After returning to the imperial study, Lu Changjing had a feeling that spring was coming and he wanted to fall in love.

Although he already had ten loves, there were too many beauties in the world, and they were all different, charming, pure, intellectual, cute, soft and cute... There were also those with melon-seed faces, oval faces, and childlike faces... Even their voices were different, with soft Wu dialect, ethereal and beautiful sounds... There were too many.

There were always a few types that made people unable to stop, and these types were not a total of a few types, but a few types of a certain type.

You can't blame your majesty for being sentimental, you can only say that your majesty has a broad mind, like a vast ocean, which can accommodate so many beautiful beauties.

And there were so many concubines, noble concubines, beauties, concubines, palace maids, and female guards in the harem... They were looking forward to Lu Changjing's care and love, and how could he let them down?

Even if he can't love all of them, he should give them more chances. It just so happens that he wants to talk about more sweet love.

Then find opportunities to talk about more. I believe that other lovers will understand. After all, even Rong Xiyao and Lin Yixin have personally participated in the talent show. There is no reason not to let him have a few more relationships with his old friends.

You can't forget the old ones when you have new ones. After all, many old ones have been waiting for him for many years. People can't forget their roots.

Having made a decision, Lu Changjing continued to practice. It's not safe now. Ning Zhongyu is fine, but Ning Tianbao and the Ning royal family are still threats. He must continue to improve his cultivation realm.

At least he must have a cultivation realm at the level of gods and demons, which can be regarded as having a certain self-protection power.

When he masters the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array Group, he will be completely safe. At that time, even if there are gods and demons to deal with him, Lu Changjing will have the strength to fight.

However, in the following days, concubines asked him to go outing. Since he had promised Tan Qingyun, he could not refuse some of them, such as Rong Xiyao, Lin Yixin, Tang Qingyi, Xiao Yaoxin... Even the Queen Mother intervened and asked him to go outing and enjoy the flowers, and not to stay in the imperial study all the time.

Every outing would inevitably attract many concubines, noble ladies, and beauties... In the past, even the daughters of powerful people outside the palace came to join in the fun, which made Lu Changjing unable to practice in peace and wanted to fall in love.

Is it really because spring is here, everything is revived, and people are also restless.

While Lu Changjing was busy outing, the life of the natives of the Ying tribe thousands of miles away was getting harder and harder.

In the face of the Pinghai Navy's expedition, more and more Ying tribe islands fell, and large numbers of Ying tribe natives were captured alive and sent to the mines and caves of the Daning Dynasty to become miners.

Even some generals and dignitaries of the Ying tribe became part of the group, making it difficult for the Pinghai Navy to catch them.

In desperation, Qi Pinghai had to summon the civilian forces of Donghai Prefecture and several surrounding prefectures to capture the Ying tribe natives for various dirty, tiring and dangerous jobs.

Even though the consumption was huge, there were too many natives to use.

The Ying tribe natives, who were originally scattered, not only did not unite under the suppression of the Pinghai Navy, but also had internal strife again. Even the great emperor of the Ying tribe was overthrown and replaced by a young emperor. Of course, in order to distinguish the dynasties of Daning and others, he was still called the great emperor.

In order to seize the new great emperor, the remaining generals held the emperor hostage to command the princes, and even the Pinghai Navy didn't care. They fought each other until they were bloody, which made the Pinghai Navy stunned.

Qi Pinghai and the Pinghai Navy were furious. Who are you looking down on? We have already hit your core hinterland, but you are still busy fighting internally. No one will fight to the death with us. Is our Pinghai Navy so unworthy of attention?

So the furious Pinghai Navy occupied dozens of islands in half a month and captured millions of Sakura natives, and some of the slave ships were unable to transport them.

Seeing that more and more Sakura natives were captured, Daning could not use them, so he had to sell them at a low price to other dynasties and dynasties around him. Among them, the one that bought the most was the Huanyu Dynasty, a good ally of the Sakura natives.

After all, the Huanyu Dynasty had many mountains and mines, and it needed a large number of Sakura natives to mine and open up mountains for them.

In just a few months, the Huanyu Dynasty bought millions of Sakura natives and sent them all to the deep mountains and old forests. It is said that an average of thousands of people died every day.

It is worthy of being a good ally of the Sakura tribe, and it is not polite to its own good brothers.

There are also the Dayue Dynasty, the Dawu Dynasty, the Swift Dynasty further north... They also need a large number of Sakura natives to open mines and open up mountains, and the price they offer is quite considerable, so they can just be sent there.

And in the colder places in the north, the stench of the Sakura natives will not spread everywhere, so the price reduction caused by this will not be too much.

Daning just didn't want to accept too many natives of the Sakura tribe, so transporting them to other places would be a win-win situation.

However, it is estimated that many of these natives of the Sakura tribe will not survive, and even most of the women of the Sakura tribe have a bad smell, so many forces don't like them.

Only those women who have been carefully trained by the major forces of the Sakura tribe, who have not eaten shelled melons since childhood, or even stayed away from shelled melons, are qualified for trading.

What is surprising is that, I don't know if it is easy to raise good things in stinky ditches, these carefully trained female slaves of the Sakura tribe are often of super high quality, which is quite surprising.

Qi Pinghai has sent hundreds of female slaves of the Sakura tribe to Baiyujing. The quality of each of them is very good, not inferior to the concubines in the harem, and they are particularly docile, which is quite unique.

However, Lu Changjing couldn't even take care of the love in the harem now, so he had no time to care about the love in the summer resort. He could only leave it there for the time being.

This spring, the natives of the Ying tribe had an extremely difficult time. There were generals making trouble inside and the Pinghai Navy was arresting local slaves everywhere outside. It must be the most unforgettable spring in recent years.

If they knew that their invasion would lead to such revenge, the emperors and generals of the Ying tribe would never take action against the Daning Dynasty.

They didn't expect that every time they plundered in the past, they could return with a full load and nothing would happen, but why did it happen this time?

The Daning Dynasty is really too much. You didn't remind us in advance and tell us that you were going to do it for real this time, so that we wouldn't come to plunder.

Now it's like this, it's all the fault of the Daning Dynasty.

Even at this time, the natives of the Ying tribe did not reflect on themselves, but still felt that it was the fault of the Daning Dynasty. It's really unreasonable.

Fortunately, we could receive good news from the East China Sea from time to time, which was enough to make up for the rude behavior of the Sakura natives.

Just when another general of the Sakura was wiped out by the Pinghai Navy and captured to work in the mines, Lu Changjing had been traveling through this world for 800 days.

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