As soon as Qi Tuan came back, he caught a big fish and made great achievements. The emperor received him personally, and issued a decree of praise on the spot and rewarded several cars of Zhenbao. Even the imperial lords present at that time were grateful to Qi Tuan.

When the news reached the cining palace, Empress Dowager Yunmeng couldn't help but crush the teacup in her hand, and the warm and fragrant tea flowed all over the ground in an instant.

The little maidservant who came to report the news was stunned and trembled on her knees. She only dared to touch the ground with her forehead.

Sitting aside, the second princess, Jun minglan, flashed her eyes slightly, took out her handkerchief with a smile and carefully wiped the tea stains on the Empress Dowager's hands.

She asked softly, "why is the empress suddenly so angry? Her clothes are dirty. Will your daughter go to the inner room to change clothes with her mother?"

Seeing that the Empress Dowager had agreed, he turned and told the little maid in waiting: "don't go to fetch water and wait on the empress mother to clean her hands and change clothes!"

"Yes, I'll go now!" when the little maid saw the Empress Dowager nodding, she immediately thanked junminglan and went out in a hurry.

Junminglansa straightened and gently shook the Empress Dowager's hand: "empress mother, quickly press your spirit. It hurts your daughter!"

The Empress Dowager smiled and angrily said "you", so she took away her anger, and Jun minglan helped her into the inner room to change her clothes.

When he changed his clothes and waited on the Empress Dowager to clean his hands, and there were only mother and daughter left in the inner room, Jun minglan smiled and asked, "empress mother, this Fang Liu... But your confidant? Why did he suddenly run to Mexico City? Didn't the interior office say that it was a spy?"

The Empress Dowager smiled: "your heart has played with your mother. Do you want to talk?"

Jun minglan bit her lip: "empress mother! Daughter, this is about you! My nine brothers like to find fault most. If he uses fangliu to frame you..."

The Empress Dowager smiled faintly and said, "well, don't ask if you shouldn't ask. The empress mother is tired and wants to rest. Go back."

Jun minglan's eyes were dignified: "empress mother, my daughter can really help you! You and your brother are my closest relatives. You are worried about my ninth brother, the emperor. Ninth brother doesn't know that you and your brother are good to him!"

The Empress Dowager's eyes were warm: "I know you are more and more promising over the years. If you really need to use you, AI family will not be polite to you."

Jun minglan struck while the iron was hot: "the empress mother, the thing I told you before..."

The Empress Dowager frowned, remained silent for a moment, and said, "well, since you have asked for it several times, I will promise you."

Junminglan was overjoyed: "thank you, empress mother! She still loves her daughter and brother!"

The Empress Dowager smiled lovingly. After she was excited, she warned: "since it's a big thing to do, play and don't act rashly, so that people can detect the clue. Let Mu Yan's child be more calm and don't bother Qi Tuan for the time being. Understand?"

Jun minglan quickly looked solemn and said seriously, "don't worry, mother! We've been planning for a long time. Now mother is willing to help, so she will only be more cautious and careful to ensure that everything is safe! Mu Yan will be restrained, and he knows how to be measured!"

Her eyebrows and eyes were all smiling: "it's great that the queen mother can figure it out! This is a matter in the imperial palace. Without your help, where can we do it?"

She hugged the Empress Dowager intimately, lowered her voice and said, "don't worry, empress mother. Even if it's a change of day, it's also my brother in power. You're still the most noble woman in Daqi!"

The Empress Dowager smiled: "well, Jiuli is not as easy to deal with as you think. This opportunity is rare. Don't miss it, otherwise..."

Her smile was a little cold: "if you fail, you will feel sorry for your family. I'm afraid you have to face up with Jiuli. You have to live and die."

Jun minglan nodded with a smile: "I know! Don't worry about my mother! My nine brothers are not the King Kong who was not bad before. He is now the one who wants to get a wife!"

The Empress Dowager smiled and pinched her face: "well, go quickly and make arrangements early so as not to have a long dream."

Junminglan said proudly, "don't worry, mother!"

As soon as Jun minglan left, behind the screen came an old mammy with a charitable face: "Miss, do you really want to fool around with the princess?"

The Empress Dowager lowered her eyes and said faintly, "it's not that AI family wants to fool around with children, but Jiuli that child. This is to force AI family to admit its mistake with him!"

The old lady said in a deep voice, "Miss, that stream doesn't necessarily know what happened that year."

The Empress Dowager smiled: "nanny, I know the child's temperament better than anyone. He is a good child. Even if his sister has only taken care of him for three years, he can remember it all his life."

So ah, if Fang Liu hadn't talked about her deal with the natural medicine bureau in those years, at present, Fang Liu should enter the prison of the interior government, not the prison directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor.

This is waiting for her to kill herself!

So, she has no way back!

The Empress Dowager sighed slightly: "nanny, AI's luck is not good. She was turned over by a little girl's film. In the final analysis, AI's family was still too single and helpless.

If the AI family were just like her sister, and she was the queen, she could spend a lot of money, ask her brother to talk about feelings for the AI family, and clean up Fang Liu and others who knew that the AI family was the goal of the natural medicine bureau. "

Her gentle and delicate beauty's face showed a sad and sad look of regret. Obviously, she was thinking about the most vicious things, but her eyes were always clear and clean, innocent and wronged.

The old mammy felt distressed and said, "it's the eldest lady who is too selfish and never really thought about it for her! Miss Mingming was also a childhood sweetheart with the former Emperor, but she occupied the post of empress emperor herself, leaving her lonely and helpless, and was watched by the natural medicine bureau!"

The Empress Dowager wept and said, "nanny, Xiao Jiu doesn't even want me to touch the power of the harem. The Empress Dowager hasn't decided yet, but Feng Yin has forced me to return it.

Now something like Fang Liu has happened again. I... I'm afraid I won't fight back again. He doesn't know when he will kill me in this Ci Ning palace and report my death!

Although I'm sorry for my sister, although I know that even if the cloud family supports my son, it's also to coerce the emperor to make the princes, I have to take advantage of Xiaojiu's reform, which caused a concussion in the hall, and join hands with minglan at Xiaojiu's wedding... "

She didn't finish her words, but the old lady fully understood what she meant - not only to cooperate with the princess, but also to do her best!

The old Mammy's face showed a loving and firm look: "don't worry, miss! The old slave understands what the young lady means. The old slave will arrange the follow-up. At that time, he will hit the target with one blow!"

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