"Your Majesty is wise!"

After reading the contents of the secret letter, Qi Pinghai's hands and feet trembled with excitement, and he bowed down to the secret letter.

The face that was always solemn and majestic was actually covered with tears.

"It's been a hundred years, a full hundred years, and our Pinghai Army can finally pacify the East China Sea."

It is obvious that Qi Pinghai has been waiting for this day for a long time. Since he became the Lord of the East China Sea a hundred years ago, he has been waiting for this day. Unfortunately, he has never waited for it.

He is already 260 years old this year. If he cannot break through to the level of Grandmaster, he will only have 20 to 30 years left to live.

If he can't wait for this day again, I am afraid that he can only leave with regret in this life.

Fortunately, God opened his eyes and sent the secret letter he needed most when he was about to despair.

He was not afraid of having no money, no resources, and even less of no people, because he had accumulated enough money, resources and manpower in the past hundred years. He was just afraid that the court would keep suppressing him and prevent him from going to war with the Yingkou.

Now that he finally got what he wanted, what else is he waiting for!

"Gather the troops!"

"Flatten the East China Sea!"


Qi Pinghai roared, and soon the entire Anhai Prefecture was shaken.

"Is this true? His Majesty has agreed to let us send troops to the East China Sea to flatten the Sakura bandits."

"Really, this is true. The Lord of the Qi Palace has ordered all the Pinghai troops to prepare to enter the East China Sea."

"Hahahaha, after so many years of preparation, we can finally give those stinky bandits a surprise."


A large number of commanders, generals, and commanders... each brought their own troops and swarmed to the Qi Palace, ready to obey Qi Pinghai's orders and lead the army into the East China Sea.

In just a few dozen hours, more than 500 tiger-head warships and more than 100 dragon-head warships entered the East China Sea in a mighty manner, heading towards the place where the Sakura bandits were wreaking the most havoc.

Qi Pinghai personally led the army and led the way, and soon found a large group of Sakura bandits.


Amid the roar, thick crossbows shot out from the tiger-headed warships and dragon-headed warships, heading straight for the wooden sailing ships of the Sakura Bandits that had almost no defense.

"Boom boom boom..."

Faced with crossbows as thick as buckets, these wooden sailing ships were like weak women being ravaged by strong men, and they were shattered in the blink of an eye.

These Sakura Bandits never thought that the Ping Navy would dare to take the initiative to fight, so there were almost no defensive measures on the ship. Although there were crossbows, they were far inferior to those of the Ping Navy.

On the East China Sea, ships with one to ten crossbows were generally called tiger-headed warships, those with one crossbow were called one tiger warships, those with two crossbows were called two tiger warships...those with nine crossbows were called nine tiger warships.

If there were ten crossbows, it would be a dragon-headed warship, that is, a one-dragon warship, and those with more than twenty crossbows were called two-dragon warships...all the way to those with more than ninety crossbows were called nine-dragon warships.

The best warship of the Daning Dynasty is the Six Dragon Warship, which has more than 60 crossbows, far surpassing the Yingkou.

The best warship that Yingkou currently has is the Four Dragon Warship, which is several levels behind Daning.

When subsequent artillery appears, the Daning Navy equipped with artillery will surely sweep across the entire East China Sea.

Because the Daning Dynasty has never taken action against it for a hundred years, and knowing the Daning Dynasty's peace policy towards them, the Yingkou has not developed its navy in recent years.

Unlike Qi Pinghai, who has been preparing for a hundred years, just waiting for the day to retaliate against the Yingkou.

Before Qi Pinghai took office as the Lord of the East China Sea, the best warship of Daning was only the Three Dragon Warship, which was not even as good as the Yingkou.

Now a hundred years have passed, Qi Pinghai has upgraded Daning's warship to the level of the Six Dragon Warship, but the best warship of the Yingkou is still the Four Dragon Warship, without any progress.

Not only did they not make any progress, but many of the Sakura pirates' warships had become fragile due to years of disrepair. Facing the crossbows of the Pinghai Navy, they had almost no resistance.

Dozens of Sakura pirates' warships were killed by Qi Pinghai in a short time, and none of them escaped.

"Haha, so satisfying!"

Looking at the destroyed Sakura pirate fleet, Qi Pinghai couldn't help laughing, and the Pinghai navy behind him also laughed, obviously quite satisfied with such a result.

"The natives of the Sakura pirates are vulnerable!"

"Thanks to the fact that the Lord of the Palace has been preparing for war for many years and has never slacked off for a day, otherwise it would not be so easy to defeat the Sakura pirates."

"The late emperor and His Majesty made us shrink for so many years, could it be that it was just to paralyze the Sakura pirates and then give them a fatal blow."


The Pinghai Navy was unstoppable, galloping on the west bank of the vast East China Sea. After receiving the news, Lu Changjing was also quite happy.

From the intelligence of the Jinyiwei, Lu Changjing knew that the Pinghai Navy had never slacked off in recent years, and knew that this battle should be able to win.

But he did not expect that the Pinghai Navy would be so competitive. There was almost no enemy wherever they went. Those Yingpi were like ice and snow meeting the warm sun, and they were eliminated by the Pinghai Navy one after another.

The money and military expenses that Lu Changjing used to support the Pinghai Navy naturally came from the sales of glass.

Anyway, the money earned from glass products was just some ordinary gold and silver, which was not of much use to Lu Changjing, so it was better to use it to support the Pinghai Navy.

And the construction of Huangsha River, its expenses also came from the sales of glass.

At this moment, glass products have been sold well in most of the Daning Dynasty, bringing a lot of gold and silver to Tan's Business and Lu Changjing. Lu Changjing can't use it all, so naturally there is extra gold and silver to support the construction of the Huangsha River embankment and the peace navy.

Mirrors, glass cups, glass ornaments... have been produced by Tan's Business, and they are very popular once they are launched.

In addition, unlike Pilizi, which can earn extraordinary materials, glass products earn some ordinary things, which can be fully afforded by the size of the Tan family.

In this case, Tan's Business naturally opened up production and sales, and the wealth earned from it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, although the glass products have only been sold for a few months, the gold and silver earned have already caught up with the annual tax revenue of the Daning Dynasty, of course, this is without counting those extraordinary materials.

At this moment, most of the affairs of the Daning Dynasty can be solved with ordinary gold and silver, and no extraordinary materials are needed.

For example, the money and food needed to attack the Blood Barbarians, the gold and silver needed to build the Huangsha River embankment, and the military expenses for the navy...

Anyone who uses extraordinary materials is basically a master, and looking at the Daning Dynasty, the number of masters is also quite rare.

After understanding the situation in Donghai Prefecture, Lu Changjing asked someone to bring the information about the King of Southwest and the Mountain Barbarians. As he read it, Lu Changjing frowned.

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