If a person can bear what ordinary people can't bear, he must be able to do what ordinary people can't do. Cangluo accepted the inhumane fact in just a few minutes and calmly asked for confidentiality.

Qi Tuan was glad to see the excitement, but he couldn't stop a chill in his heart.

This kind of person, who can endure and will endure, always knows to seek the best interests for himself under irreparable circumstances. It is terrible and difficult to deal with. He must not be taken lightly!

It seemed that she was aware of Qi Tuan's gaze. Cangluo turned her head and looked at Qi Tuan: "ming'er, I'm not good for hiding Tongxin Gu from you before. Uncle just wanted to surround me with Tongxin Gu because he was afraid that I would change my heart to you. Don't be angry with him, will you?"

Qi Tuan frowned: "take care of yourself."

Cangluo smiled bitterly, "if you don't like listening, I won't say this. The previous heart eating pill was solved by my uncle because it involved you. You must have not been relieved. Shall we change another medicine?"

He spoke softly, like a good brother who sincerely comforted his sister, and obviously he was not polite and joking, but serious.

Qi Tuan's face showed hesitation: "you... Really don't get angry whatever I toss?"

Cang Luowen said in a voice, "I'm more afraid that you'll be on guard against me and won't forgive me any more."

Qi Tuan's cheeks were slightly red, he squeezed his fist and looked up at him: "well, as long as you give me medicine for a month and let me play casually, I will completely forgive you. Nothing that you calculated me in front of me has ever happened!"

Cang luojun's face was slightly stiff: "medicine man?"

Is it the medicine man he knows?

Qi Tuan nodded, "are you willing?"

The smile on cangluo's face could hardly be maintained, but looking at Qi Tuan's small pink face, he finally nodded, "OK!"

No matter how hard it is, it's just like yesterday. Can it be worse than this?

Qi Tuan looked at him deeply and smiled: "OK! It's a deal! In a month, our previous account will be written off, and you and I will know each other again!"

Her smile was soft, waxy and lovely, full of freshness, and cangluo couldn't help but relax. Then she showed a sincere smile.

Qingmin took a pity look at cangluo. He can guess this man's tragic month without calculation.

The little devil was called the devil by the whole Yaowang valley. Even Lin Qing was tossed by her several times. Do you really think this name is for nothing?

But what's none of his business? It's not him anyway.

Qingmin looked at cangluo faintly: "I'll ask the servant to take you to the guest room. When you take the medicine and return to normal, go back to Cang's house."

Cangluo looked grateful: "thank you, uncle!"

Qingmin waved his hand and directly asked someone to send cangluo away.

As for Qi Tuan, she pushed her mother to Qingmin and hurried into the medicine refining room. She didn't come out for several days.

When she appeared again, it was ten days later.

After a few words with Bai Su and Qing min, she had a meal and took a bath, so she slept in the dark.

When she woke up, Jun Jiuli didn't know how long she had been sitting by her bed.

He touched Qi Tuan's forehead and saw that she was still confused. He couldn't help feeling soft and in a mess: "is it uncomfortable?"

Qi Tuan Tuan shook his head, rubbed his eyes and sat up. His soft hair looked particularly soft and fluffy because it had been rubbed in the quilt for a long time.

Jun Jiuli resisted the desire to kiss her white and tender face and asked, "what do you want to do today?"

Qi Tuan opened his hands lazily: "hug."

Jun Jiuli was stiff, then carefully stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms and wrapped her in a small quilt, just like holding a child.

Qi Tuan reached out and grabbed his skirt, leaned his head against his arms, smelled the medicine on him, narrowed for a while, and then gradually woke up.

She smiled and kissed him on the chin. "You have a beard!"

She touched her lips. "It's a little prickly."

Jun Jiuli blushed and kissed her forehead: "you slept for two days and one night, I'm a little worried."

Because I've been watching her all the time, I'll ignore everything except working and looking at her.

Qi Tuan put his arms around his neck and rubbed his cheek: "I feel more familiar with you today."

Jun Jiuli's eyes were soft and touched her head: "that's good."

Qi Tuan stayed for a long time before he got up from his arms and told him about her harvest in recent days.

"I think we can plot against my father! I've seen my mother's body. I've been making treatment plans for my mother for half a year, but I didn't tell my father.

My father is controlled because my mother needs the medicine from the natural medicine bureau. As long as I can cure my mother and help him solve the poison in his body, he will be on our side! "

At the beginning, she was worried that he blamed her for hastily drugging cangluo last time, but he didn't say a word. It seemed that he didn't know it. At once, Qi Tuan Tuan gave a sigh of relief.

She told him her plan in detail, and then listed a long list of drug names, explaining both drug properties and usage. After a little sorting, it was a high-energy medicine class.

Jun Jiuli could understand most of them, and some of them were confused, but this did not prevent him from listening carefully and interested.

In fact, Qi Tuan felt very interesting and interesting in everything he did. Even if he kept her refining medicine and didn't say a word, he felt comfortable and interesting, and didn't feel bored at all.

After Qi Tuan finished speaking, she was a little embarrassed: "am I too good at speaking?"

Jun Jiuli shook his head: "how? I like to hear you talk about this. You used to love to talk to me about this."

Although he doesn't understand it, he has heard more. After a long time, he will understand more and know more about her every time. Medical ethics is her favorite world. It is strange and full of all kinds of fantastic colors. He may not understand it all, but he likes to watch her swim excitedly and attentively.

Qi Tuan was so warm that he hugged his neck and rubbed: "it's very kind of you. You really want to remember everything quickly. It must be very interesting and fun."

Jun Jiuli smiled and touched her head: "well, every day with Tuan Tuan is very interesting."

Qi Tuan smiled softly until she heard footsteps and inquiries outside. "Remember to prepare the medicine I just said, the sooner the better. By the way, do you know my eldest martial brother? His surname is Lin. according to my father, it seems that he should be sent by the natural medicine bureau to monitor him."

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