Huang Ming solemnly pierced her self comfort after seeing that Huang Yanran was getting more and more sharp and frowning slightly.

At that time, the battle between Qi Tuan and Qin Yunqing had become white hot.

From the initial temptation to each other, they all tried their best without reservation. Although they all breathed quickly and worked hard, their moves didn't slow down at all, but faster and faster.

Qin Yunqing was shocked to this extent.

Qi Tuan really used her strength to prove that she is a strong person worthy of respect!

This strength not only refers to her cultivation, but also refers to her mind.

When their weapons collided with each other, Qin Yunqing said in a deep voice, "if you've always been so strong, we won't come to this point!"

He stared at Qi Tuan tightly: "why? Why did you hide before?"

He never believed that a person's character can become so earth shaking, so the truth can only be hidden by Qi Tuan.

Qi Tuan said coldly, "whether to respect a person is always linked to his own moral level, not to the strength of the other party. Qin Yunqing, do you know what you call this?"

Knowing that the answer must be bad, Qin Yunqing still couldn't help asking, "what's your name?"

Qi Tuan sneered: "snobbish!"

When you are weak, I trample on you.

When you're good, I respect you.

The law of the jungle is a natural rule. Yes, but the quality of personal cultivation has nothing to do with strength.

When she first met the emperor, her cultivation was just a mole ant in the emperor's view. If he wanted to kill himself and drink blood, he just raised his hand.

But the other party never had this intention. He chose to return the favor rather than bully.

Therefore, a person's morality has nothing to do with the people he gets along with, but only with himself.

Qin Yunqing pursed his lips: "the world is like this. Why do you just force me?"

He sneered: "is your elder martial brother an honest man who has never done anything bullying?"

"You think so much! Whether you are good or bad has nothing to do with me?" Qi Tuan cut people apart with a knife and said coldly: "but you're right. My elder martial brother is really a gentleman. Others will dump you for nine blocks!"

Jun · gentleman · Jiuli: "... Wan, never thought that Tuan Tuan spoke highly of me!

People sitting behind the Emperor: "..." a big man is always shy! Don't pretend to be serious when you are shy? Momentum, please stop!

Everyone was crying and laughing, so they heard a loud bang on the stage, and then a dark shadow flew down from the stage, whizzing and directly inserted into the bluestone bricks under the stage.

It's Qi Tuan's ink knife!

Qin Yunqing stared at Qi Tuan coldly, breathing heavily and shaking his arms.

In his hand, the long sword made a slight click. In the blink of an eye, it broke into a cutting edge and "Dangdang" fell to the ground.

"Qi Tuan, you are very powerful, but I can't let you win." Qin Yunqing said in a deep voice, threw the sword handle on the ground, raised his hand on his waist, shook his hand, and a new long sword appeared in his hand.

Qi Tuan's eyes were slightly frozen and narrowed: "you've already planned."

She glanced at Qin Yunqing's trembling arm and had to praise Qin Yunqing. Qin Yunqing was so calculating that she didn't lose her mind.

Her attack methods have been influenced by previous lives. She always pays attention to speed, accuracy and ruthlessness on the basis of strength. For her, ink knife is the most popular weapon at present.

In a short time, it is impossible to find a weapon with terrible weight and strong enough.

Most importantly, as early as before going on stage, in order to prevent cheating, both sides put all their space instruments under the stage, and even didn't bring half of the pills.

In this case, Qin Yunqing lost eight hundred of her weapons, but she was already prepared. Then she had to deal with the white blade empty handed.

Qin Yunqing, however, had corpse poison on his body, so even if his hand bones had been injured and his combat power had been sharply reduced, he was still in a weak position.

Looking at Lingli's sudden turn of color, Qin Yunqing with fierce eyes scolded many people under the stage.

"How shameless!"

"This is premeditated!"

"Isn't it cheap to lie in a trough? What's that on him? Poison gas?"

"If Qi Tuan doesn't have weapons, he can only fight hard. If he gets hurt, he will die?"


On the emperor's side, everyone looked cold and grim, and the murderous spirit spread from the bottom of their eyes.

The Huang family and the Qin family were all relieved and relaxed.

Qi Tuan Tuan moved his numb wrist and squinted at Qin Yunqing for a moment. Unexpectedly, he hooked his lips and smiled.

Qin Yunqing's face sank: "Qi Tuan, you can admit defeat now!"

Qi Tuan Tuan moved his wrist: "Qin Yunqing, did I tell you to play with poison? I'm your ancestor?"

Qin Yunqing's face suddenly became gloomy: "Qi Tuan! Don't look too high and delay your life!"

Qi Tuan Tuan smiled lazily: "Qin Yunqing, your move is really cheap, but still that sentence, play poison with me? You're crazy!"

When she said that, her toes came straight to her.

Qin Yunqing's eyes were fierce, and he lifted his sword and chopped it down.


The long sword easily cut into Qi Tuan's neck, but Qin Yunqing was not happy at all, but his eyes became more and more dignified.

Another remnant!

Qi Tuan's speed is at least twice as fast as before!


The position in the middle of his back was severely hit. Qin Yunqing staggered forward for two steps. Kan Kan stood firm with a dignified look in his eyes.

People in the foundation period can be so fast!

And Qi Tuan's strength has not weakened at all!

He took a deep breath, stared at Qi Tuan who was close to him again, concentrated and cut down with a sword.

However, it was cut empty again!


Almost at the moment when the remnant was cut, Qin Yunqing had a stomachache and was attacked again.

He frowned, swept his sword across his chest and retreated quickly.

Qi Tuan was forced to retreat. His figure appeared three meters in front of Qin Yunqing's face like a ghost. He was doing a backward movement.

"Too fast!"

"I, I can barely see a vague track!"

"Is the foundation building period so powerful now? I'm higher than Qi Tuan. Unexpectedly, I'm not sure I can catch her!"

The people on the stand were stunned. Many experts whose level was much higher than that of the foundation period couldn't help straightening their backs, leaning forward, staring at the stage intently, and couldn't be separated from other things.

Qin Yunqing slowly settled his mind in the exclamation of the crowd and tried to find Qi Tuan's trace, but he was almost every time.





Qin Yunqing was constantly hit. In less than a quarter of an hour, Qi Tuan took care of all the acupoints around him, but he never showed a look of decadence or panic.

When the acupoint on his right shoulder was hit hard, the soft sword in his hand drew an arc and fell down the challenge arena hard, he finally couldn't help kneeling on the ground and smiled

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