Xue Yunyan nodded to his hopeful eyes and said, "yes, you are already a cultivator at the first level of the Qi refining realm!"

"My God!" Xiao Wu suddenly burst under his feet, knelt on the ground, kowtowed his head directly to the snow, clouds and smoke, and couldn't get up.

Chen Luyuan was surprised. The beads in his eyes almost fell to the ground. His voice shook excitedly and asked, "Xiao Wu, you, you really have luck?"

"Commander, you can't feel it yourself! He has indeed reached a level of gas refining." Zhao Wenhu reminded Chen Luyuan behind, but he was shocked.

Chen Luyuan woke up and felt it quickly. He found that Xiao Wu really had a breath. He was indeed the most junior cultivator. But how could it be? He was 22 years old and had passed the age of cultivation. Did he develop it now?

"Commander, I'm a cultivator! Thank you, miss. I'll work hard to cultivate and don't lose face to miss!" Xiao Wu kowtowed to Xue Yunyan excitedly.

After Xiao Wu left, several men in the tent looked at snow, clouds and smoke like a monster.

"Young lady, are you a little scary?" Chen Luyuan's eyes were twice as big as usual.

Three ordinary soldiers became cultivators through her silver needle stabbing acupoints, which means that as long as Xue Yunyan is willing, everyone in the snow family army of 20000 people here can become cultivators, an army full of cultivators. How scary will it be?

Even if you are older, you can practice, but with the mysterious Qi, you are at least much stronger than ordinary people.

Snow cloud smoke grinned and said, "if you want to make the snow family army strong, I'm not good at it. My grandmother doesn't agree."

Chen Luyuan said excitedly, "Miss, will you make many soldiers become practitioners?"

"Commander Chen, it's absolutely impossible. First, it's a waste of time to get through the meridians. I don't have so much energy and spare time. Second, I'll only get through for the soldiers of the snow family army I think I can. If I'm an absolutely loyal and loyal elite army, I must bring out this vanguard by myself." a trace of essence flashed in Xue Yunyan's eyes.

Zhao Wenhu said anxiously, "Miss, do you mean that there are less than 60 people in your team?"

"An elite army needs at least hundreds of people, so I will continue to eliminate and increase." Xue Yunyan smiled.

"That's great. Do you want to choose another 40 people tomorrow? My subordinates will choose good soldiers for you." Chen Luyuan hurriedly said.

Xue Yunyan shook his head and said, "no, I will personally select others to join my team in a month's competition, so I won't bother commander Chen to choose."

As soon as Chen Luyuan's eyes brightened, he nodded immediately. He had no face to say that he would send his cousin directly. As long as his cousin is willing to work hard, there is hope.

After greeting for a while, the four men left. Jin moyunjun smiled. He had got a satisfactory answer. Xue Yunyan really had this ability against the sky. So why can't he worry about winning the throne of emperor?

In the following days, the soldiers of the snow cloud and smoke team practiced like crazy people one by one, and the large teams outside didn't know what to stimulate them, and practiced diligently one by one.

Xueyunyan has added several instruments, which is becoming more and more difficult, and the flexibility is to let the soldiers catch Xiaoxue on the shelf, so Xiaoxue is tired every day and sleeps in xueyunyan's arms at night.

A month soon passed, and there was no shortage of 60 people in the team, and 20 people had changed from ordinary soldiers to practitioners under the silver needle pricking point of snow and smoke, but everyone was black, including the coffin face at night.

Only murongxin and Jin Moyun, two beautiful men, have no special change in appearance, because they always pass the training task quickly and sit under the big tent at the foot of the wall to drink tea and watch.

Snow, cloud and smoke had been black. Before, she was a white beauty, but now she has become a black beauty. However, she looks very healthy and capable, and her eyes are big, bright, black and white.

Today is the day of the competition at the end of the month. Xue Yunyan stood in front of 57 people and looked at the soldiers with strong brush heads and healthy black. He nodded with satisfaction.

The soldiers were all looking up and looking serious. They were very excited when they saw snow, clouds and smoke smiling and nodding. Only those who were training knew the hardships of this month.

The strength and strictness of snow, clouds and smoke make them tremble. If they don't move, they will punish hundreds of push ups, hang wooden shelves upside down for half a day, and run a hundred laps. Sometimes everyone has a rest, and the punished soldiers continue to be punished.

Some soldiers have secretly cried at night, but they think that if they don't work hard, they have no hope to become practitioners. They don't dare and don't want to give up, because practitioners will make earth shaking changes in their and even their family's lives.

Many poor children send men to join the army in order to fill their families. They receive a pitiful monthly salary every month. However, practitioners are different from ordinary soldiers. Practitioners will get double monthly salary every month. The higher the level, the more monthly salary, which will change the living standard of the poor family.

Snow, clouds and smoke give them a chance to turn over. If they don't fight for it by themselves, they can only say that they deserve to be poor in this life.

"Today is to test the achievements of everyone's efforts in the past month. When you go to the game, remember that you are my snow cloud people. I officially named this team 'snow guard'! In the future, you will be the soldiers of the snow guard! We can lose, but we should lose hard and beautiful! Men bleed without tears! Don't cry like a woman, do you hear me?" The snow, clouds and smoke gave a loud drink.

"Listen clearly!" everyone said in unison, with great momentum.

Xue Yunyan nodded and said, "if we are the first snow guard in today's game, I will allow you to take a day off to celebrate! I will also take out the good wine and big fish and meat sent by my snow mansion to share with you! So you have to come on."

"Wow!" everyone suddenly became excited. You know, they haven't had a rest in the past month. They are sore all over every day. Sometimes they can't get up. If they weren't supported by a belief, they would have given up.

Now they have a chance to rest, have big fish, big meat and drink. That's what they dream of, so they get excited again one by one.

When Xue Yunyan entered the stadium with a group of people in high spirits, Chen Luyuan, master Yin and Zhao Wenhu all narrowed their eyes in an instant.

This month, they didn't even have the right to enter the special site of snow, clouds and smoke. Every day, they heard the soldiers talk about it, but more or less they wouldn't believe it. Where can people work so hard? It's like squeezing.

Although many of the soldiers of the big army have changed their views on the snow guard, they think that these people are the worst soldiers in each team. How strong can they be? Even if there are many practitioners, there are rules in the competition. No one can use Xuanqi, so they don't have much hope for the snow guard to win the place this time.

Originally, the army had 20 teams and 200 companies. Now, with the addition of the snow guard, there are 201 companies in total. Today's competition is so many teams. Each soldier has to fight and rank according to the total score of the group.

The first company will be rewarded with 100 Liang silver, the second company will be rewarded with 50 Liang silver, and the third company will also be rewarded with 30 Liang silver. This is a good opportunity for soldiers to make unexpected profits.

Xue Yunyan, as the company commander of the snow guard team, naturally wants to compete. She fights with the company commander of the other 20 companies.

First, with the regiment as the unit, the school field has long been divided into 21 venues. No matter which team, you can challenge other teams and advance after winning the other team. No matter who you challenge, as long as you are of the same level, you can go out of the divided place if you win one, so that others will not choose you and can only choose those who have not played.

Jin Moyun, Murong Xin and Yeli followed the snow guard into the field. Then they were invited by the small soldier to sit down on the early prepared seat on the general's desk. They sat high and could see clearly from a distance.

After Chen Luyuan announced the rules and rewards, the game began.

There are only 61 snow guards and snow clouds and smoke, but it doesn't matter. The total score can be calculated in proportion.

Twenty one competition venues, the speed of the competition is very fast, but it's so snowy that I didn't expect that no one came to challenge her snow guard at the beginning. I don't know whether it's fear or contempt?

"Go, let's find someone to fight! Don't lose the face of our snow guard!" Wang Xiaoer immediately shouted angrily and took the initiative to make an appointment.

Xue Yunyan smiled. Everyone immediately shouted and rushed towards the other 20 teams. She didn't move. She still stood on the field of her team and waited for them to come back one by one.

Sure enough, the five people came back soon. They couldn't hide their happy faces, and the corners of their mouths grinned to the heels of their ears.

"Miss, I won!" everyone would report back to xueyunyan like this, and then their eyes looked at xueyunyan with moisture. It was this little woman who made them try to win for the first time.

In fact, the above people have been paying attention to the performance of the soldiers of the snow guard. Jin Moyun and Chen Luyuan are aware of it, and Chen Luyuan are more and more shocked. Master Yin's eyes are almost out of his eyes. He thought that these people would become stronger, but he didn't expect to throw the soldiers of other teams directly to the ground with a few moves or two.

In less than half an hour, the first round of the knockout competition was over. Including Xue Yunyan, only three of the 58 members of the snow guard team were defeated and eliminated, and all the other fifty-five passed.

This achievement naturally shocked all the soldiers, especially the defeated soldiers. They were really very surprised, because these brothers who had contacted before, and the worst soldiers in each team, could be so strong in a month, which was an absolute blow to them.

"Good job!" xueyunyan gave the soldiers back a big recognition smile.

"Eldest lady." the three losers looked dejected and fell on their knees in front of snow, clouds and smoke. They blamed themselves and felt ashamed and felt too right for the eldest lady.

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