Why could Li Yuehua be hooked by Chen liuer's letter? In addition to really believing that Chen liuer, a good friend, will not cheat him, the more important thing is to cure his teacher Li Tang.

It's good to show filial respect to the master, but he was provoked by Chen liuer's words and thought that Yaowang valley was hard to speak, but Qingming people are small and have great skills. They are like children. As long as they bluff, they can even control Yaowang Valley, so he did it with a fever in his head.

Before that, Li Yuehua really didn't expect Chen liuer to use him, and for nothing else, just to disgust Qingming.

The more Li Yuehua thought about it later, the more he felt stupid. In particular, he regretted that he had caused the master to be despised by the whole Yaowang Valley and refused to receive the patient.

It was just that it was too ugly in the restaurant at that time. Li Yuehua had no choice but to regret. Although his master Li Tang was noble, his identity really didn't have much deterrent on the ground of Daqi.

Finally, Li Tang made the decision. Since he didn't want to cause international disputes and wanted to cure diseases, he found someone who could speak and have weight - so Li Lei went to Suzhou county.

Sure enough, after Li Lei arrived, he seriously sent a prayer post. They finally entered the gate of other hospitals in Yaowang Valley, and even Jun Jiuli came out to receive them in person.

Li Tang was determined, and Li Yuehua was finally relieved.

Li Yuehua's eyes were red and her attitude was solemn: "please also invite the emperor to invite the master of the youth Valley to see her. I was stupid and offended her before. I'm willing to pay any price. I just hope the master of the youth Valley can forgive me, don't anger my master and cure my master!"

He even knelt down with a "poof".

Everyone has to pay for his stupidity. Li Yue is impulsive, but he still has this responsibility.

Jun Jiuli stared at Li Yuehua for a long time. He was sweating profusely. Then he said quietly, "yes."

Li Yuehua was overjoyed: "thank you, Emperor Qi!"

He rubbed his hands nervously and asked, "can I talk to the young Valley leader now?"

Jun Jiuli refused: "I'm afraid it won't work today. Ming'er is still closed. After she comes out, I'll send someone to ask Lord Li Feng for medical treatment."

Li Tang hurriedly stood up and said, "thank you, Emperor. Like master Zhao Yifeng of hanyuzong, I've also hurt my heart and been honed for a long time. I'm really worried about my previous impoliteness."

As he spoke, he grabbed Li Yuehua and asked him to step back, forcing Li Yuehua's questioning back.

I have already suffered a loss, and Li Tang will not suffer a second loss. Since Jun Jiuli said it was inconvenient today, it would be aggressive to ask again.

Jun Jiuli politely arched his hand: "Lord Li Feng is polite. After ming'er leaves the pass, she will try her best."

Mingming Litang has said that he has the same disease as Zhao Yi. Since Qingming can cure Zhao Yi, he can naturally cure him, but Jun Jiuli just said "try his best" rather than cure it. It can be seen that Jun Jiuli protects Qingming.

Li Tang was more and more awe inspiring. He smiled politely and sat back again.

Seeing that the matter had been said, Li Lei changed his seriousness into a smile: "thank you, Emperor. I don't mind my useless brother and nephew. I'm willing to let the leader of Qingming Valley cure Li Tang.

There were many offenses before. Both Li Tang and Yue Hua felt guilty, so today they all brought a gift of apology. Since the Qingming Valley master is not here, they all give it to the emperor. Please accept it and accept her share for the valley master. "

Li Yuehua hurried out of the line and gave a gift list and a space ring.

Jun Jiuli nodded: "since Prince Li is sincere, I and ming'er have the courage to accept it."

Qi Fang smiled and accepted the gift. The previous fight was completely turned into friendship.

Li Lei laughed and said, "the emperor is polite. Although Jiangguo and Daqi are far away, they also have something to do with each other. My imperial brother also received the favor of master Luoyou in those years. I still remember it!"

He said bluntly: "Yuehua talked nonsense before, which almost caused disputes between the two countries. It was the emperor's generosity that didn't care about him. My imperial brother was very guilty when he heard that. He also asked me to bring a big gift, including a six product poison clearing pill and a millennium Ganoderma lucidum. Please accept it together!"

After he said that, he personally took out two exquisite Ivory carved boxes and solemnly held them to Jun Jiuli.

This seems to be a private relationship, but in fact it has risen to the distant dialogue between the two monarchs. Although Li Lei is a prince, he represents the monarch of Jiang at the moment.

Jun Jiuli solemnly got up to take over and said in a deep voice, "I have known the goodwill of the king of the state of Jiang. Daqi and the state of Jiang have been friends for generations and will continue to be harmonious in the future!"

Hearing the speech, Li Lei showed great joy and said with a broad smile: "emperor is really a happy person! I like to make friends with such a happy person as Emperor!"

Jun Jiuli said solemnly, "Prince Li is a model for soldiers to protect their homes and defend their country. I have always admired him."

The two are frank and serious. Although the business boasted each other only a few words, the quality is very high - the hidden worries brought by Li Yuehua have been completely eliminated!

After that, Li Lei smiled and exchanged greetings with Jun Jiuli. He specially looked at Qing Yangzi, the master of Hanyu sect opposite, and stood up to say goodbye.

Li Lei said with a smile, "since the things that should be said have been settled, we won't continue to bother. Emperor is busy first. When he has leisure in the future, I'll invite emperor to have a drink and chat!"

Jun Jiuli nodded and got up to see off the guests: "today is busy and the reception is not good. When you are free in the future, you must invite Lord Li to get together again."

Li Lei said goodbye with a smile on his face. After a few polite words with qingyangzi, he landed cleanly and left with his brother, nephew and disciples.

Cangxiu and qingyangzi on the other side also stood up and waited for others to leave before they sat down.

Qingyangzi is fine. Although disciple Chen liuer is not optimistic, since Yaowang Valley has been disposed of and is willing to treat younger martial brothers and sisters, it shows that the problem is not big. Therefore, he came here mainly to thank and apologize.

Cang Xiu couldn't do it. Seeing the royal family of Li family being so polite to Jun Jiuli and being serious to Qingming, I didn't mention that the valley leader Qingmin should see a doctor first in the whole process. My heart was heavy.

Gu Mingming, the king of medicine, was in charge of the family, but he asked Jun Jiu to leave to receive the guests, which made cangxiu feel uneasy.

The marriage between Cang family and Yaowang Valley is not saved because of the influence of Tongxin gu!

Cang Xiu was confused, but she didn't show anything on her face. She sat quietly, waiting for qingyangzi to speak.

Qi Fang leaned over and whispered to Jun Jiuli. The voice was sent into Jun Jiuli's ear with spiritual power, and there was no need to be heard by the other party.

What he wants to say is about Cang embroidery!

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