Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 280: A Cave of Ghosts in the Evil Mountain

Before cutting off the hair and cleaning the marrow, Lu Changjing had already asked Zhao Xiaotong to make the preparations.

For this extremely savvy girl, he had already decided to give her a chance to become his love.

After all, there are still many martial arts books that she needs to help her understand in the future. This is an extremely important position and must be filled by herself.

So Lu Changjing hugged him as soon as he arrived, and first took some imported magic fruits, magic medicines, spiritual fruits, elixirs... and then started the formal hair removal and marrow cleansing.

After all, it was the first time. Zhao Xiaotong still couldn't let go, her delicate little face was red, but she still accepted the imported magic fruit from Lu Changjing.

She didn't even know what imported food was before, but she tasted it directly. However, she still doesn't know that it is imported food.

Soon the medicinal power of the magic fruit began to flow in his body, followed by an imported magic medicine, which Zhao Xiaotong took in order.

When the power of these medicines began to take effect, according to the key points in the secret technique of marrow cleansing, he began to bear Lu Changjing's hair removal and marrow cleansing.

Leg to leg, body to body, mouth to mouth... try to have as much contact as possible, and there should be no obstruction in the contact area, so that the best effect can be achieved.

Soon Zhao Xiaotong felt the gurgling energy of gods and demons, the energy of Nine Suns, the power of heaven and earth... flowing, and began to work in conjunction with the magic fruits and medicines in his body.

Because her cultivation level was still relatively low, Lu Changjing did not dare to be too violent, and most of her power was used to consolidate the foundation of cultivation and improve her talents. Only a small part was used to improve her cultivation level.

Even if it was only a small part, Zhao Xiaotong's cultivation level began to soar.

Her cultivation realm is only at the level of an intermediate warrior. Her starting point is really too low. A little improvement can bring huge progress.

Although her previous family treated her well, it was impossible for them to provide her with all kinds of resources and treasures. Being able to provide some of them would be an act of kindness and justice.

Moreover, Zhao Xiaotong spent most of his time studying piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, poetry, etc. He did not spend much time and energy on spiritual practice.

It wasn't until after entering the palace that I started spending more time on this.

Feeling the rapid progress, Zhao Xiaotong suppressed his excitement and concentrated on running various exercises, improving his energy, energy and spirit simultaneously.

And it can also guide various energies to better consolidate the foundation of cultivation and improve talents and qualifications. Apart from being a little unfamiliar at the beginning, he has become extremely proficient after just using a cup of tea.

He is indeed a monster with great understanding, and his adaptability is really fast.

Lu Changjing couldn't help but admire him, and began to mobilize more power to help Zhao Xiaotong improve.

Now that you can withstand it, you should naturally accept a more violent impact, so that you can gain greater benefits.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Pa bang bang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Zhao Xiaotong soon felt as if he was a small boat in the huge waves. He could only try his best to stay stable while experiencing the feeling of rapid progress.

The foundation of cultivation is improved by 10%...20%...30%...40%...

Talents and qualifications increased by 10%...20%...30%...40%...

Breakthroughs in cultivation realm...breakthroughs again...breakthroughs again...breakthroughs again...

Zhao Xiaotong had never thought that her cultivation level could advance so quickly, as well as her cultivation foundation and talents. This was an unprecedented blessing for her.

The first hair-cutting and marrow-cleansing effect is the best. Moreover, the hair-cutting and marrow-cleansing method combined with the magical fruit and medicine is also the secret marrow-cleansing technique of the Dacheng Realm.

Therefore, Lu Changjing will try his best to let him endure as much as possible, so that he can get greater benefits from it.

What Lu Changjing didn't expect was that he originally thought that the hair-cutting and marrow-cleaning process would last for several hours, and he had specially reserved time for it. However, he didn't expect that Zhao Xiaotong was so perceptive and quickly found the best way to absorb it. , the benefits of entering it into the body are digested at an extremely fast speed.

It only took about two hours to complete this hair removal and marrow cleansing, and the effect far exceeded that of any previous concubine.

The foundation of cultivation has increased by more than three times, far exceeding that of cultivators of the same level.

Her talent and qualifications have reached the level of being one of the best in a thousand, and she is ranked first among the concubines in the harem.

In terms of cultivation level, all the energy, energy and spirit have been upgraded to the level of third-level masters, and the foundation is so solid that as long as they are consolidated and adapted, they can compete with the middle-level masters.

You must know that many concubines who have already entered the master level have not been able to advance to the third-level master level after the first time of cutting off their hair and cleansing their marrow.

But Zhao Xiaotong is better off. All his energy, energy and spirit have been upgraded to the level of a third-level master. Such absorption and endurance are simply astonishing.

After this battle, the two of them had fought with each other too many times, fed each other imported delicacies too many times, and even looked for grapes.

And it lasted for a full two hours, the relationship became completely familiar, and Lu Changjing also confirmed Zhao Xiaotong's intentions.

For the sake of safety, he used the secret technique of soul picking to read his thoughts and gave him some guidance. Otherwise, he would not dare to teach Zhao Xiaotong many things, such as the complete version of the secret technique of marrow washing, the complete version of the Materia Medica Sick Tomb, For example, Star Catcher, etc...

None of this is dared to be leaked. Once leaked, it would be a disaster for Lu Changjing and the Daning Dynasty.

Lu Changjing didn't dare to take this risk, and he also explained the seriousness of the matter and told Zhao Xiaotong that he would impose certain restrictions.

Zhao Xiaotong accepted this readily, especially after learning the levels of these skills and treasures. Even if Lu Changjing didn't do it, she would beg Lu Changjing to do it.

Because Zhao Xiaotong was also afraid that if it was leaked inadvertently, it would bring disaster to everyone.

Seeing Zhao Zhaoyi so sensible, Lu Changjing couldn't help but reward her with a lot of imported food, and asked her to adapt and consolidate as soon as possible. At the same time, she also had to practice some combat skills, secret techniques, etc., and prepared a set of top-level spiritual tools for her to protect her safety.

Zhao Xiaotong, who had never been favored like this, was extremely grateful to Lu Changjing and became devoted to him.

After sending Zhao Xiaotong away, the midnight hour came soon, and the originally damaged foundation was repaired intact as the physique increased.

After such a break and then build, it was also good for Lu Changjing, which could make his foundation more solid.

At this moment, the news that Zhao Xiaotong had won the favor of His Majesty the Emperor through a book on the secrets of the dragon and phoenix, and was promoted to the sixteenth level and was given the title of Zhaoyi had spread.

There was a sensation inside and outside the palace, especially among the concubines and concubines in the harem.

After all, before this, Zhao Xiaotong was just a subordinate of the eighth rank, and was simply a concubine of the lowest level in the palace. Now, with her amazing understanding and a book on the secrets of the dragon and phoenix, she has risen to the top in one step.

Not only was she given the title of Zhaoyi, but even her mother was given the title of the sixth rank lady, called the Lady of the County. Before this, Zhao Xiaotong's mother was just an ordinary lady.

Now both mother and daughter can be said to have risen to the top in one step, how can they not be envious and jealous.

Although many people have benefited from it and the secrets of the dragon and phoenix have been rapidly improved, there are still some people who are too jealous and unconvinced.

There are also many concubines and concubines who decided to follow suit to see if they can use any method to attract the attention of His Majesty the Emperor and gain favor.

For example, when Lu Changjing came down from the morning court, he saw a young lady on the grass by the lake in front of him, smelling the fragrance of flowers.

Looking carefully, she looked pretty.

She was slim, like a willow catkin.

Her face was beautiful, and her eyes were as bright as watery jade, radiating a gentle and sharp light.

Her nose was high and straight, perfectly combined with the contours of her face, showing her elegance and refinement.

Her red lips parted slightly, revealing a row of white pearl-like teeth, smart and lovely.

Her long black hair flowed like a waterfall, and was lightly tied with a jasper hairpin, exuding a graceful and natural atmosphere.

When she found that Lu Changjing and his group had come, she actually swayed and fell down, falling on the grass by the lake.

However, the posture of her fall was extremely beautiful, with a kind of pitiful and extreme beauty, and the young lady herself seemed to have this kind of temperament.

Even Lu Changjing was stunned for a moment, and then he asked someone to go and see what was going on.

At the same time, his soul power fluctuated, and he suddenly found that the concubine had actually fainted, and it was not pretending.

Is it such a coincidence that she fainted just when he passed by, the time was too accurate.

Soon the maid came to reply, saying that the one who fell was a concubine named Lin Duozi, and it was not the first time she fell in the past few days.

It seems that she was a little sick and her physical condition was much worse, so she fell here again.

After peeping into her memory, it was half true and half false, with a deliberate component, trying to use this method to arouse his pity and love, so as to gain favor.

A little clever, but not great wisdom.

Lu Changjing had seen similar situations before, and they just wanted him to pay attention and care.

But after all, she was his concubine and his woman, and he couldn't just watch her like this.

Lu Changjing asked the maids to send her back to his residence, and at the same time gave her some spiritual medicine to take good care of her.

Although she was a little scheming, she didn't have any bad intentions after all. She just wanted to be favored. She was a young girl who had just turned 18.

Then let's not pursue it. After all, Lu Changjing was also a little wrong. If it weren't for his special situation, he wouldn't have ignored the concubines in the harem until now.

For him, this was just a small episode, just like the next thing, all of which were just small episodes.

The only difference is that compared with the small episode brought by Lin Duozi, the small episode below is a bit annoying, but if it is handled well, it will be a blessing in disguise.

The evil mountain ghosts are also coming to stand up for their friends!

Although the treasure-hunting dragon rats have come to avenge the monsters and demons driven and eradicated by Daning before, in the eyes of those monsters and demons, the main purpose of the treasure-hunting dragon rats is for the resources and treasures of the Daning royal family.

After obtaining these resources and treasures, they did not kill the Daning emperor, nor did they slaughter the Ning family, and even the Daning Dynasty remained stable.

The treasure-hunting dragon rat was just satisfying his own selfish desires under the guise of revenge.

Now that his selfish desires were satisfied, this guy fled far away and was never seen again.

Although the Ning royal family suffered heavy losses and many old monsters almost went crazy, in the eyes of the monsters, this revenge was not successful.

Especially after this incident, Daning continued to suppress many monsters, and they didn't come back, and even the monsters that escaped were killed.

So the demons and ghosts who fled to the surrounding countries continued to seek help everywhere, to see if they could avenge their dead relatives and friends and regain the territory of demons and ghosts in the territory of Daning.

Unexpectedly, they succeeded again. The ghosts of Evil Mountain received the news and prepared to avenge these demons and ghosts, especially the ghosts.

The demons and ghosts who received the news were boiling again, and they all praised the ghosts of Evil Mountain for their chivalrous heart and willingness to stand up for other demons and ghosts. They provided news and information, hoping that they could destroy the Daning Dynasty as soon as possible.

It was in this context that the ghosts of Evil Mountain quietly came to the edge of Daning and looked at the dynasty under their feet with contempt.

Evil Mountain is not far from the Flame Dynasty. It is the most powerful ghost force near the Flame Dynasty. The entire Evil Mountain is more than 10 million square kilometers and has been shrouded in ghost fog for many years.

The environment is dangerous, the yin is heavy, the rotten water is everywhere, and it is difficult for living things to survive. There are also low-level god formations.

The evil mountain cave ghosts entrenched in it are guarded by two ghosts, namely the impermanence ghost and the pretty ghost. Among them, the impermanence ghost is the boss of the evil mountain cave ghosts, and his strength has reached the second-level ghost god level, while the pretty ghost is only at the first-level ghost god level.

Hearing about the evil mountain cave ghosts reminded Lu Changjing of a novel in his previous life. However, the Xishan cave ghosts in that novel were good people, while the evil mountain cave ghosts here were pure evil ghosts. I don’t know how many living people passing by have been devoured over the years.

There are almost no living people in the evil mountain where it is located within a radius of a thousand miles. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of evil.

In addition to the two ghosts, the other ghosts who can be ranked in the cave ghosts are all level 20 ghost lords, and there are about dozens of them together. Below them are many ordinary ghost lords and little ghosts.

There are hundreds of thousands of ghosts in the entire Evil Mountain Cave. Only a few hundred of them came to the border of Daning this time, but they are basically ghost kings. The two ghost gods came, which can be said to be a great honor to the Daning Dynasty.

Even when dealing with other ghost and god forces around, the West Mountain Cave Ghost rarely dispatched two ghost gods, and at least left one to guard the nest to avoid being taken advantage of by the enemy.

But this time, when dealing with the Daning Dynasty, the West Mountain Cave Ghost sent two ghost gods, which shows the importance of the Daning Dynasty.

Under normal circumstances, with the power of the Daning Dynasty, sending a group of ghost kings can sweep it. Unexpectedly, the boss and the second of the Evil Mountain Cave Ghost came, which really looked up to the Daning Dynasty.

It should also be for the possible hidden background of Daning. It is estimated that they are still unwilling to give up, otherwise there is no need to send so many masters, even two ghost gods have come.

But what Lu Changjing could not guess was that the evil mountain group of ghosts came to the Daning Dynasty not only for the possible existence of the Ning family, but also for a more vicious purpose.

If the response is not appropriate this time, or if the response is not timely, not only will the Daning Dynasty suffer heavy losses, but it may also involve the entire Shenzhou land and even the entire human race.

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