Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 63 The First Step to Become the Emperor

Cao Wenzheng would never have thought that the secrecy he had kept for safety would actually help Lu Changjing.

Cao Xiuyuan, who had already suspected Cao Wenzheng, did not need Lu Changjing to explain himself. He imagined what had happened.

In order to avoid the extermination of his nine clans, Cao Xiuyuan knelt down in front of Lu Changjing and admitted that his adoptive father's actions were too excessive and suspected of rebellion.

Cao Wenzheng adopted Cao Xiuyuan as his adopted son not because he was filial or loyal to him, but mainly because his talent and qualifications were the best among the young generation of the Cao family.

He had reached the level of a middle-level master at the age of just over a hundred. In the future, he would have a great chance of becoming a grand master and continuing the glory of the Cao family.

That was why Cao Wenzheng cultivated him so carefully, but Cao Xiuyuan was not his real child after all, and it involved the matter of the nine clans.

Cao Xiuyuan did not want to die, and did not want his nine clans to be exterminated. In addition, he felt that Cao Wenzheng's actions were too much, so he simply surrendered to Lu Changjing.

"From now on, I will only listen to your Majesty, and will never listen to Cao Wen Zheng. Please rest assured, Your Majesty!"

Looking at Cao Xiuyuan who knelt down in front of him to show his loyalty, Lu Changjing nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. In fact, you are not betraying Cao Wen Zheng by doing this, but to save the entire Cao family."

"If you also want to learn from Cao Wen Zheng, I may kill the entire Cao family in the future, leaving no one behind. But since you have surrendered to me, it means that not the entire Cao family has betrayed me. In the future, except for Cao Wen Zheng, I will pardon all the people in the Cao family."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will never go along with Cao Wen Zheng again. Please rest assured, Your Majesty." Cao Xiuyuan kowtowed repeatedly and sold Cao Wen Zheng out completely.

At the same time, he also agreed to be Lu Changjing's eyes and ears, to monitor Cao Wen Zheng for him, and on the surface, he would still be Cao Wen Zheng's man, "monitoring" the emperor for Cao Wen Zheng.

Seeing that Cao Xiuyuan was so tactful, Lu Changjing nodded with satisfaction, which saved him a lot of words.

Immediately, he used the soul stealing technique in the Soul Picking Secret Scripture to steal Cao Xiuyuan's memory to see if he was lying or just perfunctory.

Hearing that Lu Changjing wanted to test his loyalty, Cao Xiuyuan quickly agreed and took the initiative to open his spiritual sea to let Lu Changjing in and out.

After stealing, Lu Changjing confirmed that Cao Xiuyuan did not lie, and got a lot of secrets about Cao Wenzheng from him, and then nodded with satisfaction.

By the way, Lu Changjing also got several medium and high-level spiritual weapons from Cao Xiuyuan, which increased his combat power by more than two times, barely making up for the disadvantage in equipment.

With Cao Xiuyuan as his own, Lu Changjing finally felt much more at ease.

With Cao Xiuyuan as a helper in the future, he can know the whereabouts of Cao Wenzheng in advance, and Cao Xiuyuan will cover for him, so the possibility of exposure is even smaller.

In addition, he also obtained a batch of cultivation resources from Cao Xiuyuan, many of which were given to him by Cao Wenzheng, which greatly made up for Lu Changjing's deficit in this regard.

Cao Xiuyuan's strength is only at the level of a mid-level Grandmaster, but with the blessing of various spiritual weapons and trump cards, even a high-level Grandmaster can't do anything to him.

That's why he is qualified to be the leader of the Jinwu Guard, one of the thirty-six guards of Baiyujing. Otherwise, even if Cao Wenzheng is his adoptive father, he can't even think of becoming the leader of the Jinwu Guard.

Each of the thirty-six guards has at least thousands of people, and the most can even reach tens of thousands, totaling about 800,000.

Each guard is a warrior carefully selected from the entire dynasty, and the worst is a warrior above the fourth level. They master various battle formations and secrets and can easily suppress tens of thousands of ordinary troops.

If the thirty-six guards come out together, they can even sweep across the entire Daning Dynasty, with almost no opponents, and can be called the most elite troops in the country.

Among them, the Jinwu Guards responsible for guarding the Qianqing Palace are the elite among the elite. Each of the 10,000 Jinwu Guards is a warrior above the seventh level.

If they were in the civilian world, they would be qualified to be called first-class masters, and they could have established their own sects and lived a life of wealth and glory.

But they were just ordinary soldiers in the Jinwu Guard, so you can imagine how elite the Jinwu Guard was.

Ten thousand Jinwu Guards formed a battle formation, and even a grandmaster had to avoid their sharp edge and dare not fight with them.

Although there were no grandmasters in the Jinwu Guard, there were several grandmasters, far more than other guards.

Taking down Cao Xiuyuan was basically equivalent to taking down the Jinwu Guard.

Although this person was a relative, he had been operating in the Jinwu Guard for decades and knew the entire Jinwu Guard quite well.

In addition, he often sought various benefits for the Jinwu Guard from Cao Wen Zheng, so the soldiers in the Jinwu Guard respected and trusted him quite a lot, far more than the respect and trust for Cao Wen Zheng.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Changjing put the first soul-picking object on Cao Xiuyuan, otherwise he would not waste a precious soul-picking quota.

With Cao Xiuyuan's escort, Lu Changjing felt a little more secure in the palace, and he would not be easily abandoned and killed.

This also made Lu Changjing see the possibility of successfully replacing Ning Zhongyu. The magnificent Great Ning Dynasty, with thousands of miles of territory and over a billion people, had countless resources and treasures.

How could Lu Changjing give up easily? Moreover, he was so close to Tan Qingyun, Lin Yixin, Xiao Yaoxin... that he would not abandon them easily.

The concubines in the harem helped him a lot, although they did not know that he was a fake emperor, but the relevant benefits and benefits were ultimately taken by Lu Changjing.

Even if he was responsible, Lu Changjing would not give up.

Let Cao Xiuyuan patrol outside for him and monitor Cao Wenzheng, then Lu Changjing began to practice.

With Cao Xiuyuan as his own, Lu Changjing dared to act bolder next, at least some of his previous ideas could be put into action.

Ten days later, Tan Qingyun sneaked into the imperial study again with a full food box of goodies.

Although Cao Xiuyuan had been captured, it would be fine even if he entered from the main gate, but for the sake of safety, Lu Changjing still acted in the previous style.

Moreover, in this Qianqing Palace, there are not only Jinwu Guards, but also Imperial Guards, many eunuchs, and many palace maids... Occasionally, people from other palaces would come to the Qianqing Palace, so they naturally could not be easily exposed.

Seeing Tan Baobao wearing a loose gauze skirt, Lu Changjing's eyes lit up, and he quickly hugged her and took her in casually, which soon made Tan Baobao blush and quickly blocked his mouth with imported grapes.

However, because he was too panicked, the grapes fell into his collar again. Lu Changjing had no choice but to help find them. It took him half an hour, and he finally got to eat the grapes with body fragrance again.

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