They are all foxes for thousands of years. What are they playing with each other?

Zhang is smart and knows to use Chen liuer as a knife envoy. Qingmin is not a fool. From Qi Tuan's behavior of refining medicine, she can see her intention at once.

As Lao Tzu, Qingmin certainly supported Qi Tuan, and Zhang Kou defined the pattern and future of Qi Tuan——

My daughter's genius is not to be jealous and fight in the back house. It's to conquer the stars and the sea and shock the God of medicine!

Therefore, to punish evil and retreat, don't show up your little tricks to bully your daughter-in-law! And those dirty cousins, don't show disgusting people!

My daughter doesn't live by your son's cousin, so she doesn't have to look at your two women's faces!

Green min cop out so awesome, and the boring regiment naturally does not want to end up with a smile, nodding in a smile, and then loudly and clearly, "I know! I understand! My time is spent on curing diseases and saving drugs, and the Jedi are not involved in those boring things!"

Qingmin laughed: "good boy! Good ambition! It's my Qingmin's daughter!"

Seeing him smile, Qi Tuan Tuan laughed more brightly.

Zhang's face was so embarrassed that she was almost deformed. Although she also showed a gentle and loving smile, only herself knew the strength of her heart.

It's one thing to know that your daughter-in-law is an unusual person and can't be treated according to the rules of the Cang family, but it's another thing to be secretly humiliated or even resented by your daughter-in-law.

Zhang's dark light at the bottom of his eyes flashed away. He was about to laugh and hide his embarrassment. Qi Tuan looked at Zhao Yi and opened his mouth.

"Is this uncle here to see your father? I think your lips are dark and your heart pulse is incomplete. This is similar to my mother's situation. What medicine did my father prescribe for you? Yangxin pill and Yangxin soup?"

Zhao Yi was surprised: "can you see my illness without feeling my pulse?"

Qi Tuan nodded: "look, smell and ask. It's not only to feel the pulse to diagnose the disease, but also to wait and see."

Zhao Yi was shocked and said to Qingmin, "you child has great ability! I wonder if brother Qing can give up his love and let me be her master and let her join my Hanyu sect as a disciple?"

Qingmin smiled and couldn't help feeling pleased: "that's not good! Although your han Yuzong is also a major sect in the upper three states, it's good to cultivate swords and refine medicine, but it can't compare with our Yaowang Valley!

My family's ming'er is still young. She is the only girl I have. Naturally, I want to bring her out in person! She is the cultivation achievement of the golden elixir period, or the five product medicine sect... When she reaches your age, she must be much better than you! "

His words are too impolite. If Zhao Yi is narrow-minded, he should bear a grudge now - don't you despise him!

Fortunately, although Zhao Yi has always been silent and quiet, he is as aboveboard as his wife song Muqiu. When he heard this, he was not angry, but felt lost. He also seriously asked, "my senior brother's head office?"

Qingmin looked very solemn: "my senior brother qingyangzi has advanced his cultivation and has entered the Lingdi realm for many years. He is one of the few experts in the later section of the Lingdi realm in the world. I certainly want him to be my master ming'er."

Zhao Yi looked happy: "great! Then I..."

Song Muqiu reluctantly took her husband's arm: "elder brother, you have committed the problem of valuing talent as your life again! Don't you see that the Green Valley leader is very embarrassed? Do you have to force others to say no to elder martial brother and squeeze people into the corner?"

Qingmin refuses Zhao Yi because he knows Zhao Yi's character is comfortable and frank. He will only feel refreshing if he speaks frankly. Second, he is also an expert in Lingdi realm. Although it is carved by taking drugs, it is also a real Lingdi. It is enough to teach his daughter.

But this qingyangzi is different. He has entered the realm of Lingdi for many years. He not only has deep cultivation and wide contacts, but also has a high prestige among the major sects and empires in the three prefectures.

To refuse such a person, even if Qi Tuan's talent is amazing, it seems too shameful.

Zhao Yi looked at Qingmin's look carefully, but he was very embarrassed. He immediately said, "I offended. Brother Qing has his own concerns. Ming'er is still the young master of Yaowang Valley... I'm too rude."

Qingmin looked at Qi Tuan, who was still smiling, glanced at Chen liuer, who was cold and fierce, and pondered for a moment. Finally, he thought it was better to explain this.

He said with a wry smile: "hanyuzong is a first-class sect in Kyushu mainland, ranking the top three. If ming'er can be taught and taken care of by qingyangzi, I'm naturally happy, but it's really that the little girl is ill and doesn't dare to travel far."

Zhao Yi and song Muqiu were surprised when they heard the speech: "what do you say?"

Qingmin touched Qi Tuan's head: "this child is a double spirit root, and one fire and one wood, one hidden and one visible. Now her mu Linggen has been seriously damaged and almost burned into coke, but the Huo Linggen is burning fiercely through the meridians built by mu Linggen.

She looks fine now, but in fact she is in danger. How can I dare to let her leave me and practice at will? Go out and study far? "

Zhao Yi and song Muqiu were shocked: "it's too serious! If this problem can't be solved, the child's best not to continue to practice, otherwise once her spiritual power is out of control, she will worry about her life!"

Qingmin smiled bitterly: "so, although I also want ming'er to go to hanyuzong in my heart, I can only refuse brother Zhao's kindness. I was so proud just now. I have to do it. I hope brother Zhao doesn't blame me."

Zhao Yi was immediately ashamed: "I forced him so much that brother Qing had to tell ming'er's condition in public."

Qingmin shook his head and pinched Qi Tuan's chin. Seeing that she looked light, she seemed to have known for a long time and was complicated in her heart.

The girl's talent in medical ethics makes him jealous. He doesn't know what else she doesn't know about medical ethics!

I've lost my memory, haven't I?

How do you always know more than him!

Compared with song Muqiu and Zhao Yi's heavy regret, Qi Tuan didn't have so many worries. She looked at the couple's eyes, so she smiled and stood up: "well, the marrow washing pill I just practiced has no good effect as the heart nourishing pill, but you have many hidden injuries in other meridians in addition to the damage to your heart pulse. Take this first."

Song Muqiu was surprised and his eyes were red: "thank you! Thank you, ming'er!"

Zhao Yi's eyes widened and his pupils narrowed: "washing marrow pill... Can you refine five products?"

Since when can even Dan medicine be promoted?

Qingmin slightly puffed at the corners of his mouth and pinched Qi Tuan's cheek angrily: "you show off again! You smelly bear child!"

He only knew that she was refining medicine to prove herself, but he didn't know that she was performing pills on the spot

If you can, why don't you go to heaven?

Qingmin couldn't help pinching Qi Tuan, and turned his eyes greatly.

You should know that only those six or seven products can improve the pill and practice the upgraded version of the same pill!

Qi Tuan is not proving herself. She is showing off her skills! Although Zhang Shi and Chen liuer obviously don't understand!

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