Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 273 Thirty Thousand Imperial Attendants

Lu Changjing felt that he was quite good to Cao Wen Zheng.

Cao Wen Zheng had been so excessive to the original owner in the past, destroying the original owner's foundation and meridians, and even prepared to kill the original owner after using him.

Lu Changjing allowed him to live for so long, which was really good.

Now he has considered his face and allowed him to wear a cloak after being beaten. Is there such a generous master?

Cao Wen Zheng had hurt him before. Being able to do this, Lu Changjing felt that his mind was really like the ocean. No wonder he could accommodate more and more love.

After dealing with this episode, Lu Changjing continued to practice, feeling the rapid growth of his spirit, and was simply intoxicated and didn't know the years.

It was not until the good news came from the eastern coast again that the territory of the Ying tribe natives had been occupied by more than half, and only two or three of the generals were killed or injured, that Lu Changjing began to pay attention to what was happening outside.

The most important thing was that at the same time as the good news came, Qi Pinghai also had someone bring a piece of trophy, which even Lu Changjing felt was a surprise.

Soul-protecting fruit!

Another treasure that helps break through the shackles of gods and demons. The Ying clan has a lot of good things.

However, according to the news from Qi Pinghai, these divine objects that help break through were obtained by the ancestors of the Ying clan from the Daning Dynasty, and some of them were stolen.

No wonder it is the standard auxiliary divine object of the Ning clan. It is indeed passed down by the Ning clan.

Lu Changjing was speechless about this. He is just a native of the Ying clan, but he seems to have more auxiliary divine objects than the Daning Dynasty. You should know that the auxiliary divine objects of the Ying clan natives were obtained from the Daning Dynasty.

The descendants of the Ning clan are really disappointing. The ancestors left so many good things, but they sold them and lost them. Now there are few left.

No wonder they have declined like this. Of course, there are reasons for suppression from all sides, but their own disappointment is the main reason.

From Ning Tianbao to Ning Zhongyu, no emperor is a good thing. They even began to violate the ancestral precepts and collude with demons and monsters.

You should know that the reason why the Ning family declined was because of these monsters and demons. Now the descendants of the Ning family are actually colluding with monsters and demons.

If the ancestors of the Ning family knew about this, I wonder if they would crawl out from underground and teach these unpromising descendants a lesson.

Fortunately, otherwise there would be no chance for Lu Changjing.

After happily collecting the soul-protecting fruit, Lu Changjing gave some treasures to Qi Pinghai.

In addition to the soul-protecting fruit, Qi Pinghai also sent a lot of extraordinary resources and treasures, including some god-level resources and treasures.

Inevitably, a large number of tribute girls were sent over, all of whom were beautiful girls carefully cultivated by the Ying clan.

It is a bit strange to say that most of the women of the Ying clan are smelly, short and ugly, but they can always cultivate some particularly outstanding female slaves, which are sold well in various countries.

Is it because the silt of the Ying clan is too deep that such a beautiful flower can grow?

It is probably because of this reason, otherwise it is a bit unclear to explain.

As mentioned before, the men of the Sakura tribe flock to the women of Daning, which is not wrong.

Because the number of delicate flowers of the Sakura tribe is limited, they are mainly used for export and for the upper class to enjoy. As for the middle and lower classes, they mainly get along with those smelly native Sakura women.

These Sakura girls who can be called delicate flowers are called Sakura beauties by the natives of the Sakura tribe. The population of the Sakura tribe is as high as 100 million, but the number of Sakura beauties is less than 100,000. You can imagine how many there are.

Even though it is not even one in a thousand, it is already famous in various countries. You can imagine the quality of these Sakura beauties.

Although it is not as good as the more than 600 girls selected by Daning before, it is not inferior in many aspects. After all, they are specially trained to serve people and are very professional.

In the past few years, Qi Pinghai has sent more than 3,000 Sakura beauties, regardless of whether Lu Changjing can use them or not, or whether they are useful.

This is almost one-tenth of the cherry blossom beauties of the cherry blossom tribe. Unexpectedly, a large number of them were sent, about more than a thousand, and together with the previous ones, it almost reached five thousand.

Even if he could visit the harem later, it would take more than ten years to sleep with a cherry blossom beauty every night, which is really a headache.

What's more, there are thousands of girls from the universe waiting, some eliminated girls are also among them, and even the Great Jin, the Great Song, the Mountain Barbarians, the Blood Barbarians, etc. have sent some tribute girls, of course, they were sent before the performance started.

Now the number of imperial servants in the Pink Clothes Palace has exceeded 30,000. If he wants to visit the Pink Clothes Palace later, it will take more than a hundred years to visit.

Moreover, the number of imperial servants in the Pink Clothes Palace is still growing. At the current rate, Lu Changjing may not be able to visit them all in his lifetime.

This is also a helpless thing. As a dedicated and affectionate man, he really can't accept the kind of combination that is only for reproduction, and he can't use so many girls as tools, especially after consummating the marriage with them.

If the marriage was not consummated, it would be fine to treat her as a tool, since she was not his own anyway. Even if she died, at most he would be sad for a while, and the matter would be over.

But if the marriage was consummated, Lu Changjing would not be able to do so.

He is a somewhat traditional man, and he somewhat believes that a couple's kindness will last forever. Under such circumstances, he really can't do it if he uses the girls who consummate his marriage as tools.

Now that they are his people, Lu Changjing will find ways to help them practice better and improve, so that they can have the same life span as him as much as possible, or stay with him for a longer time.

Until one day in the future, he can solve the problem of life span.

But this requires resources and treasures. If there are not enough resources and treasures, Lu Changjing would rather not provoke so many stunning women, lest he watch them grow old and die in his arms.

This is a man's responsibility, at least that's what Lu Changjing feels.

Unlike Ning Zhongyu, Ning Tianbao and many ministers in the court, women are just tools to them, and sometimes they often give each other concubines.

If it goes too far, you can even give away your wife, which is simply ruining a person's outlook on life.

Lu Changjing looked down upon such people, especially Ning Tianbao, who simply could not be called a human being.

Fortunately, with the secret technique of marrow cleansing, Lu Changjing dared to provoke more love. Otherwise, he would not have dared to pursue so much love.

Thinking about the loves I have now, there are already about twenty.

Although he has had so many loves, almost no one calls him a playboy, and even those who are favored by him think he is a bit single-minded.

After all, there were so many concubines in the harem, and there were so many stunning beauties. However, Lu Changjing still only pampered them and only added a few love interests. He was really too self-disciplined and too single-minded.

Ordinary people may be called philanderers if they have ten or eight wives and concubines, but for His Majesty the Emperor, let alone ten or eight, even a hundred, eighty, or even hundreds may not be enough. would be called a philanderer.

Perhaps only when there are more than one or two thousand can it be called a philanderer.

Therefore, Lu Changjing has always said that he is affectionate and dedicated, and there is no big problem.

Compared to his status as an emperor, he is really affectionate and dedicated, and there is nothing wrong with that.

After practicing for a period of time, the affectionate and dedicated Lu Good Man Changjing decided to take care of his Pan Guiyi.

It has been quite some time since the last hair removal and marrow cleansing, and it is time to carry out the next hair removal and marrow cleansing.

This time, Lu Changjing decided to bring some spiritual fruit and elixir to make imported delicacies to help Pan Guiyi improve his cultivation and consolidate his cultivation foundation.

He quickly arrived at Jingren Palace and found Pan Guiyi sleeping in the secret room without disturbing anyone.

She learned a lot about the palace during the day and was a little tired, so she went to bed a little early tonight.

It wasn't until Lu Changjing was pressing on him that he woke up: "Your Majesty, you are here, I will serve you now..."

Before she could finish speaking, Lu Changjing blocked her cherry mouth: "Hold your words and wait for the storm."

Soon the surging energy of gods and demons, the power of heaven and earth, the energy of nine suns... came rolling in and began to help Pan Guiyi cut off his hair and cleanse his marrow.

After the previous epiphany, Pan Guiyi accepted it much more easily, and soon became immersed in it and began to absorb it all.

The foundation is improving, the talent is growing, the realm of cultivation is advancing rapidly... The feeling of soaring is really intoxicating.

However, this was quite tiring, so after cutting off the hair and washing the marrow for a while, Lu Changjing paused and asked Pan Guiyi to eat something to replenish himself.

"Your Majesty, have you brought imported delicacies?"

Suddenly, Pan Guiyi asked curiously.

Lu Changjing was stunned: "How do you know about imported food?"

"My... I overheard what Concubine Duan said. She said that the most delicious food in the palace is imported food. Your Majesty only has it, but I have never seen it before." Pan Min said expectantly.


Lu Changjing was speechless and secretly thought that Lin Yixin was really bold. He dared to talk about such things and let Pan Min hear it.

But since Pan Guiyi wanted to enjoy imported food, as a gentle and considerate emperor, Lu Changjing would naturally not be stingy.

So he thought for a moment, made an imported grape, and fed it to Pan Min: "Here, this is the imported grape."

"Ah..." Pan Min was stunned. He wanted to say something, but was blocked by imported grapes.

While enjoying the imported grapes, Pan Min was still confused. He didn't expect that this was an imported delicacy. No wonder Concubine Duan said that only His Majesty the Emperor could make it.

It turns out that His Majesty the Emperor really needs to import it so that he can make imported delicacies.

Although it's a bit too much, to be honest, after His Majesty the Emperor imported it, the taste of this spirit grape is indeed much better.

And Pan Min is sure that this is not a psychological effect, but that imported spiritual grapes are indeed much more delicious than non-imported spiritual grapes.

After all, they are spiritual grapes that have been nourished by gods and demons, so they naturally taste much better.

The slightly sour taste inside had long since been washed away by the energy of gods and demons, leaving only the most delicious part.

The imported spirit grapes also effectively nourished Pan Min's body, restoring her tired energy and spirit, and then Lu Changjing sent more imported delicacies.

Pan Min endured her shyness and took them one by one with a red face, secretly thinking that Concubine Duan really dared to say such things in front of these beautiful ladies.

If she had known that the imported delicacies were like this, she would not have asked His Majesty the Emperor for it, and she did not know what His Majesty the Emperor thought of her and whether he thought she was a little frivolous.

She was thinking about random things, and soon her cherry mouth was filled with imported delicacies. She had to speed up the pace of enjoying them and dared not think about random things anymore.

After she recovered and ate enough imported delicacies, Lu Changjing continued to shave her hair and clean her marrow to help her practice better.

Lu Changjing left after midnight. The verbal battles and imported delicacies tonight were enough. It was better not to look for grapes for the time being and wait for the next time, otherwise the progress was too fast.

Not to mention that Pan Guiyi couldn't stand it, even Lu Changjing felt a little bit unbearable.

After a hair-shaving and marrow-washing, Pan Min gained huge benefits. He was very close to the middle-level master. If he shaves his hair and washes his marrow again, he should be able to break through.

Wait a little longer and Lu Changjing will help Li Shanhai and Peng Xuanzhi to shave their hair and wash their marrow, so that they can improve as soon as possible, otherwise they will be too far away from the imperial concubine, the concubine and others.

There are also some more outstanding beauties such as Liu Yanfei, Liu Rushi, and Yang Mi, who can also get corresponding opportunities. Lu Changjing will focus on cultivating them.

Although these are only in the stage of verbal battle, they should be ready for the next step soon, which can be regarded as his love.

Think about it carefully, how many loves does he have, more than twenty.

After going back to rest for a while, Lu Changjing continued to practice hard, and one magic pill after another fell into his mouth, taking his spirit and spirit to advance at an astonishing speed, heading towards a higher realm.

As for Pan Min, by the early morning, he had initially adapted and consolidated, and when he was ready to enjoy breakfast, he saw Li Shanhai and Peng Xuanzhi coming.

The three of them often practiced together during this period, so it was normal for them to come.

But I don’t know what he was thinking this morning, he actually came to her place for breakfast.

The most important thing is that when he came, he saw Pan Min’s slightly swollen cherry lips, and he was surprised all of a sudden.

"Mianmin, did His Majesty come again last night? Your lips are swollen."

"Of course, who else can make Minmin's lips swollen except His Majesty?"


Pan Min's pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but say: "You have experienced it too, and His Majesty should come to you in a few days, and you will do the same then."

Li Shanhai and Peng Xuanzhi also blushed, but still said stubbornly: "We are not the first showgirls, maybe His Majesty will not come these days, but Minmin, have you asked His Majesty what imported food is? We are all very curious?"

"This..." Looking at Li Shanhai and Peng Xuanzhi with curious faces, Pan Min really didn't know what to say, and a strange look appeared on his delicate little face.

But after hesitating again and again, he still didn't say it: "This... this, you should ask His Majesty in person, and His Majesty will tell you when the time comes, so I won't say much."

Seeing that Pan Min didn't say anything, the two looked at each other, approached together, and grabbed one of Pan Min's hands respectively, unwilling to give up.

"Just tell us, please, we have been waiting for a long time."

"I really want to know the answer, please tell us, we won't say anything nonsense."


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