

Bai Yujing, near the palace, a group of courtiers preparing to go to court looked at the fighting not far away and fell silent for a moment.

Until the fighting party decided the winner, but it was not the human cultivators, but the monster beasts, and the one fighting the monster beast was a monster.

After the monster was killed and the monster escaped, the factory guards from the West Factory came in a hurry and chased after the monster, leaving only a mess on the spot.

Collapsed houses, affected people, corpses of monsters... The courtiers had seen similar things many times in other places, but it was the first time that it happened so close to the palace during the morning court.

"Things have gotten a little out of control. We can't continue like this, otherwise the entire Bai Yujing will be in danger. We must persuade His Majesty to temporarily withdraw the demon-killing order."

"Not only that, during this period, the East Factory and the West Factory were arresting demons and ghosts everywhere, and even processed the living demons and ghosts into various materials. This made the demons and ghosts in Daning's territory more and more dissatisfied, and they gathered towards Bai Yujing. If this continues Not to mention the territory of Daning, even demons and ghosts from surrounding countries may gather here. "

"Although I agree with His Majesty's actions in dealing with demons and monsters, I still agree. Can we not be so radical in our actions? We must take our time. This step is too big. The monsters and monsters can't stand it, and neither can we."

"Members of the peace faction, you have been blind and deaf during this period. Why don't you have any opinions at all? Whatever your Majesty says is whatever you say. Are you the main war faction or we are the main war faction? So we can't be tougher. Stick to the previous national policy.”

The ministers of the peace faction remained silent and ignored the ministers of the main war faction. It was true that they were suppressed too hard during this period. In addition, the big brothers who took the lead were not able to do their best, and some friends who had colluded with monsters and monsters were found out and chopped. How dare they oppose Lu Changjing's policies anymore.

When the court meeting came, the peace faction still didn't say a word, as if they supported all Lu Changjing's decisions.

Seeing this, the main combatants could no longer sit still and stood up one after another to start playing, hoping that Lu Changjing could slow down a bit, withdraw the demon-killing order for the time being, stop deliberately irritating those monsters, and do everything slowly to avoid causing a catastrophe. .

But Lu Changjing, who had enough confidence, did not take the monsters and ghosts that poured into Bai Yujing into consideration at all.

He was about to take this opportunity to clean up a wave of demons and ghosts in Daning. How could he agree to the request of the main war faction and once again become the emperor and push this matter away?

After taking care of some current urgent matters, he retreated directly from the court and went back to continue practicing.

Seeing that His Majesty the Emperor did not adopt their opinions, a group of courtiers sighed and walked much slower.

"The old emperor only wanted peace, and the new emperor only wanted war. They are really two extremes. It would be nice if they could be neutralized, but what should we do now?"

"Your Majesty is too confident, thinking that he can control so many monsters, but he doesn't know that tens of thousands of monsters have gathered in Kyoto. The East Factory and the West Factory are simply too busy. The Demon Suppression Department and Jin Yiwei are also helping to stabilize the situation. If this continues Something big will happen if you go down there.”

"But don't you think that His Majesty has given too much power to Dongchang and Xichang? It seems that no department can control them. They are directly responsible to His Majesty the Emperor. We don't even have room to intervene."

"The capital is getting more and more chaotic now. I have sent my wife and children to relatives' homes nearby. I advise you to do the same, lest it is too late when chaos breaks out."

In the eyes of many ministers, this was a disaster, but in Lu Changjing's view, this was obviously a great opportunity to help him clarify the demons and monsters in Daning.

Naturally, you have to take control of it and don't let anyone destroy it, let alone yourself.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, something strange happened, that is, in Bai Yujing, which was originally the twelfth lunar month of winter, the temperature actually began to rise rapidly.

Normally, the temperature at this time of year is around minus ten degrees Celsius, and sometimes it can even reach ten or twenty degrees Celsius. But this year, the temperature, which was normal before, suddenly started to soar.

In just a few days, it went from ten degrees below zero to ten degrees above zero, and it was still increasing by one or two degrees every day.

But as long as you leave Bai Yujing's range, the temperature will return to normal. If you say there is nothing fishy in this, even a fool will not believe it.

Dongchang, Xichang, Jinyiwei, courtiers... and the Demon Suppression Department all realized that powerful demons and ghosts had entered Bai Yujing, the kind that could affect the temperature.

It should not be a god or demon, but its own characteristics, and it is likely to use the effect of the artifact, otherwise it would not be able to have such a big impact.

So Dongchang, Xichang, Jinyiwei and others joined forces with the Demon Suppression Department to search everywhere for the whereabouts of this monster. Unfortunately, after searching for more than half a month, nothing was found.

At this moment, the temperature in Baiyujing has risen to 30 degrees, which is like going from the cold winter to the hot summer. Many people in Kyoto are also a little scared, and a large number of people have begun to flee Baiyujing.

Seeing that if it continues, things may get out of hand. The main war faction and the peace negotiation faction are panicking, and the Demon Suppression Department is a little unable to withstand it.

Seeing this situation, Lu Changjing was also a little helpless. The East Factory and the West Factory were established too short ago, and there were not too many experts. They could not deal with some difficult and complicated diseases. It seemed that they still needed to take action on their own.

According to the information obtained from the investigations of the East Factory, West Factory and the Demon Suppression Division during this period, the demon that caused the temperature of Baiyujing to rise rapidly is very likely the demon Hanba that appeared in Daning hundreds of years ago.

However, since it burned many masters of Daning to ashes hundreds of years ago, this demon has not been seen again. It was originally thought that it had escaped from the territory of Daning, but it was unexpected that it had been hiding here and its strength was getting stronger and stronger.

With the movement it caused now, it is far more than that of the past, and its strength must have improved a lot, which is incomparable with the past.

With the information provided by the East Factory, West Factory and the Demon Suppression Division, Lu Changjing began to search in dozens of suspicious places. They couldn't find it, but it didn't mean that Lu Changjing couldn't find it.

Wherever the power of the soul passes, everything is almost invisible.

Coupled with the super five senses, it is not difficult to find this demon that is hiding and causing trouble.

It took more than two hours for Lu Changjing to find the abnormality in the arsenal and find the whereabouts of this demon.

Just as the East Factory, West Factory and Demon Suppression Bureau had speculated, it was indeed the monster Hanba who was causing trouble, and the monster's cultivation level was extremely high.

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