As a member of the noble immortal phoenix clan, the human form that naturally transforms into a human form is also extremely attractive.

Even Lu Changjing, who has seen thousands of sails, was slightly moved after seeing it.

Feng Qi was wearing a water-blue dress with intricate and gorgeous golden patterns and lightly embroidered peach blossoms. The style was elegant and the embroidery was exquisite.

She was tall and slender, with her black hair tied into a high beauty bun, and she wore an exquisite jade hairpin and accessories on her head. Her collar was slightly open, revealing her graceful and fair neck. Her blue dress made her skin look like snow.

She habitually had a smile on her lips, beautiful but not ostentatious, and her dark eyes were bottomless, showing that the owner's scheming was unfathomable, making people feel that she was a beautiful and gentle woman.

This woman had black hair tied up, a phoenix hairpin flying obliquely, a face like a silver plate, eyes like autumn water, two beautiful eyebrows like a slender crescent moon, eyebrows without painting but green, and red lips under the hanging nose.

When she opened her mouth, her teeth were as white as jade, her smile was as graceful as a peanut, her eyebrows were covered with green mist, her lips were dotted with cinnabar, her eyes were as clear as autumn water, her skin and bones were smooth, and her manners were elegant.

Her lips were red without any makeup, her face was like a silver basin, and her eyes were like water apricots.

She was breathtaking, stunning, and her temperament was almost the best in Chang'an.

The natural aura of the immortal phoenix clan was integrated into her body, mysterious and elegant, wise and moving.

Even Lu Changjing, who was as affectionate as him, couldn't help but take a second look and decided to have a deep spiritual communication, so as to play a better role in the initiation technique.


A strange humming sounded in his mind. Lu Changjing's Xuanhun had already intertwined with Feng Qi's Xuanhun, with Lu Changjing's Xuanhun as the main one, embracing Feng Qi's Xuanhun.

Then he performed the initiation technique, asking Feng Qi to cooperate with him fully, and began to absorb the experience, skills, and techniques of alchemy in his Xuanhun memory...

It was as if Lu Changjing had re-experienced the process of Feng Qi practicing alchemy, and personally practiced for one year, three years, ten years, thirty years... Just like that, he directly absorbed Feng Qi's attainments in alchemy.

After persisting for nearly two minutes, Lu Changjing stopped and did not continue.

Compared with the previous minute, this time was much better. The main reason was not that the power of the initiation technique was improved, but that Lu Changjing's cultivation level was improved.

Entering the realm of Xuanzun, Lu Changjing's tolerance increased dramatically, so he was able to perform initiation for such a long time.

After feeling the attainments in alchemy, he had broken through the shackles and reached the level of a high-level divine alchemist.

As expected of a Xuandan master, there are too many good things in his memory. If he can absorb all the benefits of Feng Qi in secondary positions, combat skills, secret techniques, etc., I don’t know how much benefit it can bring to him.

Unfortunately, the initiation technique is too damaging to the body. Even with the golden finger, Lu Changjing will have to spend a lot of time to get Feng Qi's essence.

In this process, because the two people are initiating the technique through spiritual communication, although the consumption is smaller and the benefits are greater, there are also other side effects.

For example, Feng Qi inevitably developed a different kind of affection for Lu Changjing during this spiritual communication. Her heart, which had been calm for more than a thousand years, began to ripple.

Like a young girl in love, she began to have palpitations for Lu Changjing.

For many practitioners, the soul is more important than the body, so the communication between souls is closer than the communication of the body, and even far exceeds the communication of the body.

When Feng Qi was initiating with Lu Changjing, she basically opened everything to Lu Changjing, and Lu Changjing could easily look through all her memories and thoughts.

And he could insert his own thoughts and memories into them, integrate them, and even delete and modify them.

In this case, it is impossible for Feng Qi not to have other thoughts about Lu Changjing.

Of course, Lu Changjing couldn't use such a close approach to those men, he also felt uncomfortable, and those ugly old ladies and the like.

At most, he would just try it out and perform the initiation technique normally to gain their cultivation in this area.

Although the effect of doing so is not so good and the consumption is relatively large, it will not distort his thoughts and make him have inappropriate thoughts about the same sex.

Or let the same sex have inappropriate thoughts about him, Lu Changjing doesn't have such a hobby.

So even if you want to have initiation communication with him in depth, it depends on the person, and ordinary people are not qualified.

As for the problems brought by these women, if the feelings are there, it doesn't matter if it becomes love.

If the feelings are not there, the relevant thoughts will gradually dissipate as the initiation is no longer performed in the future, and it will not cause any harm to them.

Otherwise, Lu Changjing would not dare to perform initiation on his lovers.

After initiation and improvement again and again, Lu Changjing began to make rapid progress in alchemy.

As for the art of formation, his art of formation is already at the top of Chang'an Island, not much inferior to the only Xuanzhen Master in Chang'an Island before, the Judge of Death.

Except for occasionally using the initiation technique on the Judge of Death to absorb his years of experience and skills, the rest of the time is spent on practicing the art of formation.

At the same time, Lu Changjing is also reading more classics to learn about the Wanxiang Sect, looking for classics and techniques that can help him.

He has considered joining the Wanxiang Sect. After all, the techniques behind the Nine Yang Xuan Gong system are in the Wanxiang Sect, and many of the combat skills and secret techniques he is currently practicing have follow-up techniques in the Wanxiang Sect.

Even if there are none, there are related alternatives.

Moreover, if he could learn all the ten thousand elephants and ten thousand sets of skills and accumulate them, he would have no idea how many times he could have sudden enlightenment.

In the sudden enlightenment, he could get the greatest benefit.

Not to mention the countless elixirs, treasures, resources, weapons suitable for the human race in the Wanxiang Sect... There were countless of these.

If nothing unexpected happened, if he could leave Chang'an Island, he would join the Wanxiang Sect more than 90% of the time.

In this case, of course, he had to learn everything about the Wanxiang Sect in advance to prepare for the follow-up.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was learning about many ancient books, he actually got a broken collection of ancient stories.

In this collection of stories, many incredible things were told.

For example, there were only sea beasts in the sea, and they became sea monsters after they became spiritual, but later some sea beasts were polluted by some kind of fusion avenue, and from then on they became blood beasts, affected by the chaotic will, and rarely sober.

Since then, blood beasts have been removed from the sea beasts, mainly because the sea beasts do not recognize the existence of blood beasts.

However, if the blood beast can recover its intelligence and no longer be affected by the chaotic will, it will become a monster instead of a sea beast, and its strength will far exceed that of the sea beasts at the same level.

However, it is too difficult for the blood beast to become a blood monster, which is more than a thousand times that of the sea beast.

That kind of fusion avenue is scattered in the sea, and it is unknown how many sea beasts have been transformed into blood beasts, and it has never dissipated.

Many blood beasts in the sea around Chang'an Island are polluted by some kind of fusion avenue, or they are the descendants of other blood beasts.

After reading this little story, Lu Changjing was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the predecessor of the blood beast was actually a sea beast, and it was a monster created after being polluted.

However, what is the fusion avenue? It can cause such a big impact and turn countless sea beasts into blood beasts. It is too terrifying.

The reason why I pay attention to this little story is that Lu Changjing has dealt with blood beasts a lot, and he successfully got started with purification in two epiphanies.

Purification is the magical power that Lu Changjing obtained from the Blood Queen. It is also the second magical power that Lu Changjing has encountered so far. The first magical power is naturally the Big and Small Ruyi that he awakened accidentally.

Purification is the second magical power he encountered. It can purify the chaotic will of blood beasts and turn them into blood monsters.

At that time, Lu Changjing felt that it was very useful, so he deleted it from the Blood Queen's memory and memorized it himself. At the same time, he also took the Purification Wood Heart that helped the Blood Queen awaken the magical power.

Without the Purification Wood Heart, the Blood Queen could not awaken the Purification Magic Power.

Unfortunately, even with the help of the Purification Wood Heart, Lu Changjing was unable to get started with it, let alone improve his practice.

It was not until a certain time when he accumulated too much and had an epiphany that Lu Changjing got started with the Purification Technique, but the progress of practice was still very slow, so slow that Lu Changjing had to spend most of his time on other aspects.

After all, it is a magical power, even the secret arts derived from it are not so easy to practice.

Moreover, the purification magic is quite special. It was accidentally derived and integrated from the purification wood heart. If not, Lu Changjing would not even be able to get started.

Unfortunately, the entry-level purification technique can only purify blood beasts that are much lower than Lu Changjing at most, and it is not very useful.

After reading this short story, Lu Changjing continued to look through other short stories with many questions.

The next one is a story about a giant beast. It is said that there is a giant beast in the sea, which is tens of billions of miles long. Everything it passes by is swallowed by its mouth.

Lu Changjing was speechless. If there is such a giant beast, how can the human race survive, and other races will also find it difficult to survive.

He continued to look through it until he saw a story about a sea girl, and Lu Changjing paused.

Because in this story, the sea girl said that the area where the blood beast is located is the blood ocean, which is infinite and has almost no boundaries.

This made Lu Changjing raise his eyebrows. Could it be that the sea area they are in is the blood ocean? Is the blood ocean in the story the sea area under their feet?

Thinking about the matter of the fusion avenue again, Lu Changjing was also a little skeptical and didn't believe it too much.

Moreover, in this story, it is said that there are sea disasters and blood disasters in the Blood Ocean. Sea disasters are disasters caused by sea beasts, and blood disasters are disasters caused by blood beasts.

Once a sea disaster occurs, there will be endless sea beasts rushing up from the depths of the seabed, attacking islands one after another, looking for resources and food.

In order to defend their hometowns, the warriors of all races on these islands will fight to the death with them until one side is defeated and flees.

Blood disasters are similar to sea disasters, but there are countless blood beasts rushing up from the depths of the seabed, also for resources and food.

Sometimes sea beasts and blood beasts will also fight to compete for territory and resources.

It seems that this is just a story, because according to the memories of those world-destroying monsters and demons before, although there are sea beasts and blood beasts around the island, there has never been any sea disasters and blood disasters.

If this story is true, how can these sea beasts and blood beasts not make a fuss and set off the so-called sea disasters and blood disasters in the story.

Lu Changjing stopped thinking and continued to flip through the pages. He found that the stories inside were getting more and more bizarre, which made him dumbfounded. He thought to himself that stories are just stories and they really can't be taken seriously.

If this story is true, it is too outrageous.

Originally, I thought some of the things in it were true, but now it seems that they are probably fabricated, such as the Ocean of Blood, the sea beasts that polluted the fusion avenue, the sea disasters and blood disasters... He thought he could understand some of the truth in this regard, but it seems that he was fooled.

It was a waste of a little time. After putting away this slightly damaged ancient book, Lu Changjing continued to practice.

However, after just a few days of practice, he received news that countless sea beasts and blood beasts ran out of the four seas in the southeast, northwest and northeast around Chang'an Island, stepped onto Chang'an Island, and rushed towards the place where the Dajing Immortal Dynasty was located.

Hearing this news, Lu Changjing was stunned and speechless, and the content of the ancient story collection immediately emerged in his mind.

Sea disaster?

Blood disaster?

Come together?

His face changed slightly, and Lu Changjing didn't bother to think too much. He immediately left the imperial study and rushed towards the surroundings of Chang'an Island.

Soon they arrived at the north of Chang'an Island, and indeed found countless sea beasts and blood beasts rushing out from the depths of the North Sea, heading straight for the area covered by the Jiuzhou barrier.

Among these sea beasts and blood beasts, there are many sea beasts and blood beasts of more than level 20, and Lu Changjing even found two sea beasts and blood beasts of more than level 30, which correspond to the Xuanzun level of warriors.

Could it be that a sea disaster and a blood disaster really happened? There is nothing wrong with the content of the ancient story collection.

Lu Changjing's face changed slightly, and he quickly used the soul-stealing technique to steal the memories of these sea beasts and blood beasts to find out what happened.

Soon he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was not a sea disaster and a blood disaster that came, but as the surrounding Fengtian Cold Prison got closer and closer, those sea beasts and blood beasts were driven to the vicinity of Chang'an Island.

And as the deep sea water became colder and colder, these sea beasts and blood beasts could not stand it, especially in the past few days, Fengtian Cold Prison has advanced a lot, and many small Fengtian Cold Prisons have appeared in the deep seabed.

In this situation, in order to save their lives, these sea beasts and blood beasts could only hurriedly stay away from the surrounding Super Sealing Heaven Cold Prison and keep approaching Chang'an Island until now.

After learning that the Jiuzhou Barrier can resist the Sealing Heaven Cold and the Extreme Cold Wind, these sea beasts and blood beasts spontaneously united to break through this place, or get Lu Changjing's consent so that they can enter and hide.

It turned out that it was not a sea disaster or a blood disaster, but just an escape journey.

Lu Changjing breathed a sigh of relief and explored in other directions. He found that although there were many sea beasts and blood beasts, they were basically sea beasts below level 30, and there were only dozens of them above level 30.

The strongest one was a blood beast, which was as high as level 34, comparable to a four-star Xuanzun, but he could only stay awake occasionally, and was in a state of confusion most of the time.

With Lu Changjing's current strength, he was fully able to suppress these sea beasts and blood beasts.

So he went back without any worries, opened the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group, and saw what these sea beasts and blood beasts were going to do, and then decided how to deal with them.

A few days later, the first batch of sea beasts and blood beasts came to the outside of the Jiuzhou Barrier and launched an attack on the Jiuzhou Barrier without hesitation, trying to break through this place and hide inside.

It seems that these sea beasts and blood beasts can't communicate peacefully, so let's fight.

Lu Changjing didn't do anything else, just increased the power of the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group, so that these sea beasts and blood beasts couldn't break through.

Then quietly left the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group, looking for the whereabouts of the small Fengtian Hanyu, guiding it to the area where these sea beasts and blood beasts were, and using the small Fengtian Hanyu to deal with them.

If you rely on yourself alone, it will take too much time and energy, and the small Fengtian Hanyu is more efficient.

Moreover, the small Fengtian Hanyu can directly freeze these sea beasts and blood beasts, which is a natural ice storage. When they are needed as food later, they can be thawed and eaten.

The martial arts and combat skills that Lu Changjing practiced were extremely masculine and strong, and it was easy to destroy the bodies of these sea beasts and blood beasts. Small Sealing Heaven Cold Prisons were more effective.

Soon, small Sealing Heaven Cold Prisons swept through the sea beasts and blood beasts that attacked the Jiuzhou barrier. Wherever they passed, pieces of sea beasts and blood beasts were frozen alive in them, becoming the reserve food of the human race.




Of course, there were some fish that slipped through the net, mostly some powerful sea beasts and blood beasts that could avoid these small Sealing Heaven Cold Prisons.

At this time, Lu Changjing needed to take action. He did not use martial arts and combat skills with too strong destructive power. He just used the God-Slaying Tribulation to easily kill a large number of sea beasts and blood beasts of more than 20 levels, and their bodies were frozen intact.

As for those sea beasts and blood beasts of more than 30 levels, facing the fully armed Lu Changjing, they did not have much resistance.

"Dragon King Bell!"

"Nine Dragons Roar!"


The Dragon King Bell was used to easily stir up the inner demon of this level 31 blood beast, making the already confused opponent even more confused, standing there in a daze and falling into the inner demon illusion.

The Nine Dragons Roar followed closely, defeating its mysterious soul and killing it directly.

After all, it is a blood beast with a confused mind, and it is impossible to enslave it at all. It is better to kill it and eat its meat.

The blood and flesh of the blood beast are very nourishing, and they also play an extremely important role in promoting the improvement of body refining cultivation, so naturally they cannot be let go.

Lu Changjing put it into the storage ring and kept it for later tasting.

In the face of absolute strength, these sea beasts and blood beasts that were like tides were like lambs to be slaughtered. They were easily slaughtered by Lu Changjing. Apart from being food, they could not damage the Jiuzhou barrier at all.

Some sea beasts that were of use were also captured by him through soul-stealing. Among them, several sea beasts of more than 30 levels were turned into Jiulong slaves by him.

This group of sea beasts and blood beasts that rushed up from the depths of the surrounding seas not only did not become a disaster, but became food for Lu Changjing and the human race.

If the sea disasters and blood disasters in the ancient story collection were like this, then Lu Changjing would just want more, the better.

However, Lu Changjing also knew in his heart that if it were not for the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group to protect the Dajing Immortal Dynasty this time, if so many sea beasts and blood beasts really invaded the human race’s territory, it would definitely be a disaster for the entire human race.

The so-called sea disasters and blood disasters are indeed well-deserved, so the ancient story collection is still worth recommending.

As for whether it is true or not, it needs to be verified later.

It took only half a month to solve this matter. Although there are still some sea beasts and blood beasts that have not been solved, Lu Changjing is not going to waste time.

Anyway, they can't break through the Jiuzhou barrier. If they stay outside, they will be frozen into food sooner or later, so there is no need to care about them.

As long as the Jiuzhou barrier is well protected and the safety of the human race and the Dajing Immortal Dynasty is ensured, that's enough.

What Lu Changjing has to do now is to continue to practice and improve, and continue to improve and improve the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group and Dinghai Xuanzhen Group.

These things were handed over to Jiuming Ghost Emperor one after another. As the only two Xuanzhen masters in the Dajing Immortal Dynasty, they naturally have to do more work.

Lu Changjing will only take action when necessary to assist Jiuming Ghost Emperor in improving the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group and Dinghai Xuanzhen Group.

Now that the Dajing Immortal Dynasty encompasses the three states, it is natural to cover the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group and Dinghai Xuanzhen Group. With the efforts of the Nine-Life Ghost Emperor and a large number of divine formation masters, the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group and Dinghai Xuanzhen Group are expanding at a terrifying speed.

At present, half of Xuzhou and Yangzhou have been covered by the two Xuanzhen Groups, which have become safe for the time being.

At the current speed, it will take less than ten years to basically cover almost everything.

Seeing that everything is going well, Lu Changjing also put his mind at ease and began to spend more time on other aspects.

In the twelfth year of Chang'an, Lu Changjing decided on a big thing, that is, to return to the ground.

As the Jiuzhou Xuanzhen Group and Dinghai Xuanzhen Group have proven their power again and again, the small Fengtian Cold Prison outside cannot cross the line, and the impact on the weather of the Dajing Immortal Dynasty is also limited.

After considering for a long time, Lu Changjing decided to let some people in areas with less risk return to the ground, and no longer need to stay deep underground.

However, the residence deep underground still needs to be preserved. Who knows if there will be any accidents in the future? At that time, we will need to hide deep underground to save our lives.

Although the human race could return to the ground before, their residence was still deep underground. They were not allowed to build houses on the ground, and the human race underground was not allowed to return at will to avoid danger.

Now, after several years of experiments, it has been confirmed that the risk outside is very small and cannot bring fatal disasters to the human race. Lu Changjing finally decided to allow batches of ordinary people to return to the ground to build houses and live.

After receiving this news, many human races who are qualified to return to the ground were stunned at first, and then they all began to cheer.

"We can finally live on the ground. In the past, we could only grow crops and catch wild animals on the ground. We had to go back before dark. Now we can finally build houses on the ground."

"It's been ten years. I have been living deep underground for so many years without realizing it. I almost forgot that we used to live on the ground."

"It's too cramped in here. It's better on the ground. Let's pack up and build our own houses outside."

"Phoenix Xuanzu is really powerful. He can even resist the Sealing Heaven Cold Prison. It seems that we are safe and have achieved our previous goal, although as slaves."


Not only the human race, but also the nearly 10 billion remaining demons and monsters are also excited about this.

Especially those demons and monsters who used to live in the outside world, after learning that the Great Jing Xian Dynasty has been able to weaken the power of the small Sealing Heaven Cold Prison to one ten-millionth, they cried with joy.

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