"Pa bang bang..."

As soon as the door of the imperial study room was closed, Cao Wenzheng's force from the air fell on Lu Changjing.

"Well, you, a fake, dare to enjoy Concubine Yi's service. You really deserve a beating."

"Even His Majesty has never tasted Yi Fei's Millennium Ginseng Soup. Who do you think you are?"

"It's such a good thousand-year-old ginseng soup. It's a waste to give it to a loser like you. It's better for our family to enjoy it."

While talking, Cao Wenzheng drank up the remaining Millennium Ginseng Soup in two gulps, which made Lu Changjing feel very distressed. These are all good things.

However, Cao Wenzheng also knew that Lu Changjing had no choice but to do this, otherwise he would be easily suspected, so after giving him a few lessons, he did not pursue the matter.

Little did he know that Zhou Ruolan, who had already entered the realm of a master shortly after leaving the imperial study, frowned slightly: "The impression given by Your Majesty is indeed different from before. Indeed, there is no longer the indifference and selfishness that repels others thousands of miles away. I don’t know what happened, but it’s good.”

Zhou Ruolan never thought about the fact that the emperor had been replaced. After all, Cao Wenzheng was always at his side, and Lu Changjing was still in court a few days ago.

If the emperor is a fake, there is no way so many people can't tell it.

Moreover, although Ning Zhongyu is only an intermediate grandmaster, he wears a top-level spiritual weapon and even has a divine weapon as a trump card. Even a great master would find it difficult to defeat him.

In this case, unless the gods and demons take action, nothing will happen to Ning Zhongyu.

But if there are gods and demons targeting the Daning Dynasty, there is no need to pretend to be Ning Zhongyu and just occupy the Daning Dynasty directly.

After Cao Wenzheng left, Lu Changjing quickly entered the retreat room and began to digest the thousand-year-old ginseng soup that was restless in his body.

This is a good thing that is effective for great masters like Cao Wenzheng, so it cannot be wasted.

With the operation of the martial arts and boxing techniques, the medicinal power of the Millennium Ginseng Decoction is digested into the five elements of qi and blood at an extremely fast speed and integrated into the Dantian.

The Dantian, which was already close to overflowing, quickly became full under the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old ginseng soup, but there was still a lot of medicinal power that had not been digested.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Changjing gritted his teeth and began to forcibly condense the five elements of qi and blood in his dantian, preparing to condense the seeds of internal power from it.

Although it is dangerous to do so, but you have a strong enough body and the time is not far away, so just give it a try.

According to the techniques and methods in the Five Elements Golden Body Art, Lu Changjing began to condense the five elements' qi and blood.

Soon the five elements of qi and blood in the dantian began to rotate, condensing towards the center like a spiral.

When it condensed, it naturally exploded with amazing rebound power, and soon the Dantian became swollen.

Especially when Lu Changjing was concentrating, he opened and closed too much, and the force of the rebound became more and more powerful. However, in the face of a physique a hundred times that of a warrior of the same level, this rebound was nothing at all.

When other Digguan warriors compress and condense Qi and blood, what they fear most is the rebound of Qi and blood, so they always have to be fully prepared before they dare to condense the inner Qi seeds.

But Lu Changjing was good, he just compressed his energy and blood without any scruples, as if he was not afraid of being exploded by the rebound force.

"Bang bang bang..."

The force of the rebound kept hitting the Dantian, and it had no other effect except making the Dantian shake.

Lu Changjing smiled slightly and increased the intensity of compression and condensation. Compared with condensing blood, condensing qi and blood was much more difficult.

If his physique had not been enhanced to over a hundred times that of ordinary people, he would not have dared to do this.

The medicinal power of the Millennium Ginseng Decoction is still coming continuously, causing more and more Qi and blood of the Five Elements in Lu Changjing's Dantian, and even the blood vessels begin to swell.

Not to mention the Dantian, which has swelled to several times its original size, but is still as stable as a mountain without any damage.

"Give it to me!"

At a certain moment, Lu Changjing used all his strength to condense the power of Qi and blood for an unknown number of times.


Along with the strange sound, wisps of inner energy emerged in the dantian, and soon condensed into an inner energy seed.

Once the inner energy seeds are formed, it will be much easier to condense the inner energy.

With the help of Inner Qi Seeds, one can even directly extract Inner Qi from Qi and blood without taking such big risks.

A smile flashed across his face, and after passing this level, it was time to take the next step of practice.

That is to continuously improve and strengthen the inner Qi seeds. The more powerful and condensed the inner Qi seeds are, the easier it is to communicate with the external spiritual energy of heaven and earth, thus forming the power of true Qi.

In addition to requiring a certain strength of internal energy seeds, this level also requires a certain amount of opportunity.

When the opportunity comes, maybe just after condensing the seeds of inner energy, you can communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, thus giving birth to the power of true energy, and step into the level of a pulse-casting master.

If you don't have the opportunity, you may spend your entire life unable to communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the outside world, thus giving birth to true energy.

The higher the talent and qualifications of a warrior, the greater the possibility of passing this level.

Although Lu Changjing's talents and qualifications are good, they are not to the point where he can communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the blink of an eye after just condensing the inner energy seeds.

Therefore, he still needs to continue to improve his inner energy seeds and at the same time look for opportunities to step into the realm of a pulse-casting master.

Feeling the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old ginseng decoction that was still gurgling, Lu Changjing stopped thinking about it and continued to absorb the essence and enhance the inner qi seeds.

By the time the medicinal power of the Millennium Ginseng Decoction was fully digested, the Nei Qi seeds had increased from the size of one sesame to the size of two sesame seeds.

It's a pity that the rest of the thousand-year-old ginseng soup was drunk up by the dog eunuch Cao Wenzheng. If he could absorb the medicinal power of the rest of the thousand-year-old ginseng soup, the internal energy seed could at least be raised to the size of a mung bean.

Next, he should naturally adapt to the skyrocketing strength, and leave the matter of consolidating the foundation to the immortal demon body.

A night passed in a flash, during which Lu Changjing only rested for about an hour, and then continued to practice and improve.

The current situation is becoming more and more urgent. Cao Wenzheng doesn't know when he will find out that he secretly put a hat on Ning Zhongyu, so he must improve his strength to a high enough level as soon as possible.

Cao Wenzheng didn't come in the morning, and I don't know what he was busy with. When it was close to noon, he heard a call from outside: "The pacification envoy Wang Shengdi wants to see His Majesty!"

Pacification envoy Wang Shengdi?

Lu Changjing thought about it, and an official with a thin face and a face full of compassion emerged in his mind.

His cultivation has also reached the level of a master, and he is still an eighth-level master. He is more than 200 years old this year.

It is said that if he had not injured his body while rescuing people in disaster relief when he was young, which delayed him for many years, he would have entered the realm of Grand Master long ago, instead of lingering at the level of High-level Master for many years.

After hesitating for a moment, thinking of Cao Wenzheng's previous request that he meet more court officials and occasionally make some decisions, he summoned Wang Shengdi to come in.

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