Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 73 The Great Zhoutian Star Array (Please read on)

When Lin Yixin came this time, in addition to bringing various spiritual fruits, she also brought a bottle of more domineering spiritual wine.

Seeing that Lin Yixin had some bad intentions, Lu Changjing couldn't help but tighten his clothes.

In order to avoid being drunk and doing some unspeakable things.

Lu Changjing simply took the initiative and drank dozens of imported spiritual wines in succession, and got Lin Yixin drunk first.

Although this guy is suspected of doing bad things, his alcohol tolerance is really not good. He is not as good as him, and he dares to take advantage of his innocence.

Looking at the unconscious Lin Yixin, Lu Changjing couldn't help shaking his head. Fortunately, he is now in gentleman mode, otherwise he must eat this little drunkard clean.

Why is it so difficult to practice Cang Yang Shu? It has been a small success for a while. During this time, I have also concentrated on practicing, but it is still so far away from the big success. When can it be perfect?

Sighing helplessly, Lu Changjing arranged Lin Yixin to rest on the dragon bed in the secret room, and began to practice and improve while forcing himself to suppress the restless pure yang energy.

At some point, Lin Yixin, who was resting, opened her eyes slightly, a hint of resentment appeared on her face, and she curled her lips slightly, not knowing what she was mumbling.

Sure enough, high-end hunters often appear as prey. Lu Changjing is still a little bit behind. After all, he is a rookie who has never experienced such things, and he is often deceived by love.

By the way, he has had several love affairs.

No, it cannot be described as several, perhaps several is better.

Because his love is not like those modern people who are unfeeling and ungrateful in his previous life. When each new love begins, the old love will be thrown aside, and even become enemies.

His love is not like this. Even if there is a new love, he will cherish the old love well, and try not to favor one over the other. The main point is fairness.

Unlike those modern people, they forget the old love when they have a new love, and they don’t take it seriously even if they have gone to bed.

Lu Changjing would not be like this. Although he has not consummated his marriage yet, he still cherishes his current love.

Tan Qingyun is his first love, Lin Yixin is the second, Xiao Yaoxin is the third, Zhou Ruolan is the fourth...

Having both first and second base should be considered love, but think about how good the Imperial Concubine Rong Xiyao and Concubine Tang Qingyi are to him, and even gave him the most important personal treasure, the Azure Sky Divine Ring.

If even this is not considered love, then he is definitely a gigolo.

Then Rong Xiyao is the fifth love, and Tang Qingyi is the sixth love... Forget it, don't think too much, so as not to have a headache.

Lu Changjing also felt a little strange, so he simply stopped thinking about these messy thoughts and tried his best to practice peacefully.

But every time he glanced at Lin Yixin who was sleeping not far away, he always felt distracted, so he had no choice but to find a place where he couldn't see Lin Yixin and practice hard.

Fortunately, it was not the previous life, otherwise he would be evaluated as worse than an animal.

Lu·Zhengrenjunzi·Changjing's cultivation efficiency was very low, and Lin·Hunter·Yixin, who was lying on the bed, did not rest well, and wasted more than an hour.

Seeing that Lu·Zhengrenjunzi·Changjing had not come over, and he actually cultivated to the cold Millennium Jade Spring, Lin·Hunter·Yixin had to sigh and pretend to wake up drunkenly, so as not to be anxious by the palace maids outside.

It doesn't matter if the palace maids are anxious, if they reveal some flaws and are discovered by other concubines, and then come to find them like Xiao Yaoxin, that would be inappropriate.

After sending away the disappointed Hunter Duanfei Lin Yixin, Lu Changjing was finally able to practice with peace of mind.

He still overestimated his own determination and underestimated the temptation of this little bully. Just now on the dragon bed, this little bully was not at peace when he slept.

From time to time, he would do some strange postures and reveal some places that should not be exposed, otherwise he would not be forced into the Millennium Jade Spring.

Although I am not so afraid of Cao Wenzheng now, I can't let the concubines get pregnant now, and the art of hiding Yang has only been completed for a short time, and it is still far from perfection.

No matter which one it is, Lu Changjing has to consider now, so he can only be Liu Xiahui once.

When practicing, time always passes quickly, especially when there are beautiful women as seasoning, time passes even faster.

Although there are multiple love affairs at the same time, each love is very sweet. It turns out that the environment can train people the most.

Before crossing, Lu Changjing, a young man with nothing, would never have thought that one day he would be able to step on several boats so smoothly.

While Lu Changjing was busy, Longjiang's richest man Tan Qianqian was not idle either. Now he has successfully produced a large number of mirrors and a large number of gunpowder, and is about to start selling them.

Although he is very sure that the sales will not be too bad, Tan Qianqian is still a little nervous and expectant, after all, this is related to the arrival of two new eras.

In his opinion, the Tan family has run so many businesses, but none of them has such a promising future as glass and gunpowder, and may even bring the Tan family to an unprecedented glorious position.

For the sale of mirrors, he has already preheated in advance and plans to start selling them in Baiyujing first. If the sales are good, he will immediately promote them to the entire Daning Dynasty.

Mirrors are just a way to monetize glass, and they can also be regarded as a foundation for the subsequent sale of other glass products.

Therefore, this good start is very important, and Tan Qianqian also attaches great importance to it, and personally sits in the largest silver shop of the Tan family in Baiyujing.

Da Ning has a population of one billion, and Bai Yu Jing has more than ten million.

Its city wall is one hundred kilometers long and wide, with a total area of ​​10,000 square kilometers, far exceeding most international metropolises in the previous life.

The city wall is divided into three layers, namely the outer city wall, the Weng city wall and the inner city wall, which divide the entire Bai Yu Jing into different areas.

The reason why it is called Bai Yu Jing is that Bai Yu Jing is built with a special mineral, white jade, which is not visible at ordinary times. Once the sun shines, or at night, it looks like a city carved out of white jade.

It is precisely because of this that there is the saying of Bai Yu Jing in the sky, which can be called the largest and richest city in the Daning Dynasty.

Even in the entire Shenzhou land, Bai Yu Jing is quite famous and is known as the first grand scene of the Daning Dynasty.

Bai Yu Jing is also arranged with a large array of Zhoutian stars. Once it is opened, a group of stars will emerge and illuminate the entire Bai Yu Jing. The wisps of starlight form a barrier that can withstand the siege of thousands of masters.

Even if a god or demon who surpasses the Grandmaster takes action, it is still unknown whether he can break the Zhoutian Star Array, which is also one of the heritage left by the ancestors of the Ning royal family.

Although Tan Qianqian has made a lot of preparations for the sale of glass mirrors during this period, as long as it can become popular, the entire Baiyujing will be able to absorb all the glass mirrors.

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