Regarding the current war situation, not only the imperial warriors were confused, but also the people in the Demon Suppression Division.

Although they had been notified that powerful men from the imperial court had taken action to clean up many high-level demons and monsters, the imperial warriors and the Demon Suppression Department never expected that they would be so clean.

"We have killed a lot of demons and ghosts. How come we didn't even see a demon above level 15? How many trump cards does our Daning court have hiding? We actually killed so many high-level demons and ghosts quietly. "

"Have you forgotten the Yellow Sand Jiao King, the three-mouthed girl, and the drought demon that caused the temperature in Bai Yujing to soar? They all disappeared without a trace. It seems that His Majesty really has a backer behind him. It is not groundless, or it is the royal family. Hidden old monster.”

"If you want to achieve this, at least a demigod must take action. I didn't expect that there are actually demigod warriors hidden among us in Daning."

"Your Majesty is so confident. No wonder he insists on fighting these monsters and monsters without any compromise. We will definitely win this time."

The morale of the imperial warriors was greatly boosted. They unsheathed their swords and rushed towards the swarming demons and monsters.

The Demon Suppression Department was also dumbfounded and a little unbelievable.

"Is the Daning Imperial Court so powerful? It has hidden so many trump cards. When they were against us before, these trump cards were not used. Otherwise, our Demon Suppression Division would have been completely defeated."

"Who says it's not the case? Fortunately, we have reconciled with the Daning court before, and the Emperor of Daning is also quite cooperative with us in slaying demons. Otherwise, we would have had a headache."

"I have killed so many high-level demons and monsters silently. The Daning court's background is beyond imagination. I will contact you more in the future."

"I thought Emperor Daning was playing with fire, but I didn't expect that he was not playing with fire, but with these monsters and monsters. Yesterday I saw a lot of monsters and monsters above level 15, but today I can't see any of them."

Sensing the anomaly on the side of the demons and ghosts, the Demon Suppressing Division was naturally overjoyed and cooperated with the imperial warriors to massacre these rebellious demons and ghosts.

At this moment, many demons and ghosts were also confused. Although they had guessed that many leaders had been killed, they did not expect that they were killed so cleanly. This would allow them to live. Don't be so exaggerated.

Looking around, there was not even a leader above the fifteenth level. However, there were dozens of high-level masters and grand masters in the Daning Imperial Court and the Demon Suppression Division. How could this battle be fought?

Looking at their companions who fell like straw, these demons and monsters finally couldn't hold on anymore after persisting for a while.

"All the leaders are dead. We are no match for the Daning Imperial Court and the Demon Suppression Division. Don't die in vain. Everyone, run away."

"We don't even have a high-ranking monarch, so how can we fight? It's over, the wind is blowing."

"Hurry up, run as far as you can. If you don't run, you won't be able to run anymore."

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come to Bai Yujing. Wuwuwu, I'm dead now."

There were also some low-level demons and monsters with limited intelligence, who were still resisting, but they were quickly killed and no one was left behind.

The corpses of these monsters and ghosts were quickly collected by people from the East and West factories. They would then be transported to various workshops and sorted into categories. Those that could be processed were processed, and those that could not be sold were sold in exchange for new products as much as possible. A lot of resources and wealth.

Of course, it is indispensable to keep the materials that can be exchanged for the demon-suppressing value, so that Lu Changjing can exchange them all for the demon-suppressing value.

The Demon Suppression Department may be the only place where ordinary mortal objects can be exchanged for extraordinary spiritual objects, or even various divine objects, because the value of Demon Suppression is universal.

Even if you kill low-level monsters and monsters, you can still get the Demon Suppression Points. Although the number is a little small, it is still a big number when you add up to it.

When a certain amount is accumulated, they can be exchanged for extraordinary spiritual objects or various divine objects at the Demon Suppression Department.

There are no trade barriers between ordinary mortal objects and extraordinary spiritual objects, let alone gold, silver and spiritual stones.

It just requires accumulating a sufficient amount of demon suppression points, which is obviously the best thing for Lu Changjing.

If this loophole can be exploited, Lu Changjing will not be short of training resources in the future.

The only limitation is that the number of demons and ghosts is limited, especially the number of demons and ghosts in Daning territory is even more limited. Even if you want to accumulate a sufficient number of demon-suppressing values, it cannot be done in a short time.

The fighting between the imperial warriors, the Demon Suppressor, and the demons and monsters resounded throughout Bai Yujing. Naturally, the civil and military officials in the court could hear it, and they secretly inquired about the news. However, there were also some timid ones who were scared and wanted to escape from Bai Yujing.

"It's over, it's over. I told Your Majesty a long time ago not to take such big steps, but Your Majesty just goes his own way and doesn't listen. It's okay now. These monsters and ghosts are making a fuss."

"Let's quickly find a place to run and stay as far away from Bai Yujing as possible. It is said that there are more than 100,000 demons and ghosts sneaking into Bai Yujing now. How can the imperial court resist them?"

"The temperature in Bai Yujing has risen by several degrees these days. As a result, the whereabouts of the demons and ghosts have not been found. Now they have begun to attack the city. I don't know if they have been found."

"If I had known this, why not support the peace faction before? At least I could save the imperial court. It's better now. Although I have killed many monsters and monsters, and made all the barbarians, natives, and dynasties run away, I can't even save the capital."

Many people in the court began to flee, not to mention the rich and powerful, who were also preparing to flee for their lives.

But what they didn't expect was that after escaping from the house, they discovered that no monsters had broken into the residential area and started killing people. They seemed to have been stopped.

Even though they fled all the way to the outside of Bai Yujing, they still didn't encounter any monsters. Along the way, there were only the rich and powerful who fled in the same panic as them, and some people who didn't know the truth.

What exactly is going on? Where have all the troublesome demons and ghosts gone?

The wealthy and powerful people who escaped were stunned. The shouts of killing continued, and screams were heard from time to time. But where had those monsters gone? Was it because they had auditory hallucinations or other accidents occurred.

After escaping from Bai Yujing, they were shocked to find that there were many demons and ghosts running away outside, running wildly away from Bai Yujing.

What on earth is going on? Shouldn't they be running away? Why are these monsters running away too?

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