too obsessed with Tuan Tuan?

I'm afraid it's not an ulterior motive. Do you have his intention?

If so, the old vinegar of the ink King's jar should be lifted to the sky!

... this cliff is the rhythm of fighting!

People are worried. Won't Mormon be divided by these two?

Qi Fang, as the only one in the group who knew the truth, had a sense of superiority in intelligence. When he heard Xueyi say that the inner city was still empty and was reserved for the people of Mormon, his eyes lit up.

"I'm alone. I don't need a separate residence. Tuan Tuan, I'll just leave a courtyard in your city master's house!"

Occupy first and get first. No matter how big the city Lord's house is, it can't hold them. There are many people and less land!

"I also live with my sister, not in the yard, just in the guest room." he said softly, the second occupying a seat.

Qi Fang and Mianmian occupied the seat so cleverly, and the people who were slow in the back hurriedly booked it. The confusion in their hearts was ignored.

Qi Tuan was amused by their special method of diverting attention. He shook his head angrily. Except Qi Fang and Mianmian, no one answered.

"We'll talk about catching people first and dividing the land later!" Qi Tuan Tuan smiled, got off his horse and swept up the steps in front of the gate of the city master's house.

Everyone raised their eyebrows one by one: "it's better to see who plays the most strange, who will pick the place first!"

Qi Tuan turned to look at the crowd, smiled with flying eyebrows and eyes, and said, "that's a good idea! Hold a meeting first, and after the meeting, show your powers, everyone!"

Everyone laughed and rubbed their hands.

Blood led the way with a smile. The hostility accumulated over this period of time turned into warmth with these bright and clean laughter.

Sure enough, it's good to be a girl, that is, even searching for scum and arresting perverts can make people feel happy and get rid of the depressed atmosphere a little bit!

Think about the past two years, the whole imperial capital has been under heavy pressure because of renovation and innovation. The atmosphere of dark clouds is really relieved, and the rare mood is very happy.

With a smile in his eyes, he led the way into the study. As soon as he was sad, he let Qi Tuan out. All his subordinates stood up and saluted with great momentum.

"See you, Lord!"

The people looked at Qi Tuan with burning eyes and wanted to know how the young princess and city Lord were going to deal with this emergency.

Since Fang Liu and others were born in the natural medicine bureau that makes good use of poisonous insects, the deeper they hide now, the greater the threat to the safety of the whole city of Mexico. Therefore, how to catch people without allowing them to coerce the whole people of Mexico has become the top priority.

"Please sit down," Qi Tuan, with clear eyes, strode to the main seat, sat down, and came straight to the point: "time is pressing, so I'll just say my plan!"

Have you figured out a way so soon? The crowd was slightly stunned, and then hurriedly joined in unison.

Three quarters of an hour later, the party came out in a trance. Half of them had a big bag in their hands and hurried to find someone to dig a pit. The other half was so excited that his face turned red and went to inform the military personnel to seal the city immediately.

The blood sent Qi Tuan Tuan to the main courtyard to change the princess's imperial dress, rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes: "I always feel that today's plan is a little familiar."

Xue16 replied, "brother, it's a flower planting strategy used by Lizhou county. The girl said that it's not important to use any routine. It doesn't matter if you use it several times. It's ok if it works."

"Flower planting plan..." the blood was drawn slightly from the corners of his mouth, and he had a deep understanding of Qi Tuan's naming and abolishing again.

Xue16 carefully explained: "in the past two years, the girl has thoroughly studied the insects and poisons used by the natural medicine bureau to contain her subordinates, and has developed a special pollen to attract insects and poisons.

Now these flowers are intermittently refined by the girl in the past two years. They can grow quickly by watering them with Lingli and special potions. When the wind blows and the pollen disperses, those people will show their original shape. "

Blood cried and laughed: "show the original shape... It's not a monster becoming a spirit."

He patted the forehead of xue16: "don't look at the small story book. Don't look at the optical girl. The girl looks at the small story book to make herself more intelligent and unparalleled. If you don't reach this level, you will only make yourself more and more dirty, you know?"

Although he said so, Xueyi felt very secure in his heart - the natural medicine bureau was too mysterious. He felt flustered when his master was there. He was more relieved when there were girls guarding in the imperial capital.

Look at the way girls fight strange... They are still updated with the change of years!

Xue16 hesitated to look at Xueyi and always felt that he was bluffing himself, but Xueyi looked serious, his eyes were sincere and loving, which was no different from the past.

"I see, big brother." xue16 nodded obediently, silently restrained his love for the small story book, took out a bottle of pollen and gave it to xue1: "this is a more powerful upgraded and purified version of pollen. Drink it to show its original shape... Let the poisonous insects run out."

Xueyi's smile became more and more loving and gratified: "good boy." everyone knew to leave good things for big brother.

During the laughter, Qi Tuan had changed the princess's imperial clothes and came out.

She had an amazing momentum. With this noble dress, she was ten meters and eight meters in an instant.

All of the Mohist people who were sorting out their weapons could not help but stand upright, like other soldiers in the military parade. They all stood deep and cold as a knife.

"Let's go," Qi Tuan said in a deep voice and took the lead out of the city master's house.

At that time, the management organization of the whole Mexico City had been fully operational, with soldiers facing the street and the city gate closed.

All the people who came in and out were frightened by the sudden battle. Even if they had complaints, they didn't dare to move easily.

Qi Tuan went directly to the city tower and began to announce the first order of the city Lord from a commanding position.

"Next, the city will be closed for three days and a curfew will be imposed."

As for the interpretation of the city Lord's order, Qi Tuan said so.

"Because a poisonous monster named Tian was found near the water source of Mexico City and polluted the water source, the whole city must be under martial law and detoxified!"

When the emperor heard the news, he heard Qi Tuan say such a monster called "heaven". Others were still confused about which "Tian". He had already reacted and was instantly amused.

The naughty devil is still so narrow-minded. Even looking for a reason to seal the city, he should give Fang Liu and others the name of "bastard", so that everyone should scold them openly!

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