Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 203: The demon-suppressor: Sakyamuni.

Looking at the surging crowd, Lu Changjing smiled slightly, and immediately realized what was going on, and walked towards Zhang Huiming with a smile.

"I've met your Majesty." Zhang Huiming bowed his hands when he saw Lu Changjing.

Lu Changjing smiled and said, "Director Zhang, you're welcome. I'm Sakyamuni."

Hearing this name, Zhang Huiming was slightly startled. It was a bit strange: "His Majesty Shakya Mian, please come with me. I wonder if Shakya Mian is here. Is there anything we, the Demon Suppressing Department, need to cooperate with?"

"I want to join the Demon Suppression Division, so I need Director Zhang to help me go through the process." Lu Changjing said.

Zhang Huiming was stunned, and then said happily: "Our Demon Suppression Department welcomes such a powerful person as His Majesty Sakyamuni. Please come with me."

Being able to recruit a god and demon crown prince from him to join the Demon Suppression Division can be regarded as a great achievement, and Zhang Huiming naturally welcomed him.

He personally took Lu Changjing through the process and made a demon-suppressing order using Li Fubing's blood and breath. He also confirmed that the blood and breath belonged to the human race, and Lu Changjing was also a human race and not a monster.

After going through these procedures, when Zhang Huiming was about to meet Lu Changjing, he saw Lu Changjing taking out a pair of eyes of the Henggong Fish God.

"The Henggong Fish God, the third-level demon god, is he the Henggong Fish God that haunts Lingli Mansion?" Zhang Huiming exclaimed and lost his voice.

Lu Changjing smiled and nodded: "It's the Henggong Fish God. It tried to sneak up on me, but I killed it with the help of artifacts and secret techniques."

The traces of the Huangji Sword Technique have been erased by Lu Changjing, and there are only a pair of eyes. There are no traces of the Huangji Sword Technique at all.

After getting the affirmative answer, Zhang Huiming took a deep breath, looked at Lu Changjing who couldn't sense the depth at all, and secretly thought that he was prosperous this time.

The human warrior who can kill the Heng Gong Fish God is at least a third-level god and demon. It is very likely that he is a god and demon of level three or above, that is, a middle-level god and demon.

If this is the case, the Demon Suppression Division will have one more capable general this time.

Although the other party's registered cultivation level is only the level of first-order gods and demons, how could the strength of first-order gods and demons reach this level? There is definitely a lot hidden.

"These eyes of the Henggong Fish God alone are worth a gold token." Zhang Huiming said happily, and immediately began to prepare a gold token for Lu Changjing.

Lu Changjing said in surprise: "Don't you need to complete the corresponding promotion tasks?"

"Those promotion tasks are basically prepared for those demon-suppressing demon-suppressing people with golden orders who rely on their massive merits." Zhang Huiming explained: "Most of these demon-suppressing demon-suppressing people only have the level of cultivation at the Grand Master level, but because After years of slaying demons, I have accumulated enough demon-suppressing points and merits, so I need to advance to the gold level through promotion tasks.”

"But for the gods and demon warriors, as long as they kill the demons and monsters at the level of gods and demons, they can skip this step and become a Jinling Demon Lord."

Only then did Lu Changjing understand what was going on. It was no wonder that when he was promoted in the Daning Dynasty as Zhang Bairen, he skipped the promotion task and became the Yinling Demon Lord.

This time it was a similar concept, and he soon obtained a gold token with his new vest engraved on it, Sakyamuni, who was also the Tathagata Buddha in his previous life.

I don’t know if a Jade Emperor or a Tathagata Buddha can reach a high enough level in this life.

After rejecting Zhang Huiming's invitation to celebrate, Lu Changjing took a full load of demon-suppressing points and prepared to exchange them for the same needed resources and treasures.

The demon-suppressing value brought by a third-level male fish god far exceeds all the demon-suppressing values ​​obtained by Lu Changjing before. Sure enough, high-level demons and ghosts can bring him more demon-suppressing values.

If it is used to exchange for divine elixirs and magical medicines, it can be exchanged for at least one or two hundred bottles of divine elixirs and magical medicines. However, if it is used to exchange for divine items that can greatly improve the realm of cultivation, it can only be exchanged for the same.

Dragon Scale Fruit!

This is the treasure that Lu Changjing exchanged for using most of his demon-suppressing points. Moreover, he was lucky enough to encounter it, so he got this treasure in exchange.

Different from the magic elixir used for daily practice, this dragon scale fruit is a rare treasure that can greatly improve the level of cultivation. One piece of it can at least increase Lu Changjing's body training level to another level.

After breaking through from the first-level divine body to the second-level divine body, Lu Changjing did not expect such a treasure to appear in the Demon Suppression Department, so he naturally took it down without ceremony.

This kind of treasure that can greatly improve the level of cultivation is extremely rare even in the secret vault of the Demon Suppression Department, especially at the god level. Many gods and demons have come dozens or hundreds of times, and they may not be able to encounter it. once.

Even if they encounter it, it may not be something they can buy.

Lu Changjing happened to meet him this time, which was considered lucky. Of course, he couldn't miss it.

Those magical elixirs and medicines used for daily practice can be purchased at any time at the Demon Suppression Department, or at places like Liehuo Tower.

But rare treasures like the Dragon Scale Fruit are rarely seen in Liehuo Tower and Demon Suppression Division.

In the Demon Suppression Division, such god-level resources and treasures that can be used for practice are very expensive. There are also artifacts, divine arrays, divine objects, etc., which far exceed the various magical tomes. The two are simply incompatible. Same thing.

After all, magical scriptures are all copies. As long as you have the original, you can basically wholesale copies in large quantities. However, these god-level resources are different. Once they are used, they are gone, and it is impossible to copy them again.

This is also the characteristic of the Demon Suppression Division. Under the leadership of the Demon Suppression Division, the entire Chinese world is in a similar situation.

Although the magic skills manual is rare, there is a limit after all, and there are many ways to obtain it. Otherwise, if Daning is just an imperial dynasty, how can it have so many top magic skills manuals? Wouldn't it have been taken back long ago?

The reason why the Demon Suppression Division and the human race's high-level officials did this was also for the reproduction of the human race and to deal with demons and monsters. This has led to a large number of human practitioners, and the existing cultivation resources of the human race are simply not enough.

If you want to obtain the corresponding cultivation resources and treasures for cultivation improvement, you can only go to the trouble of demons and monsters and obtain the corresponding resources and treasures from them.

Therefore, all human countries and the Demon Suppression Division are encouraging practitioners to kill demons and monsters, obtain the resources and treasures needed for cultivation, and use them to quickly improve their cultivation realm.

The Demon Suppression Division has even issued generous rewards. You only need to use some materials that are not so precious on demons and monsters to exchange for a large amount of demon suppression points, which can be used to exchange for the desired resources and treasures.

This is also a reward from the Demon Suppression Division, but fortunately it can be earned back by selling the magic skills manuals, otherwise it would have been out of pocket long ago.

In addition, the demons and monsters handed over by many demon-suppressing people are also valuable, especially the Demon-Suppressing Bureau has the corresponding methods of utilization, which enables it to maintain its operation.

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