"Lou brags about him so much, I don't know if it's true or not, let's wait and see."

"This disciple is probably my last disciple, I have to observe him carefully."

"As long as he is half as good as Lou brags, it's enough."


The thin old man muttered in his heart, and he had come to the practice room of the True Fire Hall. The surrounding formations seemed to him as if they didn't exist.

Although Lu Changjing, who was practicing, didn't find anything, he found that the danger perception feature was warning.

However, this warning was not strong, and it seemed that the object of the warning had no hostility towards him.

However, the surrounding formations and the area covered by the mysterious soul did not notice anything.

Suddenly, what Lou Guangzhi said to him emerged in his mind. Recently, the Tianzun of the Nine Yang Elephant might come, so he should always keep the best condition, so that he can be accepted as his apprentice and become the true disciple of the Nine Yang Elephant.

Could it be that the Tianzun of the Nine Yang Elephant came, so although there was a warning of danger perception, there was no danger to his life.

This is probably the case, otherwise the change of the danger perception characteristic cannot be explained. Although Lou Guangzhi will also give an early warning of the danger perception characteristic, the amplitude is smaller and it does not give him the same feeling.

It seems that the Tianzun Taishang of the Nine Yang Elephant likes to personally verify the situation of his disciples, so he came here quietly without a greeting.

However, this is also a very normal thing. After all, once Lu Changjing is recruited as a disciple, he can become a true disciple in one leap. His status is still higher than that of ordinary earth elders, so Tianzun Taishang cannot be careless.

Lu Changjing thought for a moment, feeling the spirit that was close to a breakthrough, and the stable foundation, he decided to perform well, so that he could get more benefits.

Thanks to the help of the strange treasure, his spirit had been cultivated to three stars several years in advance, and it was about to reach the limit.

Originally, he was going to slowly polish it to the limit and then impact the four-star realm.

But now that he has encountered such an opportunity, it doesn't matter if he impacts in advance.

So in Cai Chaoan's surprised eyes, Lu Changjing took out a strange treasure and put it in his mouth.

Hiding in hiding has already been performed, hiding some things that should not be exposed, so as not to be too exaggerated.

For example, the foundation of cultivation should be kept at six times, and it would be difficult to explain if it is more.

And his extraordinary defense and some special features brought to him by the immortal physique should also be hidden. Who knows what kind of detection method a warrior at the level of Tianzun has, and whether he can detect the abnormality in his body.

If you still don’t understand that a man is innocent but guilty of holding a treasure, then you are too stupid, even if you are facing the Tianzun of the Wanxiang Sect with an excellent reputation.

Fortunately, the characteristics brought by the immortal physique are extremely against the sky, and even the Tianzun can hardly find clues. After hiding, Lu Changjing absorbed the medicinal power of the treasure with all his strength and prepared to break through the bottleneck.

Seeing that Lu Changjing took a treasure and seemed to be going to the four-star Xuanzun realm, Cai Chaoan was also surprised and began to observe carefully.

According to the information delivered by Lou Guangzhi, this little guy is not even fifty-one years old this year. Even if he lived for thousands of years before reincarnation and has rich experience and skills, it is still a bit hasty to break through the middle-level Xuanzun level so quickly. Will he fail?

Whether this is reckless or well-planned is also worth discussing.

Cai Chaoan became interested, and the power of the Heavenly Soul fluctuated and fell on Lu Changjing silently.

At the same time, Lu Changjing could clearly feel the fluctuation of the danger perception characteristic, which was much stronger than before, but there was no murderous intent in it, which made him feel relieved and continued to immerse himself in the breakthrough.

Orderly and familiar.

He did not rely too much on super defense and the indestructible characteristics of diamond. This time he mostly relied on his own strength.

The medicinal power in the strange treasure was manipulated by him like an arm, and he attacked the bottleneck shackles according to a specific trajectory.

Waves, layers, light and heavy, coming and going freely.

Cai Chaoan was also surprised when he observed the situation in Lu Changjing's body. His foundation was quite strong, but compared with the previous disciples, there was still a gap.

But he won in stability and vitality. He was not underestimating the enemy and advancing rashly, but was well prepared.

Sure enough, under waves of impact, the bottleneck leading to the four-star Xuanzun realm quickly trembled, and cracks gradually emerged.

What surprised Cai Chaoan was not only Lu Changjing's mastery of the skills and methods of breaking through the barriers, but also his control over the huge medicinal power in the strange treasure.

The medicinal power in the strange treasure is so amazing, but in Lu Changjing's place, it is like an honest child. If you tell it to go east, it will go east, and if you tell it to go west, it will go west.

Such control, even he couldn't do it back then, after all, this is a strange treasure.

But Lu Changjing did it, and it looked very easy.

In addition, the understanding of the skills and methods of breaking through the barriers was not rote, but there were many improvements based on his own situation, and many places made him shine.

Apart from other things, these alone made him quite satisfied.

It was confirmed again that Lu Changjing's bone age and soul age were indeed only 50 years old, and there was no disguise, which could also be confirmed through other aspects.

He could reach this level at the age of 50, which was beyond the reach of Cai Chaoan in those days.

The process of breaking through the barriers is the most challenging for the practitioner's psychological quality, talent, and adaptability... Lu Changjing's performance in these aspects is almost perfect.

Especially during the breakthrough, the aura that remained motionless and did not change color even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him made Cai Chaoan nod his head repeatedly.

Just like this, he took steady steps, and soon cracks appeared on the bottleneck dam, but Lu Changjing's face was still calm, and he did not have any messy thoughts.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Cracks appeared on the bottleneck dam, which also meant that this breakthrough was about to win.

Cai Chaoan also noticed the situation in Lu Changjing's body and observed more carefully.

Lu Changjing in front of him was still neither arrogant nor impatient, and did not show any emotional fluctuations because of the upcoming breakthrough. He was neither happy nor sad, just like a pool of dead water, which was also the best state for the breakthrough.

Sure enough, after a cup of tea, accompanied by a continuous cracking sound, the bottleneck dam collapsed, which also meant that Lu Changjing's cultivation realm had broken through to a new level.

Four-star Xuanzun!

Middle-level Xuanzun!

The spirit and energy began to increase dramatically, and the quantity and quality rolled up. Only then did a faint smile cross the corners of Lu Changjing's mouth, and then he regained his calmness again, and began to consolidate and adapt to the surge of spirit and energy.

After it stabilized a little, it was already a few hours later. Looking at Lu Changjing's series of actions after the breakthrough, Cai Chaoan became more and more satisfied.

Not happy with things or sad with oneself, winning or losing calmly, worthy of being a reincarnated person, such psychological quality and willpower are far beyond the reach of ordinary Xuanzun, even many Dizun can't compare.

In this breakthrough, Lu Changjing's Xuanhun fluctuations can already cover a radius of 840 kilometers, that is, more than 2 million square kilometers of territory, and even 840 kilometers above and hundreds of kilometers below this territory, Lu Changjing's Xuanhun can penetrate into it.

It is not a plane, but a three-dimensional surface, so the area cannot be described as more than 2 million square kilometers.

The power of heaven and earth in such a vast area can also be mobilized by Lu Changjing, bursting out with unimaginable power.

Normal four-star Xuanzun, Xuanhun only covers 40 kilometers, which is much worse than Lu Changjing.

Even ordinary Dizun, when they just break through, their Dizun covers about 10 million kilometers. Lu Changjing has just stepped into the realm of four-star Xuanzun, and the coverage of Xuanhun is about to catch up with ordinary Dizun.

Needless to say, Xuanqi is becoming more and more pure and powerful, with the unique spirituality of Xuanzun.

Strands and strands, extremely agile.

Each strand seems to have an independent consciousness, which can last for a long time in the world and can also leave the body to go to other places.

With a casual move, a strand of Xuanqi turned into a three-inch little man, dancing in his hand, smiling at him from time to time, really stunning.

Lu Changjing did not inject his own consciousness into it, nor did he control it. He just let it turn into a human form, and it was already so agile.

It is indeed Xuanqi, and it is indeed extraordinary.

Of course, the biggest improvement is the physical training. In terms of strength, it has increased to 84 million kilograms. After the blessing of combat skills, secret techniques, and mysterious instruments, it can reach more than 800 million kilograms of destructive power.

With the blessing of the big and small Ruyi magic, the destructive power will jump to nearly 30 billion kilograms, which is a destructive power that ordinary earth masters cannot match.

The same is true for defense. In normal state, it is already 84 million times that of ordinary people. After the blessing of the Vajra Indestructible characteristic, it directly soars to more than 700 million times that of ordinary people.

There are also super recovery, super damage reduction, invulnerability to evil, super rebound... Various characteristics and mysterious instruments, etc., can at least increase it by more than ten times on the basis of more than 700 million times, or even more.

A super damage reduction can make most of the damage inflicted on Lu Changjing ineffective, which is equivalent to indirectly increasing his defense.

Super recovery is needless to say, even if you are injured, you can recover at the fastest speed, and super rebound can rebound the damage.

The Hundred Evils Invulnerability can effectively resist all kinds of conspiracies and calculations, such as poison, drugs, burning, erosion... and so on.

With the blessing of the twenty-one-fold cultivation foundation, every breakthrough for Lu Changjing is a surge in strength, far exceeding the improvement of a normal Xuanzun.

A normal Xuanzun will generally increase his strength by one million kilograms and his defense by one million times after a breakthrough, but Lu Changjing is good. His strength will directly increase by 21 million kilograms and his defense will also increase by 21 million times the level of ordinary people after a breakthrough.

An ordinary ten-star Xuanzun has a strength of about 10 million kilograms and a defense of 10 million times the level of ordinary people, but Lu Changjing is good. Every time he breaks through, the increase is so large that he can catch up with all the strength and defense of a normal ten-star Xuanzun.

This is directly reflected on the surface. As for the Xuanhun, Xuanqi, Xuanxue, which are not reflected on the surface, the increase is also so large. You can imagine Lu Changjing's current strength.

It is really not strange at all to be able to confront a Dizun like the Blood Dragon Whale head-on.

Basically, all the Xuanzun had no power to resist Lu Changjing.

Carefully feeling the surging power in his body, he found that it had stabilized, so the next thing he needed to do was to adapt.

So he began to practice the Nine Dragons Combat Skills System, Nine Dragons Finger, Nine Dragons Step, Nine Dragons Seal, Nine Dragons Cover... until he reached the Nine Dragons Sword Skills, he was in a trance and entered into enlightenment again.

The Nine Dragon Sword Technique, which was difficult to integrate with the new Nine Dragon Sword Technique, actually began to advance rapidly in the epiphany and integrated at an astonishing speed.

In a trance, Lu Changjing had forgotten that there was a Heavenly Venerable around him, and was completely immersed in it. He improved the Nine Dragon Sword Technique into the Nine Dragon Sword Technique, integrated it with the original Nine Dragon Sword Technique, and then impacted it to a higher level.

Looking at the Nine Dragon Sword Technique performed by Lu Changjing, Cai Chaoan's eyes almost popped out. Was he seeing it wrong, or was Lu Changjing really such a monster.

Not only did he successfully rebuild the Nine Dragon Sword Technique, but he also changed it into a sword technique. Is it too exaggerated?

Moreover, from the Nine Dragon Sword Technique, Cai Chaoan also saw the shadow of other sword techniques, but not only did it not affect the power of the Nine Dragon Sword Technique, but it made its power even higher.

No, no, in addition to the Nine Dragon Sword Technique, there are also the previous Nine Dragon Finger, Nine Dragon Seal, etc., which also incorporate other things, not just the Nine Dragon Combat Technique System.

Cai Chaoan has been immersed in the Nine Dragons Combat Skills System for thousands of years. All the combat skills and secrets in the Nine Dragons Combat Skills System have basically been cultivated to perfection. He believes that he is absolutely not wrong.

Could it be that this boy is really so evil that he not only successfully rebuilt the new Nine Dragons Combat Skills System, but also successfully integrated the essence of some other combat skills and secrets into it?

It should have been integrated in this aspect before, otherwise how could it be so fast? Even so, this is already amazing.

Looking at Lu Changjing's Nine Dragons Swordsmanship in astonishment, Cai Chaoan was speechless for a long time.

Even with his attainments in this area, he could not see many flaws and defects.

Although he already knew that Lu Changjing had a very high level of understanding and would enter enlightenment from time to time, Cai Chaoan did not expect it to be so frequent.

He had just arrived, and he witnessed the latest enlightenment.

Looking at Lu Changjing's familiar appearance, Cai Chaoan has confirmed that this is definitely not Lu Changjing's first enlightenment, but the nth enlightenment, otherwise he would not be so proficient.

Think about it, I have lived for nearly ten thousand years, but I have only had a few sudden realizations. Lu Changjing has only been reincarnated for fifty years, and he has had dozens of sudden realizations.

Comparing people will make you die, and comparing goods will make you throw them away.

Cai Chaoan was speechless, watching Lu Changjing perfectly integrate the swordsmanship into the Nine Dragon Swordsmanship, turning the Nine Dragon Swordsmanship into the Nine Dragon Swordsmanship, and improving it to a state close to the great success.

After practicing for a period of time, there is a high probability that he will be able to break through to the great success.

Seeing that Lu Changjing had adapted to the sudden increase in swordsmanship and was ready to practice the next combat technique, Cai Chaoan finally couldn't sit still, removed the hiding, and appeared in front of Lu Changjing: "Not bad, not bad, Lou Guangzhi didn't lie to me, your talent is really good."

"Who are you?" Looking at the thin old man in front of him, even if he didn't deliberately release his breath, he already revealed a temperament that shook the sun and the moon.

Lu Changjing was also shocked and asked pretending to be ignorant.

Cai Chaoan smiled and said, "Nine Yang Elephant Cai Chaoan, I wonder if you are willing to become my disciple?"

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