Tens of thousands of years ago, there was no giant shadow on the land of Shenzhou.

Perhaps there was a giant shadow before, but because of the barrier of the Jiuzhou formed by the Jiuzhou Tower, its figure and the malice it exuded could not reach the land of Shenzhou.

But starting from 10,000 years ago, the human race in the land of Shenzhou first noticed the existence of the giant shadow and felt the malice emanating from the giant shadow.

At that time, those who sensed all this were the top gods and demons of the human race, who were qualified to be called the God King.

The God Kings united to explore at that time, but found that there were layers of barriers and various dangers around the Jiuzhou Tower, and they could not get out at all, or they did not have enough strength to get out at all.

This is the Jiuzhou barrier formed by the Jiuzhou Tower!

Even though the difficulty of getting out is much lower than the difficulty of getting in, no God King can leave the Jiuzhou Tower.

After that, the giant shadow appeared more and more frequently, and gradually it could be detected by warriors of lower levels, from top-level gods and demons to high-level gods and demons, from high-level gods and demons to mid-level gods and demons... until now, even demigods can detect it.

This means that the power of Jiuzhou Tower is rapidly declining, and the Jiuzhou barrier that protects the land of Shenzhou is also rapidly weakening, otherwise there would not be such a change.

The gods and demons of the human race united to investigate carefully, and then discovered the truth. The Demon Suppression Division appeared at that time and expanded to the entire land of Shenzhou at an astonishing speed.

Killing demons and monsters everywhere, especially those demons and monsters that destroy the spiritual veins, water veins, and treasures of the land of Shenzhou... are the focus of eradication.

These demons and monsters don't know where they got the news from, knowing that destroying these will cause the Jiuzhou barrier to collapse, thereby allowing the world-destroying demons and monsters from the outside world to come in.

There is even the possibility of stepping into a higher level, so many demons and monsters are doing this.

Under this threat, the major forces of the human race had to unite and give the Demon Suppression Division more and more power and convenience, and even directly provide resources and treasures to support it, just to kill as many demons and monsters as possible and prevent the Nine Provinces Barrier from being destroyed.

But even so, the Nine Provinces Barrier was constantly destroyed, and more and more giant shadows appeared, and more and more giant shadows could be sensed.

According to an ancient book, since ten thousand years ago, there have been several giant shadows that have appeared frequently. The oldest one has appeared since ten thousand years ago and has not died until now.

This giant shadow looks like a black turtle. It is most likely a turtle Xuanzun, also known as a Xuanyao. The opposite is naturally Xuanmo, Xuangui and Xuanguai.

If it is a human warrior, it is naturally a Xuanren, and is collectively called Xuanzun.

The beginning of the mysterious, the Xuanmiao Zun, is Xuanzun.

In the past hundred years, almost every few years, a giant shadow has appeared, galloping on the land of Shenzhou, bringing huge threats and malice to everyone.

There are even divine array masters who are good at array formations who have calculated that at this frequency, it will only take a few thousand years for the Jiuzhou Tower to collapse.

The Jiuzhou Tower is the core of the Jiuzhou Barrier. Once the Jiuzhou Tower collapses, the Jiuzhou Barrier will be finished, and the human race will be finished at that time.

Although it is just a calculation, many gods and demons have believed it a little bit. They have been slaying demons and monsters in recent years, trying to prevent the collapse of the Jiuzhou Barrier and keep the Jiuzhou Tower as long as possible.

But there are also gods and demons who think that it is alarmist. The Jiuzhou Tower has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. How could it collapse easily? It must be a lie, so they continue to do their own thing.

But overall, because of the occasional appearance of the giant shadow and its strong malice, most gods and demons still believe it, so they are not so unscrupulous when doing things.

In recent years, the human race in the land of Shenzhou has been able to maintain basic peace and not fight each other. Even the three major divine dynasties rarely have frictions, all because of this matter.

However, many high-ranking members of the human race know that they prefer internal fighting to the world-destroying monsters outside, at least the human race will not be annihilated.

This also proves that Lu Changjing's previous perception was not wrong. The giant shadow outside did have the intention to destroy the world, or to be more precise, the intention to destroy the entire human race.

His hard work and practice over the years have not been in vain, and he must work harder in the future.

If we say who is most likely to break through the shackles and step above the gods and demons in the land of Shenzhou today, it is most likely Lu Changjing.

So if the Jiuzhou barrier really collapses thousands of years later, Lu Changjing should be needed to save the world.

With the golden finger in his hand, he will definitely live until the day when the Jiuzhou barrier collapses, so in the face of this crisis, he has to go even if he doesn't want to.

Thinking of this, Lu Changjing couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that those giant shadows would be related to him in the end.

As for whether to take his loved ones away from here, let alone whether he can break the Jiuzhou barrier, even if he can break it, there are so many world-destroying monsters outside, how can he deal with them.

If he can deal with them, why bother to flee from the land of Shenzhou.

Even if there is a shortcut to escape quietly, but the human race has been destroyed, where can he take his family to escape.

Besides, who knows if the world-destroying giant monsters outside are only at the Xuanzun level, what if there are higher-level monsters.

Even if he can break through to the Xuanzun level, how can he deal with higher-level monsters when facing them.

But a few thousand years should be enough for him to reach a very high level, Xuanzun is sure, what if he can reach a higher level.

According to Kong Konger's memory, a few thousand years is just the speculation of some divine formation masters. Some divine formation masters also clamor that it will not take a few thousand years, maybe just a few hundred years, or even shorter.

If it is really only a few hundred years, or even a hundred years, or even a few decades, Lu Changjing is not sure whether he has enough cultivation and strength before that.

So what he can do now is to waste as little time as possible and improve his cultivation level, so that when the disaster comes, he will have the strength to solve the disaster or escape.

Thinking of this, Lu Changjing also felt powerless, and that kind of powerlessness was far greater than before.

Even when he just crossed over, he did not have such a sense of powerlessness.

Jiuzhou Tower, Jiuzhou Barrier, world-destroying demons and monsters, the survival of the human race... All of this is too heavy, and Lu Changjing, who has been hiding behind the scenes, is a little overwhelmed.

Maybe he should be more unscrupulous in the future, so that he can improve faster, not only for himself, but also for the people around him, and most importantly for the human race.

Even if he goes too far and has no bottom line, he has his reasons and will not feel guilty.

Since many people in the human race do not have a big picture view and feel that they will not live to that time, they act recklessly or deliberately act like ostriches.

No wonder Lu Changjing stood up and collected as many resources and treasures of the human race as possible to improve to a higher level.

Maybe some human races are not like this. They have a sense of crisis and want to save the human race, but they do not have enough talent and qualifications, or they are just golden fingers.

Then we can only rely on Lu Changjing!

Thinking of this, Lu Changjing inexplicably felt like a saint, a saint who robbed the world and a saint who never stopped thieves.

And he did this for the human race, for the land of Shenzhou, and for countless people.

In the future, he can no longer be so stable, and he has to take risks occasionally.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want his loved ones to die, nor did he want the land of Shenzhou to be destroyed, and the human race would cease to exist.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Changjing began to delete and modify Kong Kong'er's memory, so that he could obey him in all aspects, so that he could do things for him better.

At the same time, he also had a greater sense of urgency, and he was much faster when doing things, as if he was afraid of wasting a minute or a second.

After arranging Kong Kong'er and letting him continue to collect information and resources for him, Lu Changjing went to Liu Zhe specifically and deleted and modified his memory, so that he could do things for him better, and by the way, he also obtained a lot of secrets of Liehuo Tower.

When there is a chance later, Lu Changjing will use these secrets to gain more resources and treasures for himself, and he may even attack Lieyang Shenchao to get more good things.

Of course, Liu Zhe will only pass the news to Kong Kong'er later, instead of directly to Lu Changjing.

Lu Changjing's information will be obtained from Kong Kong'er. This is naturally done to avoid being exposed. If something is wrong, even Kong Kong'er's information will be passed on to others, and then to Lu Changjing through others.

Layer by layer, he hid himself behind the Great Ning Dynasty and the Ning family, making a fortune in silence and avoiding some dangers.

Even if it can be solved, it will always waste time and energy. What he lacks now is time and energy.

Back to Baiyujing, Lu Changjing took out a high-level divine pill and put it in his mouth. This is a high-level divine pill used for refining qi.

As the divine pill fell into his mouth, the surging medicinal power rolled in, far surpassing the previous low-level and intermediate divine pills. Lu Changjing was so scared that he quickly activated the characteristics of copper skin and iron bones, and then he could withstand the surging medicinal power.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Although the medicinal power continued to bombard the Dantian and the divine veins, it could not damage the Dantian and the divine veins at all.

Lu Changjing then began to practice the Imperial Supreme World-shaking Art, absorbing the rolling high-level divine pills, and his cultivation realm began to improve at a very fast speed, far exceeding the previous low-level and intermediate divine pills.

By the time a high-level divine pill was almost digested, more than three hours had passed, and the time required was also exceeded.

This means that if he takes another high-level divine pill for refining the spirit and another high-level divine pill for refining the body, it will probably take more than nine hours, leaving Lu Changjing with only more than two hours to deal with other things.

The time spent is a bit too much, but compared with the rapid improvement of his spirit, it is nothing, and it is still worth it.

Lu Changjing took another high-level divine pill for refining the spirit and another high-level divine pill for refining the body, and it really took more than nine hours, which would have been about nineteen hours in his previous life.

There are still about five hours to do other things, such as practicing combat skills, secret techniques, array techniques, alchemy... even verbal battles, enjoying imported food, looking for grapes, scratching feet, planting strawberries... are all included.

Although he often spends time with his lovers, Lu Changjing has never neglected his cultivation. On average, he spends at least ten hours a day cultivating and improving himself, and the time he spends on other things is really pitiful.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the relatively small amount of time that Lu Changjing remembers it so well.

Feeling the sudden increase in his energy, Lu Changjing nodded with satisfaction. Although he spent more money and more time, the improvement was very considerable, and it was definitely worth it.

The price of a high-level magic pill is generally several hundred high-grade spirit stones. This is the magic pill used for daily practice. The total value of one for each of the spirit, energy and spirit reaches more than one thousand high-grade spirit stones.

More than one thousand high-grade spirit stones a day, more than ten thousand high-grade spirit stones in ten days, more than one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones in a hundred days, and hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones in a year.

The value of a high-grade spirit stone is equal to one hundred medium-grade spirit stones, and if it is converted into low-grade spirit stones, it is ten thousand.

In other words, Lu Changjing's daily consumption is at least more than ten million low-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to the practice speed of the same level of gods and demons in one day. You can imagine how terrible the consumption is.

Even so, this is not the limit that Lu Changjing can reach. If he has enough rare treasures, his practice speed can soar ten times or a hundred times.

But the cost is not as simple as ten times or a hundred times. There is almost no upper limit. The price of rare treasures is so amazing that it far exceeds the magic pills and medicines used for daily practice. The two are not comparable at all.

For example, the price of one Earth Source Pearl is more than hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones, and it is the kind that is in short supply. If you really take Earth Source Pearls every day, you can imagine how much it will cost.

Looking at the entire Shenzhou land, almost no gods and demons are so extravagant, and Lu Changjing can't do it either.

With his cultivation speed and consumption speed, it is already exaggerated to be able to take high-grade divine pills and medicines required for daily cultivation every day.

You should know that if Lu Changjing does not rely on windfalls at present, that is, to deal with those demons and monsters above level 20, or human gods and demons, relying solely on the power he now controls, the profit he gets every month is worth 100 high-grade spirit stones.

This is what Lu Changjing just calculated. Compared with a dynasty, this number is already huge, much higher than the previous income of Daning.

One hundred high-grade spirit stones are equivalent to 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones, or one million low-grade spirit stones.

Think about when he just crossed over, even if he took out glass production and gunpowder, the monthly income was only a few thousand low-grade spirit stones, even so, it made Tan's business tremble with fear, fearing that something would go wrong.

You should know that Tan's business is one of the largest business in Daning, firmly ranked in the top three, and it is satisfied with a few thousand low-grade spirit stones a month. From this, we can see the preciousness of low-grade spirit stones.

His lovers together to collect cultivation resources for him, adding up to only about a thousand low-grade spirit stones, which is already most of their wealth. Many lovers even took out the dowry at the bottom of the box.

Now it is really not a small amount to earn a million low-grade spirit stones a month. This is also the income that Lu Changjing has obtained by gathering several dynasties and dynasties around him, as well as those dynasties and dynasties indirectly controlled by Ju Ye.

However, this is not all the income that Lu Changjing has obtained. There is another extremely large income that he has not counted. This is also where Lu Changjing earns the most every month, far exceeding the income brought by the dynasties and dynasties under his command now.

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