"Please give me a chance! I don't want the Huang family to become a sinner of Daqi!!"

Huang Yanjie's eyes were covered with blood. He stared at Qi Tuan, and his eyes were full of prayers.

"I'll make up for the mistakes made by my parents and sister! Please! You can do whatever you want me to do!"

He can't imagine that the Huang family will be stabbed in the backbone by the whole Daqi people in the future, but his parents and sisters are his close relatives, and he can't kill them to make up for his mistakes. Therefore, he can only do what he can and avoid going to that step as far as possible.

Qi Tuan Tuan looked at Huang Yanjie's look in his eyes. After narrowing his eyes for a moment, he took out a pill: "this is a poison pill. If you eat it, you need to take my antidote every day, otherwise your muscles and veins will burst and you will die after being honed for a day and a night."

She sent the pill to Huang Yanjie: "eat it, I'll let you out and give you a chance."

Lord Huang screamed, "no!"

Huang Yanjie, however, quickly grabbed the pill and swallowed it directly.

Lord Huang was angry: "spit it out! You fool! Spit it out!"

Huang Yanjie closed his eyes and let him push and slap until he felt that his meridians were burning like fire, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Dad, the effect has begun to attack. I can't spit it out."

Lord Huang was stunned. Although he preferred his daughter a little, his son was raised by him like a pearl and a treasure. He burst into tears when he thought of his controlled future.

But Huang Yanjie looked relaxed: "Dad, write a letter. Give me the title of home owner. When I make up for my sister's mistake, I'll die with you two. Don't be afraid, I'll accompany you."

Lord Huang stared at Huang Yanjie and was speechless.

Qi Tuan took out the paper and pen from the space ring and handed it to Huang Yanjie: "I'll come to you in two quarters of an hour."

Huang Yanjie knew that she still wanted to interrogate his mother. He bit his teeth and begged, "I hope you will show mercy!"

Qi Tuan was noncommittal: "she will never want her life."

After that, he quickly turned and went to the prison.

Lord Huang saw it with indignation: "Qi Tuan..."

"Dad!" Huang Yanjie coldly stopped the leader of the Huang family: "Dad, you have followed the Imperial College and studied with the Taifu Wenqing for several years. Dad, tell me, do you really want me to make the Huang family the culprit of cholera?"

Lord Huang was shocked and looked at Huang Yanjie in a daze.

"Dad, please write." Huang Yanjie looked at the Huang family leader solemnly and said seriously, "my sister has been bewitched by Qin Yunqing. She is so vicious that she doesn't look like my sister.

They have a big heart and want to rebel. It's nothing, but if we let the natural medicine bureau make trouble in Daqi and let those insect nests break out in Daqi... Dad, our sin will be too great! "

He said in a deep voice: "the master who can do such things to the common people in the imperial capital... Dad, that man has really become an emperor. Can he give us the life that the emperor has given us now? Dad, I'd rather be a peace dog than a random separation. You're not afraid. I'm afraid."

Huang's fingers trembled slightly, finally closed his eyes, withdrew the owner's ring on his hand, and wrote a handwritten letter asking Huang Yanjie to be the owner.

At the same time, Huang Qin, who had been hung on the shelf for more than four hours, stared in horror when he saw Qi Tuan coming.

At first, there were people talking to her, but those who spoke were all describing vividly how Qi Tuan peeled people's skin and bones.

At first, Huang Qin only felt noisy, and even thought they were bragging. But when the first hour passed, no one spoke to her, and even when she was alone in the whole prison, she suddenly couldn't.

The disdain at the beginning seemed to become concrete in the dark prison as time passed.

The red hot Luo tie... Let her brain make up the scene of Qi Tuan's abnormal burning face.

The sharp barb... Let her brain fill up the scene of Qi Tuan pricking people's scalp and pouring poison into it.

The whip, the bench... In a word, everything in the prison was mended by her infinite brain, and became like ghosts and monsters, which was terrible to the extreme.

In these three quiet and terrible hours, in the flickering dark light of the fire, Huang Qin's let has made Qi Tuan Tuan's brain into a man eating devil.

When it was silent for four hours, the door was pushed open with a "squeak". Huang Qin looked at Qi Tuan's face illuminated by the fire in the brazier and felt his legs soft.

"Yo! It seems that madam is in good spirits. Her skin is very ruddy and shiny!"

Hearing Qi Tuan's greeting, Huang Qin only felt creepy when he saw that she was staring at his face. He couldn't help feeling hot and peed.

"Patter -"

The sound of water dripping on the ground was very loud, which immediately made Huang Qin blush.

Qi Tuan was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, the woman could counsele to this point.

Compared with Lian Biqing, who had just been stripped of her face and magnified the pain, cleaning up Huang Qin's spoiled woman was like bullying a child.

Qi Tuan picked up the soldering iron and slowly approached Huang Qin's face: "do you want to say it after your face is burned, or now?"

"Don't! Don't touch me! If you dare touch me! My daughter won't let you go! She will be a princess in the future! Damn it, take this thing away!"

Huang Qin shrieked, completely unaware that she had revealed a lot of things.

Qi tuantuan nodded: "it turns out that the other party uses the position of Wang with a different surname as a chip. No wonder you will be moved and bold."

Huang Qin shrieked, "we are backed by the cloud family! You can't move us!"

Qi Tuan's heart sank: "the cloud family really can't sit still?"

She pushed the soldering iron forward and stopped an inch away from Huang Qin's cheek. She deliberately mocked: "maybe it was Jun Muyan who lied to you. Although the cloud family has a big family and a big career, it won't mess around."

Huang Qin screamed, "how could it be? Even the Empress Dowager agreed to help! Although the emperor is very powerful, the Empress Dowager also has someone in her hand. She also lives in the palace. Who knows what she wants to do?"

Qi tuantuan's heart suddenly clicked. He remembered what he had found before. There was something about the royal guards putting things in the palace.

Her eyes sank: "then? What else do you know?"

It was chilly between Huang Qin's two strands at the moment, which made her panic stricken brain slightly clear, but she suddenly looked like dead gray when she thought of what she had just said.

Seeing her long silence, Qi Tuan Tuan immediately frowned, and the soldering iron in her hand moved forward in an instant

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