To be honest, even if Cao Wenzheng did not sell the royal family's property, it would not be difficult for Cao Wenzheng to come up with Chengyu County's relief funds.

With Cao Wenzheng's wealth, he could easily solve the problem of a mere county.

But he would rather sell the royal family's property than pay for it out of his own pocket. This shows the loyalty of Eunuch Cao.

At least he is not as loyal to Ning Zhongyu as seen by the outside world, and he may be able to take advantage of this matter in the future.

Moreover, although Lu Changjing was wrong in this matter, Cao Wenzheng's mistake was even greater.

If he had told Lu Changjing in advance that the royal secret treasury and the treasury were empty, Lu Changjing would not have agreed to Wang Shengdi's relief to Chengyu County.

Something went wrong, but Cao Wenzheng put all the blame on Lu Changjing, which was quite shameless.

After cleaning up Lu Changjing again and asking him to pay more attention in the future, Cao Wenzheng prepared to leave with some distress.

"The Queen Mother is here!"

But before Cao Wenzheng walked out of the imperial study, he heard singing from outside, so he quickly opened the door and invited the Queen Mother to come in.

Today's Queen Mother gives people a slightly different feeling.

Yellow Bixialuo with phoenix embroidered on it, a pink smoke gauze skirt that sweeps the floor, arms holding soft emerald green gauze, a wind bun with a peony on her misty temples, she really looks a bit dainty with her eyebrows spread across the distance, and her green temples pure. The smell of spring smoke is strong.

A emerald green smoked sweater, a pleated skirt with scattered flowers and mist and green grass, and a thin veil of green water. Her shoulders seem to be cut into a plain waist, and her skin looks like fat orchid. She is charming and boneless.

This doesn't look like Ning Zhongyu's mother. Some people believe that she is Ning Zhongyu's sister.

"I heard that the emperor is selling properties to provide disaster relief. Is there anything I need help from the Ai family?"

Seeing Lu Changjing, Hua Yanqiu asked with concern. Sure enough, it was also because of this incident.

Lu Changjing glanced at Cao Wenzheng. He looked at Cao Wenzheng, as if he didn't hear anything.

If this guy hadn't been feeling sorry for Lu Changjing just now for refusing the concubines' help, he would have really thought that Cao Wenzheng didn't love money.

In order to prevent Hua Yanqiu's help from being taken away by Cao Wenzheng, Lu Changjing shook his head directly: "My mother is worried about you. This matter has been resolved, and you don't have to worry."

Cao Wenzheng frowned slightly when he heard this, and a flash of distress flashed across his face.

However, considering that this might disgrace Ning Zhongyu, there was still no true energy transmission to make Lu Changjing agree to Hua Yanqiu's help.

Hua Yanqiu frowned slightly: "Do you really not need the help of the Ai family? Before the late emperor passed away, he left many things to the Ai family, including many resources and treasures that the emperor needs."

"This..." Lu Changjing glanced at Cao Wenzheng next to him, and refused again with some distress: "It's really not necessary, the queen mother should take it back."

After all, Lu Changjing can basically use the resources and treasures that Ning Zhongyu can use.

It's a shame that this dead eunuch Cao Wenzheng is right next to him, otherwise he would definitely accept it, and at the same time he told Hua Yanqiu not to leak the matter.

Although the Queen Mother looks a little more charming and attractive, she is not bad in other aspects, at least she has a tight tongue.

"Well, since the emperor doesn't need help, the Ai family will go back."

Seeing Lu Changjing's refusals one after another, Hua Yanqiu did not force himself and left the imperial study with several palace maids.

"Pa bang bang..."

As soon as Hua Yanqiu left, Cao Wenzheng couldn't help but give Lu Changjing a few blasts of air, then turned around and left.

Although Cao Wenzheng didn't say why he taught Lu Changjing a lesson, you can tell with your toes that the chief eunuch has become greedy again.

However, he was not brave enough to ask Lu Changjing to agree to Hua Yanqiu's help.

As soon as Cao Wenzheng walked away with his front foot, Lu Changjing "recovered" from the injury on his back foot and continued to practice and improve.

But not long after, I heard the side window being opened, and a graceful figure entered the imperial study and prostrated in front of Lu Changjing: "My servant Qing'er has met your Majesty."

Lu Changjing raised his eyes and saw that Qing'er was wearing light green underwear with a light pink vest underneath. There were morning glory tattoos on the collar and chest, which made her look particularly attractive.

In terms of appearance alone, Qing'er is not much worse than Tan Qingyun and Lin Yixin, but she is far behind in terms of temperament.

Looking at Qing'er in front of him, Lu Changjing inexplicably remembered Qing'er in a certain TV series he had watched in his previous life. There were quite a few similarities between the two.

She is the maid next to the Queen Mother Hua Yanqiu, and she is also one of the most trusted maids by Hua Yanqiu. Not only is she good-looking, she is even better looking because of her kung fu.

At just over 20 years old, he is already a master of pulse casting.

With the addition of a spiritual weapon, it would not be easy for even some mid- to high-level masters to deal with her.

It is not difficult for the other party to sneak into the imperial study quietly.

Lu Changjing waved his hand to ask her to get up: "Did the Queen Mother ask you to come?"

"Yes, the Queen Mother asked my slave to deliver some things." As she spoke, Qing'er placed a brocade bag in front of Lu Changjing, then turned and backed away: "My slave left first. The Queen Mother asked my slave to tell the emperor that this matter can only be The three of us know it, but no one else will. Just let Your Majesty keep it safe."

Seeing Qing'er's disappearing figure, Lu Changjing was a little surprised and a little moved.

He didn't expect that the very charming Queen Mother would be so kind to him. I thought the relationship between her and Ning Zhongyu would be awkward.

After all, the relationship between the two is said to be mother and son, but in fact the age difference is less than three years, and Lu Changjing feels embarrassed every time he calls her mother.

He opened the brocade bag and looked at it. There were two hundred low-grade spiritual stones inside, which was enough for Lu Changjing to use for a long time.

In addition, there are some elixirs, and the one that makes Lu Changjing most excited is a bottle of calming pills. This is a high-level elixir, and it is also an extremely rare high-level elixir that can enhance spiritual power.

During this period, Lu Changjing has received many gifts, but he has not received a elixir or a treasure that can enhance spiritual power. You can imagine how rare it is.

Hua Yanqiu gave him a bottle of ten pills. Such a generous gift made Lu Changjing open his mouth wide and secretly said that the queen mother is mighty.

For the sake of this bottle of calming pills, Lu Changjing felt that the title of queen mother was not difficult to pronounce, but rather a bit intimate.

It seems that this queen mother should be well interacted with. If you can enter and leave the palace freely in the future, you can go and see more. Maybe you can get good things like calming pills from the queen mother.

With this bottle of calming pills, Lu Changjing saw the possibility of cultivating spirit, energy and spirit together.

When he returned to the secluded room at night and locked the stone door, Lu Changjing immediately took out a tranquilizing pill and prepared to taste it.

I don’t know what level this high-level elixir can raise his spiritual power to, two or three small realms should not be a big problem.

PS: Dear parents, please read it, the newbies really need it, (*^▽^*).

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