The content of the secret letter was not much, but it was thrilling. This secret letter was indeed sent by the Demon Suppression Department, or Lei Zhengfei, the head of Bai Yujing Demon Suppression Department, had someone send it quietly.

According to the secret letter, many demon kings, demon kings, ghost kings and strange kings above the tenth level of the Daning Dynasty have united and are preparing to take revenge on the Daning royal family.

Now they have quietly sneaked into Bai Yujing, preparing to attack the palace, teach the Daning royal family a harsh lesson, and even prepare to kill him, the Daning emperor.

Among them, the leading demons and monsters include the Great Demon Lord Black Crow Granny, the Great Demon Lord Yamata Snake Demon, the Great Demon Lord Woman in the Well, the Great Monster Lord Faceless Snow Girl... all of them are famous demons and monsters from the Daning Dynasty, far better than many great masters. All are powerful.

As for why this is the case, it is naturally due to the betrayal of the peace faction and the actions of Jin Yiwei in hunting down demons and monsters. In the eyes of these monsters, the Daning royal family and Jin Yiwei are capricious villains who betrayed their previous agreement, causing them heavy losses.

That's why these demons and monsters unite to take revenge on the Daning royal family and Jin Yiwei.

Lu Changjing had been mentally prepared for this, but what he didn't expect was that these demons and monsters were so bold and actually tried to break into the palace. Aren't they afraid of Zhou Tianxing Dou's large formations?

By the way, he seemed to have forgotten one thing, and that was a lot of information about the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. The Daning royal family had long sold it to demons and monsters in exchange for resources and treasures.

These demons and ghosts must have known the many loopholes in the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, so they dared to attack the palace wildly.

If it had been about half a month earlier, Lu Changjing, who had not broken through the shackles of gods and demons, might have been a little worried, but now, he could only look forward to it.

There are so many high-level demon kings, demon kings, ghost kings and monster kings, and the number has reached three digits. If they can all be killed, I don't know how much demon suppression value can be exchanged.

He coveted many of the good things in the Demon Suppression Department, especially those magical elixirs and medicines, which he urgently needed now.

If we can catch all these daring demons and monsters, we should be able to get some magical pills and medicines.

Cao Wenzheng was asked to thank the Demon Suppression Division, and Lu Changjing began to prepare.

The first thing he had to do was naturally make arrangements for the concubines in the harem. Lu Changjing didn't want any accidents to happen. It would be bad if his love was hurt.

In order to prevent the news from leaking and affecting the subsequent hunting of monsters and monsters, Lu Changjing only told a few of the more trusted concubines, such as Rong Xiyao, Tang Qingyi, Lin Yixin... and asked them to quietly arrange for all the concubines to hide in a safe place. palace.

Once monsters and ghosts attack, they can immediately enter the underground chambers of these palaces. Even level 20 monsters and monsters cannot break through these underground chambers in a short time.

As long as there is a little buffer time, Lu Changjing can come to save people.

In addition, it was also necessary to arrange the guards, eunuchs, maids, etc. in the palace. These were handed over by Lu Changjing to Cao Xiuyuan, Zhang Zhaozhong, Nie Cha and others. They had special skills, and Lu Changjing was not good at this kind of thing.

While Lu Changjing was preparing his troops, nearly two hundred demons and monsters of level 10 or above were gathering in a mansion only a few kilometers away from the palace, waiting for the moment to attack the palace.

Among them, more than a dozen level 20 demons and monsters gathered in the main hall of the mansion, discussing a plan to raid the palace. The Black Crow Granny, the Yamata Snake Demon, the Woman Under the Well, and the Faceless Snow Girl were among them.

"Damn Jin Yiwei, damn Daning royal family, if they hadn't leaked our information these days, we wouldn't have had so many people killed by the Demon Suppression Division. This time we will definitely kill all the living people in the palace and kill them all. Swallow it to vent your hatred."

"After all, the imperial palace is protected by the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation Group, and it has the most array eyes. Although we have information about the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation Group and know many loopholes, once the formation group is activated, it will still be suppressed, unless it is Hiding in the loopholes, how can you massacre the Ning family and the people in the palace, so you still have to be careful. "

"According to the previous plan, attack into the palace, slaughter for half an hour, and withdraw immediately after half an hour, so as not to give Zhou Tianxing Dou a chance to attack."

"I also agree with this. Half an hour is enough for us. We have nearly two hundred demon kings, devil kings, ghost kings and strange kings. There are more than a dozen level 20 kings alone, which is comparable to the big kings. All the great masters of the Ning Dynasty can’t solve all the problems in half an hour.”

"Since we all agree to this plan, it's time to determine the time to take action. I think tomorrow night will be just right. The night is dark and windy, with no stars and no moon. It's a good time to bloodbath the imperial city."

"Tomorrow night is too hasty. It should be the day after tomorrow. There are still a few princes from our tribe who have not arrived yet. They will not be able to arrive until at least tomorrow night."

After a heated discussion, during which there was almost a fight, it was finally decided to raid the palace the day after tomorrow, massacre the Ning royal family, kill Emperor Daning, destroy the Jin Yiwei... to avenge all the dead companions.

After the discussion was completed, the group of monsters and monsters found a room to stay temporarily.

This mansion was temporarily robbed by them. It used to belong to a rich man named Bai Yujing, but now this rich man has fallen into the belly of these monsters.

It was because this group of demons and monsters acted a little arrogantly that the Demon Suppression Department discovered the clues and immediately revealed the news to Lu Changjing.

If there is no help from the Demon Suppression Division, with the strength of the Daning court, although it can be discovered, it will be a while later, and there will not be enough time to deal with it.

Compared with the means and ability of the Demon Suppression Division to track demons and ghosts, the Daning Dynasty is still a little worse, especially in recent years, the Daning Dynasty has been quite ambiguous in its attitude towards demons and ghosts, which is even worse than the Demon Suppression Division.

Not long after, Lu Changjing learned from the Demon Suppression Division the approximate time of these demons and ghosts attacking the palace, and he was mentally prepared.

At this moment, the weaker female guards and palace maids in the palace have been arranged near the palace with underground secret rooms. It only takes a few dozen breaths to escape to these underground secret rooms.

Not to mention the concubines in the harem, in addition to the safe place, some masters are also arranged to protect them to avoid any accidents.

Soon two days passed, and tonight should be the time when those demons and ghosts attack the palace.

Lu Changjing sat high in the sky, overlooking the entire palace. Ning Yuzhi had already made preparations, and was just waiting for the monsters and demons to fall into the trap before he could activate the Zhoutian Xingdou formation in the palace area.

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