Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 190 Ning Zhongyu comes out of retreat

Behind the Yangxing Palace, in a small rockery.

The real emperor Ning Zhongyu opened the mechanism, and a small stone door appeared on the rockery, just enough for one person to enter and exit.

Even Nie Sha and Cao Wen Zheng did not know that there was a secret passage leading to the outside in the healing room of the Yangxing Palace. Only Ning Zhongyu knew about this.

The reason why Ning Zhongyu quietly left here was that he wanted to see the current situation in the palace with his own eyes. He did not completely believe Nie Sha and Cao Wen Zheng.

Seeing that the three-year deadline was getting closer and closer, he planned to come out in advance to see if what they said was true or not.

Ning Zhongyu's face was still with a touch of relief and joy. After so many days of hard practice, he finally saw the hope of breaking through the Cang Yang Technique again.

As long as the Cang Yang Technique is completed, and then breaks through the perfect level, he has a great chance of recovering his dragon roots and will no longer be a eunuch emperor.

It is even possible to awaken special talents and gain abilities beyond imagination.

Nie Sha is a bit of a loser. He still hasn't found a useful remedy in almost three years. In the end, he has to rely on himself.

Activate the intermediate artifact invisibility ring, activate the invisibility talisman, activate the secret art of concealment... Soon Ning Zhongyu disappeared as if out of thin air, and no one could detect it anymore.

With a slight smile, Ning Zhongyu walked towards the Qianqing Palace, ready to see what the fake emperor was doing and whether he had messed up the government.

The atmosphere in the palace was very good, and it seemed to be better than before he went into seclusion.

Female guards shuttled back and forth, responsible for guarding the safety of the palace. Eunuchs and palace maids were busy with their own affairs. From time to time, they would stop to rest for a while and chat with other eunuchs and palace maids. There was nothing strange in their words.

From the orderly palace, it can be inferred that the current Daning Dynasty is still stable, otherwise it would not be so harmonious.

It seems that Nie Sha and Cao Wenzheng did not lie to him. At present, everything is normal in the Daning Dynasty. Although there is still war on the border, it cannot affect the situation of the entire Daning.

However, the secret treasury income and the national treasury income have decreased so much in the past two years. According to Nie Sha and Cao Wenzheng, it is to stabilize the domestic and border situations, because the barbarians, natives and other countries have been doing more and more excessive things in the past two years, which is a bit of a nose-to-face.

I don’t know when my father will be able to break through the shackles of gods and demons, so that these guys can be taught a lesson and prevent them from continuing to be rampant.

Compared with Ning Tianbao, Ning Zhongyu is weaker and is also very supportive of the national policy of peace.

When approaching the imperial garden, Ning Zhongyu saw Tan Qingyun and Xiao Yaoxin walking side by side, but what surprised him was that the lips of these two concubines were slightly swollen.

Although the medicine was applied, it should have been swollen more before, and it would not be reduced in a short time.

The two concubines were eating delicious food while walking. Seeing that Xiao Yaoxin was also led astray by the little foodie Tan Qingyun, Ning Zhongyu couldn't help but smile, secretly thinking that this Tan concubine was also a strange flower in the harem.

As a concubine, it is quite rare for her to be so greedy.

Seeing the two of them talking and laughing happily, Ning Zhongyu quietly approached and wanted to listen to what they were talking about.

"Qingyun, your lips are still swollen, do you want to use the ointment I prepared?" Xiao Yaoxin asked with concern.

Tan Qingyun pouted: "Yours hasn't gone down either. It seems that your ointment is similar to mine. I'll just use mine. My ointment tastes good."

"Uh..." Xiao Yaoxin was speechless: "Does the ointment have to be delicious? Shouldn't you choose the one with good efficacy?"

Tan Qingyun said with a smile: "I just like to use ointments that taste good. Do you want to have some? I will definitely not let you down."

"No, I'm used to using the ointment I prepare myself." Xiao Yaoxin shook her head: "Did you also go to see His Majesty the day before yesterday?"

Tan Qingyun shook her head: "I was two days earlier than you. His Majesty's verbal battles are getting more and more intense. I can't resist it."

"Yes, His Majesty's verbal skills are so powerful that I can't even speak when I'm with His Majesty." Xiao Yaoxin blushed and whispered, and looked around, as if she was afraid of being heard.

She didn't know that there were ears on the other side of the wall. Ning Zhongyu was eavesdropping nearby, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Does the fake emperor have such advantages? He is good at speaking and is good at verbal battles. He should be good at speaking.

I heard Cao Wenzheng say before that many concubines often came to the fake emperor, wanting him to fulfill his duties as an emperor, so as not to be ridiculed as a monk emperor by the surrounding countries.

It seems that this fake emperor persuaded the concubines through verbal battles to stop pestering him. Even Concubine Tan and Concubine Xiao had swollen lips because of what they said, which shows how good his verbal skills are.

Unexpectedly, he found a good substitute by accident. This method seems to be better than avoiding him.

After all, looking at the expressions of Tan Qingyun and Xiao Yaoxin, they didn't have too many complaints about this, as if they were convinced.

Ning Zhongyu nodded with satisfaction. This fake emperor is also a talent. If he needs to practice in seclusion in the future, he can let him take over instead of killing him so early.

Being able to make the concubines who have been pestering him speechless and unable to speak, such an ability is not something that everyone has.

The two concubines were still talking among themselves, and Tan Qingyun nodded repeatedly, saying, "I am speechless when I am with His Majesty. His Majesty has become more and more powerful these days, and I really can't resist him."

"But the imported delicacies made by your majesty are getting more and more delicious. Do you think so?"

"I do feel that way. I don't know why. It's the same thing, but it suddenly tastes better." Xiao Yaoxin blushed and said, "It seems to have been integrated with something else. I feel refreshed when I eat it. It's incredible."

Tan Qingyun said, "Yes, yes, yes, I have the same feeling. The food hasn't changed, so why has it become more delicious? Your majesty must have added other seasonings, otherwise it wouldn't be so delicious."


Hearing this, Ning Zhongyu was also a little surprised. Is this fake emperor so versatile? It's okay to be eloquent, but he is also good at making imported delicacies. Even the knowledgeable concubines find it incredible.

But what is imported delicacies? How come he has never heard of it? If there is a chance later, he can let the fake emperor make some for him to try.

Since the concubines also like to eat imported delicacies so much, it is even more necessary to keep the fake emperor and let him make more imported delicacies for the concubines in the future.

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