Hearing Qi Tuan openly abetting his rebel organization, Lvzhu couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly.

"Miss, I'm not afraid... I'll tell the organization about our conversation today?"

She couldn't help asking.

Qi Tuan chuckled: "I'm not afraid. Have you forgotten? If I die, you won't live."

As soon as the green bamboo stagnated, I remembered that although her life was in the hands of the natural medicine bureau, life and death were completely linked with Qingmin. If the organization wanted to kill Qingming, no, she didn't even have to die. She had to accompany her bad luck just by torture.

Green bamboo looked complex: "Miss, I've already counted it?"

Qi Tuan Tuan smiled and shook her chin: "guess?"

Green bamboo was not sure, so he could only smile bitterly: "it seems that slaves have no choice since they planted puppet stocks."

Qi tuantuan tutted and loosened Lvzhu's chin: "what are you doing so hard? Follow me, except that you can't sleep with my father anymore. In three years, you can make the whole Kyushu continent tremble by stamping your feet, can't you?"

Green bamboo could not laugh or cry: "yes, what the young lady said is that slaves and maidservants should think of the good."

Qi tuantuan smiled: "that's right. It's so difficult for handsome men and beauty in the world. If you like special feelings, keep a little wolf dog and let him love you, pet you and think of you wholeheartedly.

If you don't like that, find some beautiful ones in the Qin Lou Chu hall and keep them. One today, one tomorrow, and one in the future will accompany you to your old age.

If you're bored in your spare time, you can find a beautiful man and have a beautiful child. Isn't it more interesting than sleeping with an old man like my father? "

Green bamboo looked at Qi Tuan with a dull face. It took a long time to recover.

To be honest, very excited, very excited.

Although she has empty strength, she is humble because of her blood. She is a servant in the whole Tianyi Bureau. Even if she becomes a master of Lingdi realm, she is still so, just from serving a group of people to serving one.

Qi Tuan said that this kind of day can also make men go whoring casually. She didn't dare to think about it before. She occasionally heard that some women with strong blood connections can pick people to play like this.

Green bamboo was a little guilty: "I... really play around?"

Qi tuantuan glanced at her in surprise. She thought that Lvzhu preferred to find someone to live wholeheartedly. After all, it seemed that she was very infatuated with Qingmin.

Qi Tuan nodded: "as long as you love me, don't violate morality and don't cheat people's feelings, you can play at will, and I won't hold you."

Green bamboo was a little shy and more guilty: "but my blood is low..."

Qi Tuan frowned: "the blood that can keep you alive is good blood. What kind of blood is cheap and noble? Who is not the first time to be a man? They lied to you and brainwashed you. You don't have to say that in the future."

Green bamboo saw her frown and couldn't help shrinking: "yes."

Qi Tuan stared at her and said in a deep voice, "as long as you know the same thing here, you can bear many interests as long as you do. In addition, I don't value your origin and blood."

Green bamboo's heart was floating and slowly stopped. Although she was still not sure that Qi Tuan's story was true, she had to admit that she promised her future, which made her dizzy.

Green bamboo gritted his teeth: "as long as the master can keep the life of the slave and maid, I will really give the slave and maid such a future in the future. The slave and maid are willing to go through fire and water for the master!"

It's no worse. I miscalculated and became the puppet of the little girl. I depend on her life and death. I can't be a pure monitor of the organization as before.

Qi tuantuan nodded without saying any more nonsense.

As long as the chips are enough, green bamboo will not rebel, and he does not point to green bamboo to complete the big plan, so green bamboo is completely enough as long as he is obedient and does not make trouble.

Thinking like this, Qi Tuan didn't hurry out and knocked on the table: "take your hand. I want to see the poisonous insects in your body."

Green bamboo hurried over and stretched out his hand.

Qi tuantuan put his finger on her wrist, closed his eyes and sent his divine consciousness and spiritual power into the green bamboo meridians.

About a quarter of an hour later, Qi Tuan Tuan slowly withdrew his divine knowledge and spiritual power. His little face was slightly white, and green bamboo had already fainted in pain.

A blood colored holy power curled around Qi Tuan's palm, and something seemed to be creeping in the egg sized holy power regiment.

Qi Tuan Tuan put Lingli Tuan into a small transparent bottle with a straight face. When he was about to look carefully, he suddenly heard a very subtle sound.

"Ah! You overdraw your psychic power again! Didn't I say don't do this?"

The crisp voice was filled with deep chagrin and anger, as if he wanted to beat Qi Tuan.

Qi Tuan narrowed his eyes slightly, forced a drop of blood to feed the insect in the bottle, and then plugged the bottle. Only then did he have time to climb to bed and sit cross legged.

"Martial uncle," Qi Tuan shouted.

"You disobedient bastard! I've only been closed for a month and a half, and you're fooling around again? I didn't say that you can't do anything recently. Do you want to take good care of yourself?"

Mi Yan's volume is very low, but his tone is very high.

After the last accident, he completely became an underworld in heaven. If he revealed a little more information, he would attract thunder robbery. Therefore, every time he appeared, he would suppress his cultivation to the lowest, and even his voice would be lowered unconsciously.

"I'm in good health," Qi Tuan replied obediently, and then asked, "martial uncle, did you forget to tell me something?"

"... what's the matter?" Mi Yan asked, suddenly feeling very bad.

"For example, do I have a history? For example, I told you before that my mother took me out to my fiance's house?" Qi Tuan said slowly, his voice a little cool.

"..." Mi Yan's whole tree and snake are not well. He turns around with a straight face and drills deep into Xiuya Palace: "I suddenly feel that my injury has relapsed. I want to close down next. Take care of yourself! Don't..."

"Martial uncle," Qi Tuan Tuan shouted and stopped Mi Yan: "my fiance, cangluo, my father planted concentric poison for me and him. When you close the door, I may have poison into my brain. I can only follow three rules and four virtues to him. Don't be angry at that time."

She spoke slowly, even with a little apology, but Mi Yan burst in an instant.

"What are you talking about? What? Three obediences and four virtues?" Mi Yan roared and pulled out a wisp of divine knowledge into the white jade bracelet. The next moment, a red crystal five clawed Golden Dragon jumped out.

"Ang - you say it again? Who dares to call you three obediences and four virtues? I'm going to eat that spicy chicken man!"

The five clawed Golden Dragon roared up to the sky, and a breath of dragon breath came out, burning the beams of the house

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