Seventy years ago, deep in the East China Sea, the three-mouthed woman and the great emperor of the Sakura tribe had a sweet love affair.

Looking at the three-mouthed woman with three mouths, located behind the head, in the middle of the neck, on the belly..., Lu Changjing was silent, and felt goose bumps all over his body.

This kind of stuff, even if it was given to him for free, he would not dare to touch it. Unexpectedly, the great emperor of the Sakura tribe had such a heavy taste that he actually dated the three-mouthed woman.

The three-mouthed woman seventy years ago has become weird, and has maintained its current appearance. Lu Changjing is very puzzled as to how the great emperor of the Sakura tribe could eat her.

According to the memory of the three-mouthed woman, they did everything they should do, first base, second base, third base... until the wedding.

Thinking of that scene, Lu Changjing couldn't help shuddering, and dared not look through this memory again, it was really unbearable.

It was because of this that the three-mouthed woman knew some inside stories of the Sakura royal family, and knew that they were quite wealthy. If they could eat her, they would definitely make a lot of money.

However, these treasures are scattered on different islands of the Ying Clan. If you want to get all of them, it is not possible in a short time. Otherwise, Lu Changjing would go to plunder them personally.

So he could only leave it to Qi Pinghai to deal with it slowly. At the same time, Lu Changjing planned to assign Sankounu to him and let Sankounu assist Qi Pinghai in taking down the entire Ying Clan.

With the assistance of this insider, Qi Pinghai will surely be able to take down the entire Ying Clan faster, and even other indigenous races around.

Sankounu's sustenance is a picture of a beautiful woman eating people. Lu Changjing plans to hand it over to Qi Pinghai, so that if Sankounu does anything out of line, he can destroy this picture of a beautiful woman eating people.

Her earth escape technique is a natural secret technique, and she has not practiced any combat skills, which makes Lu Changjing a little disappointed. He originally thought that he could get a precious earth escape technique.

After plundering Sankounu's resources and treasures, Lu Changjing took her to the East China Sea and rushed to hand her over to Qi Pinghai.

Motivating the power of heaven and earth, stepping on the Huangji Wandering Dragon Step, although the East China Sea is vast, it is just a drop in the ocean in Lu Changjing's eyes.

In just over half an hour, Qi Pinghai, who was attacking the native islands, was found.

A large number of Pinghai troops were like tigers descending from the mountains, destroying the resistance of the Ying tribe natives on the islands with great force, and defeated tens of thousands of Ying tribe natives on them.

At this moment, the Pinghai troops have been divided into seven groups, attacking the native islands everywhere, and looting various resources and treasures.

Qi Pinghai's side is just one of them. The distance between the seven armies is not far, and they can support each other at any time. As long as they hold on for about half an hour, they can wait for reinforcements.

Wherever the army passes, it is invincible and is destroying the Ying tribe natives bit by bit.

"Master Qi, go to the study, I'll wait for you here."

Without seeing the intention of others, Lu Changjing went directly into the study on the Liulong warship where Qi Pinghai was riding and sent a message to Qi Pinghai.

Qi Pinghai was stunned when he heard this familiar voice. He thought someone was joking or trying to deceive him.

But he immediately thought that this was the central army. If the other party really wanted to harm him, they would not come to his six-dragon warship.

He only needed to give an order, and his guards would rush up and make the other party pay a heavy price.

Could it be... that His Majesty really came?

Seeing that the native islands had no resistance, Qi Pinghai handed the rest of the things to the deputy general and went to the study alone, which was also where he usually handled military affairs.

Entering the study and closing the door with his backhand, Qi Pinghai saw a familiar figure, who was the emperor he had met in Baiyujing.

Wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, a five-color pearl crown on his head, a black silk patchwork on his upper body, a white silk long skirt on his lower body, a large red belt around his waist, and cloud dragon auspicious boots on his feet, he looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work these days, Lord Qi."

Lu Changjing smiled and stepped forward, the imperial qi surged, and the familiar breath made Qi Pinghai no longer doubt, and he bowed to Lu Changjing: "Your Majesty, I am Qi Pinghai, and I pay my respects to His Majesty."

"Lord Qi, please stand up." Lu Changjing hurriedly helped Qi Pinghai up. Lu Changjing also admired the Lord of the East Sea who swept the natives of the Ying tribe with his own strength.

He has been preparing for a hundred years, and has been quietly fighting against the peace party to maintain the safety of several coastal prefectures. Although his achievements are still behind those of the Southwest King and the Heluo King, they are not too far behind.

After the battle to wipe out the natives of the Ying tribe, Qi Pinghai is fully qualified to be promoted to the Southeast King and become the fifth king of the Daning Dynasty.

"I didn't know that Your Majesty was coming to Donghai, and we didn't come to greet you. Please forgive me." Qi Pinghai apologized again, but was helped up by Lu Changjing: "I came in a hurry, and this matter is not your fault." Lu Changjing took Qi Pinghai to the table and didn't say too much nonsense: "I have wanted to come to Donghai in person for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity. It just so happens that I have to follow my senior brother to slay demons and monsters this time, so I came to see you specially." "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty, I am very terrified." Qi Pinghai didn't expect Lu Changjing to come to see him specially, and he couldn't help but be quite moved. It has always been reasonable for ministers to meet His Majesty, but it is not reasonable for His Majesty to come to see his ministers. Moreover, without the emperor's approval, they cannot avenge their previous shame and return all the grievances they have suffered for a hundred years to the natives of the Ying tribe. Although they were harmed many times by the royal family and the court before, it was due to the old emperor's peace policy, and it could not be blamed on the young emperor. The young emperor has done a lot for them.

Laughing and comforting Qi Pinghai, Lu Changjing told him not to be so reserved. He said, "Now that I have seen Lord Qi in person, I feel much more at ease. From now on, the East China Sea will be handed over to Lord Qi. If you need anything, just report it to Baiyujing."

"The Imperial Guard, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Revenue... will not hold you back anymore. Lord Qi can just let go and do what he wants. The moment the Ying Clan is pacified, Lord Qi will be conferred the title of King of the Southeast. The southeastern border will depend on Lord Qi to guard. I will also hand over the maritime trade to Lord Qi, and you will get a share of it."

"This..." Qi Pinghai was speechless, and his expression became more and more panicked. He never thought that Lu Changjing would be so good to him and value him so much.

He even told him in person that he would be conferred the title of King of the Southeast and become the new fifth king of the Daning Dynasty, and he would also share a share of the profits from maritime trade with him.

For Qi Pinghai, who has been staying near the East China Sea for many years, he clearly knows how much amazing benefits can be obtained if maritime trade can be developed.

Power, fame, benefits...all are given to him, how can he not be terrified.

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