Qingmin vaguely felt that maybe Qi Tuan didn't remember everything, but she already knew everything.

That Jun Jiuli

Qingmin thought of the news he had detected over the past year. For some reason, it was unimaginable. He still felt that the Jun Jiuli recognized Qi Tuan.

He looked at the beautiful girl who insisted on seeing Jun Jiuli, and his heart was uncomfortable and sour. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel soft.

The girl he robbed himself has hurt for nearly two years. Can he not know her temperament?

She must have known everything and confirmed it repeatedly. Otherwise, how dare she believe Jun Jiuli's words and bet on the safety of Yaowang Valley?

Qingmin wants to ask Qi Tuan Tuan exactly what he thinks, but looking at Qi Tuan Tuan still with delicate eyes, he finds that he doesn't have to ask anything.

This girl clearly still recognizes his father and Su Su's mother!

Qingmin said in a dumb voice, "tell me the truth, you secretly ran to catch marsh ginseng... In fact, it's not all for your mother, or for that bastard, is it?"

Qi Tuan blushed and his eyes flashed: "where is it!"

Qingmin smiled angrily and stared at her: "come on! At the first sight of that Jun Jiuli, I knew there was a problem with his heart pulse, and the problem was very serious. I caught up with your mother's congenital heart pulse incompleteness!"

He couldn't help muttering bitterly: "deserve it! Deserve it to be broken by thunder!"

Qi Tuan cried and laughed: "Dad, how can you say that?"

Qingming sneered, "what do you say if you don't say that? You bastard girl, don't coax me. I don't know you yet. If he didn't take the initiative to hook up with you and cheat you, can you say the word 'love'?"

He nodded Qi Tuan's forehead: "don't tell your father that I have a female devil who can't put love here and can't take medicine, are you?

Cangluo's turtle son has been poisoned by Tongxin Gu and can be punished by you. From here, we can see that you are definitely not a girl who has no bottom line by the word "feelings!"

He sighed and forced himself to be calm before Qi Tuan spoke. In fact, he asked bitterly, "you won't like others, so you don't want your parents?"

Qi Tuan Tuan, with a small face, opened his hand and hugged Qingmin heavily: "you and mom will always be my parents! I know that my parents have made great efforts to protect me, and I know that my parents are different from others!"

Qingmin hugged Qi Tuan tightly. Where she couldn't see, her eyes suddenly turned red.

She knows!

She did know!

But she still chose to forgive him. Even if she already knew that he took her away, he also separated her from her relatives, friends and even her lover!

But even if they already knew everything, they all tacitly chose to see through, but the father and daughter looked at each other with red eyes, and then smiled at the same time.

Qingmin straightened his mood: "well, it's all about this. I'll tell you your eldest martial brother's plan."

This is about the marriage between Qi Tuan and Cang family and the son of God.

Qi Tuan shook his head and gave Qingmin a heart nourishing pill first: "take this medicine and give it to my mother when you come back. Let's find Lili first. The more he knows, the better he can arrange the follow-up."

Qingmin had a moment of Horror: "what do you want to do? No! What does he want to do?"

Qi tuantuan smiled shyly: "of course, take the eldest martial brother!"

Qingmin's breath stagnated, covered Qi Tuan's mouth and looked around: "are you two crazy?"

Qi Tuan pushed Qingmin's hand away: "anyway, it's just watching and catching fish. If we catch it, we can know more. We can't catch it. The eldest martial brother doesn't know that we watched him. It doesn't matter."

Qingmin shook his head to refuse, but Qi Tuan grabbed his wrist and quickly walked back to the hospital: "go! Go first!"

Qingmin was stunned all the way: "how do you get there?"

As soon as he finished asking, he saw a man standing on the wall of his yard. It was just that he hated his teeth... Jun Jiuli.

Jun Jiuli and Qingmin are also stunned.

He has always separated a wisp of divine consciousness, winding around Qi Tuan. What he fears is that he doesn't know when she needs him.

Just when he was dealing with his official business, he found that the girl came quickly towards the two public courtyard walls, so he grabbed the memorial and hurried out.

As for the spirit emperor's breath around Qi Tuan, Jun Jiuli just took a look. He thought it was green bamboo, but he didn't expect it to be Qingmin.

It's embarrassing.

Jun Jiuli's face was solemn and calm. In fact, his leg muscles were stiff.

"Green Valley master."

For a long time, Jun Jiuli said hello dryly.

Qingmin PI smiled, but the meat didn't laugh: "emperor of Qi! How many meanings do you mean by climbing my wall like this?"

He looked at Jun Jiuli obliquely. It was just like the old father disliked the bastard who cheated his silly white sweet girl.

Jun Jiuli took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "... Look at the scenery."

After saying this, he turned his ears red.

Qi Tuan couldn't help laughing. For the first time, he found that the emperor of kaolin flower could be so funny.

Jun Jiuli looked helpless and spoiled in his eyes. He looked at Qi Tuan gently. Even if he didn't speak, the bystanders could clearly see his tenderness, which was too thick to melt away.

The sour feeling in Qingmin's heart turned into helplessness. He shook his head and said, "talk about business! Come down first! Stand so high, lest the spies won't see me meet you privately?"

At the end of the sentence, I couldn't help but say, "do you want me to die and dominate my daughter alone?"

Jun Jiuli couldn't cry or laugh. He flew down from the wall and naturally bent over to pick up Qi Tuan Tuan. Then he said to Qingmin, "Uncle misunderstood. There are blood guards around here. Someone will warn."

Qingmin choked on his natural "Uncle", and almost forgot Jun Jiuli's alienated and polite title of "Green Valley master".

Qingmin turned his eyes angrily: "let's go! Find a quiet place and I'll tell you why I married Cang family."

He glanced meaningfully at Jun Jiuli: "if Tongxin Gu can't be solved, you won't have a good life in a few days. At that time, you'd better not be dazzled by jealousy and hurt my daughter!"

Jun Jiuli's eyes sank and his voice was calm: "it doesn't hurt. It's a big deal to raise cangluo in a cage."

Qingmin was shocked: "aren't you a lover of the people? Aren't you the most annoying person who doesn't treat people as people?"

Jun Jiuli said in a warm voice, "Uncle misunderstood. From the moment cangluo wanted to control ming'er's feelings through Gu insects, he had to be ready to be eaten back. He must be prepared to be eaten back. Of course, he is so shameless and not a person."

As one of the initiators, Qingmin subconsciously touched the bridge of his nose. It was clear that he had just been justified. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling very guilty.

What, that Tongxin Gu... He deliberately made it!

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