Jun Jiuli doesn't like Shui Yang and is full of doubts about his level of care, but Xiaoyuanzi wants to correct his father's name, but Jun Jiuli doesn't stop it, but puts on a look of listening.

Shui Qiyuan pursed his lips: "Dad dealt with the traitor at home. In order to hurry, he took me out in a hurry, but on the way, we met several assassinations."

He said in a solemn voice: "my father had the opportunity to catch people several times. At that time, there was evidence to clean up my second uncle, but my father was worried that I was in a hurry and gave up."

He said seriously: "Dad is very reliable. As long as he promises, he will do his best!"

Shui Yang had never heard his son praise him so much. He was flattered for a moment.

Afraid that Jun Jiuli regarded his son as a child and didn't believe his son's words, he quickly looked at Jun Jiuli, but was surprised to find that the young man not only believed his son's words, but also apologized.

The water raised his eyebrows slightly, and the fundus of his eyes slowly floated a solemn color.

By now, he had fully understood why his son liked the two people in front of him - they put their son in an equal position to talk and trust from beginning to end!

"I was preconceived and misunderstood your father." Jun Jiuli seriously apologized to Xiaoyuanzi, and then solemnly apologized to Shuiyang: "I misunderstood my predecessors before. I'm sorry."

So generous, sincere and serious, there is no so-called good face of young people.

Shui Yang shook his head and said "no harm". He looked at Jun Jiuli seriously and asked in a deep voice, "how old are you this year? Look at your cultivation, isn't it a tender old immortal?"

Jun Jiuli's cold and Su expression cracked inch by inch. The stimulation of being poked into the lung tube twisted his rare cheek muscles for a moment.

He was much bigger than Qi Tuan, which was the weakness he couldn't poke, but the man in front of him not only robbed him again and again, but also nearly pierced his lung tubes.

Jun Jiuli was silent for a long time and said coldly, "no elder!"

After he said this, he didn't want to look at Shui Yang any more and held Qi Tuan's hand: "let's go back first."

The rare appearance of emotional exposure made Qi Tuan want to laugh, but seeing that he really cared, he immediately smiled and became distressed.

She held Jun Jiuli's hand in her backhand and shook it comfortingly: "wait for me for a moment, I'll check and make sure there's no problem there, and we'll go back!"

Jun Jiuli saw a smile in his eyes, nodded and released his hand.

Qi Tuan nodded slightly to Shui Yang, and then walked quickly towards the morgue.

Xiaoyuanzi hesitated for a moment, gently pushed Shuiyang, and then followed up.

Shuiyang looked at the back of the big one and the small one running away, laughing, and his eyes involuntarily showed a bit of grief and cold.

Jun Jiuli looked into his eyes and asked in a straight and deep voice, "are you really not Tuan Tuan's biological father?"

"No..." Shui Yang shook his head, and then quickly found the problem from Jun Jiuli's words: "listen to your meaning, there is a problem with the life experience of this little Tuanzi?"

Jun Jiuli stared at him closely: "there's a problem. She should have a biological father from a huge force. This person may also be proficient in the art of refining utensils, and even the realm has reached perfection."

Shui Yang frowned and asked, "is it refining? How old is she this year?"

Jun Jiuli said in a deep voice, "eighteen years old, my birthday just passed six days ago."

"Eighteen... Eighteen..." Shui Yang whispered at this age. The light in his eyes quickly faded, shook his head slightly and said in a dumb voice: "no, she is not my child. My weapon refining methods are very poor and perfect... There is no such person around me."

Jun Jiuli didn't stop, but asked in a deep voice, "so, if she were your child, how old should she be now?"

Shuiyang looked at Jun Jiuli in surprise: "you are very smart and sharp."

Jun Jiuli looked at him in silence. Obviously, he wouldn't give up until he got an answer.

Shui Yang lowered her eyes: "if she is seventeen, then she may still be my child, but obviously, she is not, and her birthday is not right."

When he said "my child", his eyes were warm and soft. It was obvious that he had looked forward to and loved the child very much, but only pain was left in the end.

Shui Yang closed his eyes and said in a dumb voice: "... When the accident happened, it was the child I buried with my own hands. The child was just a full moon when his heart was broken and died prematurely.

If it's possible, I hope there's a misunderstanding or a turnaround, but it's not. The age difference is too big, and we're too far away. "

Jun Jiuli frowned, and a touch of worry slipped across the fundus of his eyes.

Originally thought that the truth was about to become clear, was it just an Oolong?

The age is not right, and the early war child was buried by Shui Yang himself. Only this, there is no way to pass.

Jun Jiuli finally asked, "where are the others in your family?"

Shui Yang sighed: "my Shui family is sparsely populated and has thin blood. Anyone who has children will never let them wander out."

He was determined: "at that time, when our elders died, we had to keep the funeral closed. No one in our family had gone far except me in the three years before and after the birth of xiaotuanzi."

He turned to look at Qi Tuan: "it's hard to believe that people without blood can look so similar if they don't see it with their own eyes."

Jun Jiuli nodded and didn't continue to ask.

In fact, as soon as he knew the origin of Xiaoyuanzi, he asked people from the three states to help Shuiyang and checked the itinerary of the water family.

As Shui Yang said, in those years, when their family was mourning, they had no time to meet Qi Zheng and his wife and gave birth to Tuan Tuan.

Although unwilling, this line can only be broken. He needs to find another way to control the prohibition in Tuan Tuan's head.

Jun Jiuli collected his anxiety and didn't go deep into this problem.

In fact, he can feel that Shui Yang's attitude towards Qi Tuan is strange, but Shui Yang's certainty about Qi Tuan's life experience is not false. In that case, he can only check it in the future.

Jun Jiuli's eyes gently fell on the busy Qi Tuan in the distance and warned: "there is an old man at home, but he happens to be out today. If you meet him, please don't hurt him."

Shui Yang thought of the words of the old men just now, and immediately rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "what about the little Tuanzi's biological mother? Tut! I really just have a romantic face and don't like to seduce women!"

As soon as he spoke, he heard an anxious voice behind him: "Tuan Tuan, are you all right? I heard something big happened at home outside! Those turtle grandsons of the natural medicine bureau dared to calculate my baby granddaughter like this! Damn it! Damn it!"

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