It's hard to guard against thieves day and night.

At that time, Empress Dowager Xianjing and Empress Dowager were the direct sisters of a mother's compatriots. They lost their mother when they were young, and their father was busy with Korean affairs. Therefore, they had been dependent on each other and had a close relationship since childhood. Who would have thought that Yunmeng could be so cruel?

I'm afraid that the Empress Dowager Xianjing didn't finally know the two people's heart and lungs until she was sent back to the wolf's nest by her own sister and her husband at the last minute.

However, the events of that year have been too long, and there has long been no evidence left.

Even these truths were just a few whispers from Fang Liu's ears.

Qi Tuan frowned and his heart was full of depression: "what else haven't you said?"

Fang Liu shook his head desperately with bloody mouth and nose: "it's really gone! We're lurking in Mammy's house. We only know that the contacts of Mammy's house are those who need to use other contacts. The seal will be arranged. Asking more questions will die."

It has been a single line connection for decades. He knows less than he does.

Qi Tuan looked at Jun Jiuli and said, "he should have no reservation."

Fang Liu nodded desperately: "I really said what I know! Kill me! Don't torture me anymore!"

Jun Jiuli looked at him coldly. After closing his eyes for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "come."

The blood spirit in black quietly appeared three meters away, quietly waiting for his order.

Jun Jiuli looked at Qi Tuan: "sorry, I can't kill him yet."

Qi Tuan chuckled: "don't worry, I didn't play with him. I just promised him that when he finished what he should say, I would give him a happy one. Everyone will give him the same happiness."

As for what Fang Liu just said, it was just his unilateral imagination.

This square flow, after enjoying the capital punishment for two quarters of an hour, has been very attentive.

Jun Jiuli immediately breathed a sigh of relief and pressed down the idea of giving preferential treatment to the prisoners. He said something to the blood spirit in a deep voice, and then raised his hand to connect Fang Liu.

The cold psychic force swished into Fang Liu's body, ran around and frozen along Fang Liu's meridians, and turned him into a useless man in an instant.

Fang Liu's eyes were about to crack: "Qi Tuan! You must die! You promised me, you..."

Before he finished his hate words, he was frozen by the emperor's look.

Jun Jiuli said coldly, "when you have played your last role, I will give you a pleasure. Don't make noise, otherwise..."

He didn't finish, but Fang Liu was frightened by his terrible eyes, his mind was blank, and the whole person was a little dull.

"Take people down, and when you catch the rest of the party, you will escort them back to the palace openly." Jun Jiuli ordered Xueling in a deep voice.

"Yes!" the blood spirit responded, picked up the square flow, and soon disappeared.

Qi tuantuan thought, "do you want to lead the snake out of the cave?"

Jun Jiuli's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat tired: "the cloud family is a millennium family, and it is also a relic of ancient times. The family history is longer than some big families in the last three states. No one knows the number of Linghuang in their family so far."

Therefore, even if his cultivation is enough to crush the people, if he really breaks his face with the cloud family, the whole Qi will fall into chaos.

The upper three states have always been eyeing the major forces of the middle three states and the lower three states, hoping to develop them into their affiliated countries.

The cloud family also contributed to the fact that Daqi has the status that even the three states are afraid of today.

Although some people in the cloud family cooperate with the natural medicine bureau, the loyal and patriotic people still account for the majority. Even fighting with him is just a natural opposition between the aristocratic family and the imperial power.

Jun Jiuli doesn't want to kill the whole cloud family with a stick because of a cloud dream, and make his country a sea of fire, giving people an opportunity to make Daqi a livestock enclosure for others.

Jun Jiuli whispered his scruples and concerns. Finally, he touched Qi Tuan's head: "I can't let Daqi have an accident in his position."

After all, he was not the first emperor and Yunmeng. He couldn't do anything to mess up the whole Qi for his own interests.

Qi Tuan Tuan took his big hand, rubbed his cheek, smiled and said, "you're right! All the people of Daqi are proud of you and are your loyal fans. As your father, it's your natural responsibility to protect them!"

After a pause, her small face was slightly red: "I will soon be the mother of the country. Naturally, I will protect our people with you!"

People who always want to realize their social values and assume their social responsibilities, regardless of anything, are called social scum.

Jun Jiuli loved Qi Tuan very much. She couldn't help kissing her eyebrows and hugged her in her arms.

But no matter how reluctant, he had to let go.

Qi Tuan Tuan poked his back: "we've been out for a long time. We have to go back and deal with the rest of the Little Wang ba."

Most importantly, now that we know that the most important thing of natural medicine bureau is blood, we must find out what this blood can do.

Qi Tuan held Jun Jiuli's big hand and said seriously, "don't worry. Since they study blood, they can use the power of blood as a stove tripod and test object. We'll do the opposite and let them suffer."

Jun Jiuli immediately grasped the key point she said: "do you want to stimulate the power of blood?"

Qi Tuan nodded solemnly: "everyone is born to be a man, he has the power he should enjoy. No one is qualified to insult and trample them like cattle, horses, pigs and sheep."

She said seriously: "the way of medicine can not only cure the sick and save people, but also strengthen people's health and stimulate their potential. The original intention of the earliest herbalist was to change the practitioner's physique, prolong human life and enable human beings to more effectively resist the dangers of nature?

If we make good use of this blood power, we can make these people strong quickly and become their own help. When they are completely strong, people in the natural medicine bureau will have to weigh them if they want to catch them again. "

Only one day to catch a thief, how can you guard against thieves all day?

Since the natural medicine bureau is pervasive and the background is mysterious, it's better to fundamentally solve the problem - as long as the test objects targeted by the natural medicine bureau are extremely strong, the people of the natural medicine bureau will only stretch out their hands once and be cut off once!

In this way, the role of hunters and prey is reversed, which is faster and more fierce than outsiders like them catching mice everywhere.

Jun Jiuli slipped a smile in his eyes: "I also have this intention."

His eyes narrowed slightly and he said in a deep voice: "not only that, I also have to start classes in national ethnic universities. From children, I will popularize the harmful tricks of the natural medicine bureau, prevent and control it by the whole people, and make the natural medicine bureau a street mouse!"

Since it is necessary to catch rats in a large area, the effect of everyone's participation is the best.

As for the panic brought by such a clear world, Jun Jiuli believes that as long as the hall of Qi Dynasty is still one day, the iron horse is still one day, and He Jun Jiuli is still one day, the people will have a bottom in their hearts and they can appease!

Qi Tuan Tuan blinked. Hearing this, he couldn't help puffing.

This method of fighting evil in the whole country is really fast, accurate and cruel.

If you want to destroy harm, you must let everyone know its harm!

Great! My emperor is really worthy of being a fierce man who can spread the name of Qi to the three states!

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