"We heard that Zhao Jintian is here."

Cao Wenzheng asked as soon as he closed the door of the imperial study.

Lu Changjing nodded and pointed at the Lingjidan on the table: "Zhao Jintian said that your majesty promised him a few months ago that if he could get a bottle of Lingjidan, he would give the position of Yinshan County Magistrate to his younger brother Zhao Yindi. I wonder if Lord Cao knows about this?"

"Yinshan County Magistrate?" Cao Wenzheng's face changed slightly: "Zhao Jintian is really greedy for one bottle of Lingjidan in exchange for one of the richest counties."

The name of Yinshan shows the wealth of Yinshan County.

Even among the hundreds of counties in the Daning Dynasty, Yinshan County is among the best. In Cao Wenzheng's view, this deal is obviously a bit of a loss.

"Then refuse this matter?" Lu Changjing asked.

Cao Wen Zheng thought about it and said helplessly: "We don't know whether this matter is true or not, so we need to ask His Majesty. After His Majesty has a reply, we can decide whether to agree or not."

As he spoke, Cao Wen Zheng took the bottle of Lingji Dan and turned to walk outside: "But you did a good job in this matter. You didn't agree rashly. There is still room for maneuver."

After Cao Wen Zheng left, Lu Changjing continued to practice and became more attentive.

After all, if he didn't quickly improve his cultivation level and let Cao Wen Zheng, Zhao Jintian and other dogs mess it up, the Daning Dynasty would become unknown.

It is necessary to have enough strength to solve these termites that destroy the Daning Dynasty before the situation of the Daning Dynasty cannot be reversed.

In Lu Changjing's view, the Daning Dynasty is already in his pocket. How can he let Cao Wen Zheng, Zhao Jintian, and even Ning Zhongyu do whatever they want?

Collaboration with demons, selling official positions, embezzling the national treasury... No matter which one, it is digging the roots of the Daning Dynasty, and Lu Changjing will never allow such things to continue.

Hard training, still need hard training!

Originally thought to settle down for a period of time, not too fast, but after experiencing this incident, Lu Changjing is ready to wait for the initial adaptation, and then continue to eat elixirs and magic medicines to improve the realm of cultivation as soon as possible.

With enough resources in hand, he wants to refine Qi, refine the body, and refine the spirit.

As for the memorials, he can take out half an hour every day to understand them, and the rest of the time can be used for cultivation.

It just so happens that Cao Wenzheng also has a lot of things to do during this period, and Lu Changjing, the fake emperor, is doing better and better, so he comes less often.

This gives Lu Changjing enough time and energy to practice and improve.

Days pass by, and Lu Changjing's cultivation is improving at an astonishing speed.

However, before breaking through the third-level master, the matter of the spiritual base pill has been settled.

"The edict has been issued, and you can act according to it!"

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Lu Changjing sat high on the dragon throne, and Cao Wenzheng beside him sang loudly, and issued several edicts.

Among these edicts, there was an edict appointing Zhao Yindi as the governor of Yinshan County.

This was Lu Changjing's second time to attend court, but nothing happened. The only thing worth mentioning was the appointment of several senior officials.

After hearing that Zhao Yindi was one of the officials appointed, and that he was the governor of Yinshan County, many people in the court looked a little strange.

Obviously, many ministers knew that Zhao Yindi was Zhao Jintian's younger brother. If you say there is no trick in this, no fool would believe it.

Fortunately, Zhao Jintian took the initiative to come out at this time, and the words "no kinship is avoided in selecting virtuous people" eased the awkward atmosphere, and also made some civil and military officials who wanted to say something stop talking.

After all, the book has been completed and the imperial seal has been stamped. His Majesty has agreed to it. In addition, Zhao Jintian has given full support. It is useless to say more, and it will offend Zhao Jintian and His Majesty in vain, so it is better to keep silent.

Wei Shangang did not argue to teach the Shanman tribe a lesson this time. He kept his eyes on the nose and his nose on the heart, and did not say a word.

Lu Changjing was happy to be free, so as to avoid quarreling again. If he did not deal with it properly, it would be bad if he was found out.

The rest were all small matters. Most of them were decided directly by Lu Changjing, which slightly cleared the reputation of "Emperor of Procrastination".

The morning court lasted for more than an hour and ended. Lu Changjing, surrounded by Cao Wenzheng and others, left the Hall of Supreme Harmony and returned to the Imperial Study, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Many of the civil and military officials in the court were great masters, which put a lot of pressure on Lu Changjing.

Once a flaw is revealed, it may lead to unpredictable consequences. At the least, he will be taught a lesson by Cao Wenzheng, and at the worst, he will be exposed as a fake emperor.

In this situation, how could Lu Changjing dare to be careless? If he had not been forced to do so, he would not have been willing to attend the court.

"Today's morning court was not bad, and many decisions were fine."

Cao Wenzheng was also quite satisfied with today's morning court, although there was still a long way to go to wash away the reputation of "the emperor who shirks his responsibilities".

But you have to know that this was Lu Changjing's second time attending the court, and he was able to make many decisions without any mistakes, which was already very good.

There were so many civil and military officials, including some great masters who were more powerful than him. It was already very good that he could not be exposed under their scrutiny.

So Cao Wenzheng was going to take the time to tell Ning Zhongyu about this matter, and was going to let this fake emperor live until the day when he could no longer pretend to be Ning Zhongyu.

In this way, even if Ning Zhongyu needed to leave temporarily for other things, Lu Changjing would be there to support him, which could reduce a lot of trouble.

After the second morning pilgrimage, you can live peacefully for a while, at least for about half a month, and be able to concentrate on practice.

Such a long time is enough for Lu Changjing to improve a lot.

Ten days later, Lu Changjing's Qi refining cultivation reached the level of a second-level master, and he was ready to reach the level of a third-level master.

The first-level grandmaster to the third-level grandmaster are the low-level masters. After entering the third-level master level, the next level is the fourth-level grandmaster, which corresponds to the intermediate-level grandmaster.

Although he has only just adapted to his current level of Qi refining, this does not affect Lu Changjing's ability to break through the bottleneck.

After being driven into a secret room by Cao Wenzheng and locking the stone door, Lu Changjing immediately began to attack the realm of the third-level master.

There is no need to make too many preparations, just mobilize the huge Huangji Qi and charge towards the bottleneck.

As the most sharp force of Qi in the Daning Dynasty, even looking at the entire Chinese world, Huangji Zhenqi is well known for its sharpness and terror, and it has a huge advantage when it comes to breaking through bottlenecks.

Of course, if the spiritual veins and Dantian are not strong enough, this advantage will turn into a huge disadvantage.

Fortunately, with the immortal demonic body as a golden finger, Lu Changjing had a unique advantage in this regard. Even though the Huangji Qi was as sharp as a knife, it could not damage the spiritual veins and Dantian.

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