Fortunately, everything in the dream is the opposite, and I am not that kind of person in reality.

There are so many loves, and I don’t want to let go of stunning beauties when I meet them, especially those who are similar to beautiful female stars in reality.

The more fickle I am in the dream, the more it shows that I am more affectionate and loyal in reality.

However, as Changan Selection becomes more and more popular, Lu Changjing finds that those female stars who used to ignore him are now too enthusiastic about him.

Some female stars even want to give themselves to him, and some throw themselves into his arms. If Lu Changjing’s self-control is not good enough, he will be deceived and caught by them.

There are also some who want to snatch the position beside him and kick Zhao Ying away. Various temptations are endless.

Fortunately, Lu Changjing has enough self-control and enough feelings for Zhao Ying, so he didn’t get deceived.

But I don’t know what happened in these years, everything in the dream always appears in my mind, making him a little helpless.

It was just a dream on the hospital bed, why did it always come out to make trouble? In addition to revisiting these old dreams when sleeping, sometimes even during the day, some things in the dream flashed through my mind.

Although they were some fragments, when they kept coming together, it was also a headache.

Lu Changjing had to suppress these messy thoughts by force, concentrate on his current life, cultivate his children, take care of his wife, and take time to manage the company and bring goods.

Time passed year after year, like flowing water, as if in the blink of an eye, the children had grown up and were admitted to their favorite universities.

At this time, he and Zhao Ying were both in their forties. Although they occasionally brought goods, most of their time was spent on management and accompanying his wife.

Zhao Ying was not young anymore, and there were fewer things in the entertainment industry. Now she is a star at the level of a queen. She has won several queen trophies in recent years and is also a big boss in the entertainment industry.

Especially with the support of Lu Changjing behind her, the total assets of the couple reached tens of billions and have been listed on the rich list.

Changan Selection Company has also developed into a group company. In addition to bringing and selling goods, it is also responsible for some other businesses, forming a complete industrial chain.

The couple is not only a celebrity couple, but also a capital couple. They have a transcendent status in the entertainment industry and a prominent position in the business circle. They can be said to be at the top of the pyramid and live a very comfortable life.

With the support and guidance of the couple, their children also live very well. They have been admitted to famous universities, and have developed in all aspects of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor. There is no problem in being a successor in the future.

Not long after graduation, the children quickly found suitable partners. After the couple's investigation, they were quite satisfied with their partners.

At the age of 26, the son got married and married the youngest daughter of the Liang Group, which has a lot of cooperation with the Lu Group.

The Liang Group is mainly engaged in the clothing and footwear industries. Its products are sold all over the world, with total assets of hundreds of billions. It is the well-deserved clothing and footwear overlord of Xia.

The combination of the two is called the dream combination of prince and princess by the people.

If it weren't for the fact that the eldest son Lu Cheng has always kept a low profile, it would have probably caused a sensation on the entire Internet. Even so, because of the extraordinary status of his parents, it has attracted a lot of attention.

The younger daughter is also like this. When she got married, she also attracted a lot of attention, and she married an unnamed outstanding son.

The two also met accidentally in college. The other party fell in love with the younger daughter at first sight, and then pursued her for many years, and finally moved the younger daughter.

Although the family is not so wealthy, such a family still has what it should have, and there are many treatments that ordinary people can't imagine.

Moreover, the man has a good character and is very loyal to love, so the younger daughter will not feel wronged to marry him.

Sure enough, after the children got married, they lived a good life, and soon they had grandchildren.

The couple are also fifty years old. They don't do many jobs anymore. They began to focus their energy and time on coaxing their grandchildren, and their lives are quite comfortable.

However, even at this time, there are still some young girls who have bad intentions and want to climb into Lu Changjing's bed, including some young stars in the entertainment industry.

Lu Changjing refused directly, but every time at this time, some messy things would always appear in his mind, such as verbal battles, enjoying imported food, looking for grapes, scratching feet, washing face with spiritual milk... It was embarrassing.

He was so old, but he was still entangled in the dreams of his youth, which made people laugh and cry.

But occasionally some doubts would arise, whether this proved his loyalty or the ripples in his heart.

After all, many people in the dream, when he and Zhao Ying attended some occasions, they could sometimes meet, including Zhao Ying's girlfriends and friends.

Is it because he had messy thoughts about them, so he had these dreams and thoughts.

But before this dream, he and Zhao Ying had just met, and many of her girlfriends and friends were not known.

What was going on?

Lu Changjing occasionally felt that something was wrong, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt absurd, so he didn't think about it anymore.

Maybe it's the man's greed. Even if he has a good wife like Zhao Ying, he still wants to try other beauties.

The key is that some people can't control themselves, while some can. Fortunately, Lu Changjing can control himself.

I wish to win the heart of one person, and I will never leave him. I am such a person.

I don't know why, but when I think of this, Lu Changjing will think of himself in the dream.

He has three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines, which is so ridiculous that he directly talks about it when he first meets her. He always shouts that he is affectionate and loyal. It's really funny.

Fortunately, he is not in modern times. If he were in modern times, he would be beaten to a pulp by female boxers.

He has had so many loves in his dreams, at least twenty or thirty, and it is still growing. But he still shouts that he is a good man, which really makes people want to teach him a lesson.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Lu Changjing began to browse his phone. A dancing girl flashed on it, and then another one.

Who is using his phone to browse beauties? The algorithm must have caught it. Hurry up and browse for a while to cook and take care of children.

Lu Changjing got busy, and soon Zhao Ying came to find him and asked him to go outside to pick vegetables.

The two were bored in the villa, so they planted hundreds of square meters of vegetables and fruits in the yard. They didn't spray pesticides or anything. They did everything themselves, so as not to be idle every day and to exercise their bodies.

Not to mention, with these acres of vegetable garden, the couple's life has been much more fulfilling. The grandchildren and granddaughters also like it here. They often run into it to play and catch insects, pick some vegetables and fruits, and are very happy.

Although they don't want to get older, the days are still passing by. In a blink of an eye, the grandchildren are also teenagers, busy with school, busy with cram schools, busy with their youth... There is not much time to accompany the old couple.

At this moment, the old couple are both in their sixties. Although they are still strong, they are not as healthy as when they were young. They have to count the days on their fingers.

Without the company of their grandchildren, the two of them have become much more lonely. Fortunately, the couple is together and their life is not so difficult.

Occasionally, they would practice Wu Qin Xi, Tai Chi, and square dance to enrich their daily life.

All work matters had been handed over to their children. Although Zhao Ying occasionally attended some ceremonies, she did so less and less.

The children did not want them to be too tired, and hoped that they would have more rest. They invited a master of health preservation to teach them, hoping that their parents could live longer.

But when they were in their seventies, they inevitably became hunchbacked.

But at this age, Lu Changjing still occasionally had some messy dreams, and the contents of the dreams would occasionally emerge when he was awake.

It was still the dream of his youth, with swords flying between heaven and earth, love all over the world, Liu Yanfei, Liu Rushi, Gulier, Chen Duling... messy entanglements, the emperor came to different palaces, and there were dragon and phoenix secrets.

He was quite helpless. He was so old that he could hardly stand up. Zhao Ying's girlfriends and friends were all old, and some were even buried. Why did he still have such a dream? Was the obsession when he was young so strong?

Lu Changjing was speechless about this. He occasionally wanted to talk to Zhao Ying, but he was embarrassed.

After all, he was so old and still had these spring dreams. It was really not serious.

Now this life is happy enough, why do you still think so much.

At this time, grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren began to have lovers and were ready to get married.

The Lu family became stronger and stronger, and it was about to have four generations living together.

With the birth of great-grandchildren, the old couple were about to be eighty years old.

The children no longer dared to let them coax the children, but let the son and daughter coax them, and also found someone to take care of them, for fear that something would happen to the old couple.

The children and grandchildren are filial. The old couple only occasionally accompany their great-grandchildren. The rest of the time, they are taking care of their health and hope to spend more time with relatives and friends.

At this time, the market value of Lu Group has reached hundreds of billions. It is also a large company and group in China. The old couple does not need to worry at all.

Even if they do not admit aging, the two are getting older day by day.

At the age of 85, on a sunny spring day, Zhao Ying fell in his arms.

He said he was sleeping, but he never woke up again.

Although he still had a smile on his face when he left, Lu Changjing was still very sad.

His children and grandchildren were all persuading him, but he was still getting thinner day by day. In just a few months, he lost nearly half of his weight and it seemed that he was about to be buried.

On the recliner by the lake where his wife left, Lu Changjing lay where his wife had been lying before, looking at the fruitful harvest in the distance, and a smile appeared on his face.

Yingying died in the spring, and I should die in the autumn. It was a good day, and I should go to find her.

So he lay down, waiting for death to come. He already felt that his life was coming to an end.

He closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep... Then the figure of Rong Xiyao appeared in his mind. He was still dressed brightly and beautifully as when they first met, making it hard to look at him.

Her skin was as white as cream, rosy, gentle as jade, and crystal clear.

Her face was like peach blossoms with dew, her fingers were like spring onions, and her long black hair was combed into a gorgeous and complicated deer bun, which was only decorated with red gold and ruby ​​hairpins, which made her look even more dazzling. She was really beautiful and brilliant.

What was he doing? He was about to die, but he still thought about such messy things. He deserved to be beaten.

Lu Changjing shook his head gently, trying to get rid of the figure of Rong Xiyao in his mind, but soon another figure appeared.

Her face was like water, her complexion was like lotus root, and her skin was smooth and delicate.

The plain clothes and a goat yellow hat have become the most eye-catching highlight in the imperial study.

There is also a classical and elegant atmosphere. She wears a light blue long skirt, a light green soft Xuanyuan, a vermilion light silk ribbon around her waist, and a butterfly embroidered on her head, which is eye-catching.

This time it is Tang Qingyi, the second woman he saw in his dream, and also his love.

Lu Changjing opened his eyes again. What is he doing? Don't you want him to die? He is really not so fickle. He just wants to find Zhao Ying, the only lover in his life. Why is it so difficult?

Then leave with your eyes open, and close your eyes before leaving.

But soon, a vague picture appeared in his open eyes.

Eyebrows like a crescent moon, eyes like autumn waves, eyelashes like wings, white nose and white teeth, pink lips.

A face is delicate and flawless, and the skin is as pink as jade porcelain, which makes people unable to move their eyes away.

The dark hair was like ink splashed, draped over the back shoulder, and spread on the lavender silk dress, adding a bit of elegance.

What's more amazing is that she just smiled at you so gracefully, and you felt that there were lavender flowers in front of you, not precious, but as soft and clear as moonlight.

This is the third love concubine Lin Yixin, and then it starts to appear out of order, and the best friends and friends of the late wife, Liu Yanfei, Liu Rushi, Gulier, Chen Duling, Gao Yuanyuan... like a revolving lantern, turning endlessly in his mind, making him unable to leave at all.


Just when Lu Changjing was dizzy and about to explode, a roaring sound came from his mind, accompanied by the desperate cries of countless Jiuzhou Alliance people.

Lu Changjing was shocked and finally woke up. It turned out that all this was a dream, and everything in the so-called dream was real.

The good woman who had dozens of loves and claimed to be affectionate and loyal, no, it should be said that he was an affectionate person, that was himself.

The so-called hero saving the beauty and winning Zhao Ying's heart, and then spending the rest of his life with her, and having children, these are all fake.

Although relatively speaking, the time travel he experienced is more like a fake, but the things between him and Zhao Ying are still possible.

But he didn't expect that everything with Zhao Ying was fake, and the time travel to become the Lord of Jiuzhou was real.

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