From Qin Yunqing flying Qi Tuan's weapon, to his ingenious calculation to cut Qi Tuan's arm, so that she could not use her spiritual power, and then to Qi Tuan's fierce counterattack to beat Qin Yunqing down, it was just a blink of an eye.

Before Huang Yanran on the stand could be happy, Qi Tuan became a strong and publicized winner, and then was carried away.

Even if the young man in black was cold, everyone could see that he took care of Qi Tuan carefully. It seemed that he was holding not a violent woman, but a fragile peerless treasure.

Huang Yanran can't accept this reversal at all.

"Can't use spiritual power to win?"

"It's impossible! Cheat! Qi Tuan must be cheating!"

"She's got poison gas! She's going to die soon! How can Qi Tuan win? It's not fair!"

Huang Yanran tore the handkerchief to pieces and saw Qin Yunqing's parents rush to see her son. Then she remembered and came forward.

She hurriedly pushed away the people in front of her and hurriedly pushed over: "how's your cousin? Uncle and aunt, Qi Tuan must have cheated! It must be!"

"You cheat! Your whole family cheat!" Hong Luan cried behind Qi Mingfeng with red eyes.

"Yes! It's your mistress cheating! My sister relies on her own fist!" Qi Li's face was small and his eyes were full of anger.

"Bad woman! Don't talk nonsense just because you are pregnant! If you slander my sister Tuan Tuan again, I will fight pregnant women!" she shrank timidly beside Liu Yuan with fierce eyes.

Qiu Tian didn't say anything. He just looked at Huang Yanran coldly, and his eyes were full of search for her black material.

The four girls' film is a big play. The others were very angry. At this moment, Huang Yanran was so angry that she turned white, but her lips trembled and couldn't speak. She was immediately amused.

But soon, they remembered Qi Tuan Tuan's previous situation and immediately raised their face: "referee! Come to a conclusion! We are anxious to go back to see the injured!"

Finally, the referee, who was remembered by the public, was about to speak, but was interrupted by Huang Yanran: "Qi Tuan ran away before announcing the result! She was poisoned and couldn't live today. She lost!"

All the Murphy people immediately glared angrily.

Qi Fang sneered and said, "Mr. Huang, your daughter's mood is uncertain during pregnancy. Do you really mind? Talk nonsense and play tricks again. I don't mind letting her die!"

Huang Ming breathed slowly and shouted, "Yan Ran! Come back!"

Now the winner or loser has been decided. If we continue to fool around like this, it will only make Yunqing's reputation worse and worse.

His daughter doesn't know how important it is and doesn't have any rules anymore!

Huang Yanran's eyes were red: "Dad! You just watched your cousin being bullied by them?"

Qin Yu lightly patted the folds on his clothes and impatiently interrupted the farce: "it was agreed before that landing was a loss. Why? Do you want to cheat?"

Although his voice was not loud, it suddenly made everyone dare not speak.

Huang Yanran wanted to talk, but Qin Yunqing's mother Liu Xu covered her mouth: "the Regent misunderstood. If you lose, you lose. We Yunqing can afford to lose!"

She smiled bitterly: "Tuan Tuan was once my favorite child. Although there is no fate and can't be a family, we Qin family will do what we promised her."

Qin Yu "hissed" and smiled. Yanli's eyebrows and eyes were full of a farce: "if you lose, you lose. What's so nice to say? It's your Qin family who is sorry for Qi Xiaoqi, not Qi Xiaoqi who is sorry for your scum man!"

Liu Xu's face was stiff.

Qin Yu said coldly, "when Qi Xiaoqi made a bet with you, he was impatient that you tried to rob them of Mohism by relying on the original schemer's fake marriage letter, and had to deal with your hypocrisy every day.

Now Qi Xiaoqi has won. According to the agreement, in the future, no one in the Qin family is allowed to mention that you have something to do with her! Understand? Don't call the word "Tuan Tuan" again in the future. If you have to get together, just call the princess or city Lord! "

He sneered: "you should have self-esteem. Don't kill yourself!"

Then he looked up at the referee: "it's your turn to speak."

The referee was so shocked by Qin Yu that he hurried forward and said in a deep voice: "Qin Yunqing duels with Qi Tuan, Qi Tuan wins!"

"It's not fair!" yelled Huang Yanran.

The referee said coldly, "Miss Huang has doubts about the judgment of our Kyushu arena? If so, you can go through the procedure to appeal. Miss Huang only needs to provide relevant evidence.

Just one thing, if after the audit, it is found that the referee is fair and there is no doubt about the outcome of the duel, then it will be regarded as Miss Huang making trouble in my Kyushu arena... Miss Huang, are you ready to bear the consequences? "

"I... I..." Huang Yanran's face was full of anger. She wanted to say that you were obviously bribed by Qi Tuan. Isn't Meng Xiu, the person in charge, the person Qi Tuan knows?

But before she could say anything, she was coldly stopped by catkins: "Yan Ran! If you make mischief again, you won't go to the door of the Qin family in the future!"

Huang Yanran turned pale: "aunt!"

Willow catkins said in a deep voice: "Yan Ran, I said, Yunqing admits to losing the bet. If you continue to make trouble, it will only make Yunqing famous as a scoundrel, okay?"

Seeing that Huang Yanran looked dispirited and Huang Ming looked very ugly, she eased her look: "my aunt knows that you are for your cousin's good and good child. Taking good care of yourself is the greatest help to your cousin, you know?"

Huang Yanran blushed, nodded obediently and said nothing.

The catkins looked relaxed and turned to look at Qin Yu, but they only saw a back - they got the result they wanted and left immediately!

The catkins trembled with anger.

These people!

These people have completely ignored the Qin family and the Huang family! She didn't pay attention to her son!

Willow catkins tightly hugged Qin Yunqing and bit her teeth so that she didn't cry. She turned her head and stared at Qin Bang: "husband! Husband! I only have Yunqing! I only have Yunqing now!"

Qin Bang had never seen willow catkins look so embarrassed and fragile. Looking at his son who vomited blood and fainted, he immediately mourned.

He firmly held the catkins' hand, red eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I won't let them bully your mother and son like this! We yunshuang... Won't die in vain!"

His eyes burst with all-out light, and he closed his lips tightly. He had been hesitant before. Now he abandoned them all and became a resolution full of hatred.

Since Mo men humiliated the Qin family by relying on the emperor and alchemy, he should go out at the request of the second princess's house and destroy Qi Tuan's two dependencies!

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