The popularity of glass mirrors gave Tan Qianqian and Tan's Company great confidence.

Moreover, the act of making and selling glass mirrors was proposed by Lu Changjing, which made Tan Qianqian more convinced of Lu Changjing, the fake emperor.

The glass mirrors that were originally thought to be sold out in at least a few days were sold out on the first day of sale.

A full 100 million copper coins, the cost was only 1%, that is, 1 million copper coins, and the net profit was nearly 100 million copper coins.

If converted into silver taels, it would be 10,000 taels of silver, and 100 taels of gold.

It doesn't sound much, but think about how high its profit is and you will know how terrifying it is.

Nearly 100 times the profit, looking at the whole world, how many commodities can reach this level.

The population of the Daning Dynasty exceeds 1 billion. Even if everyone only buys one glass mirror, it can bring more than 100 million taels of silver to Lu Changjing and Tan's Company.

Besides, glass mirrors are not just low-end products worth a hundred copper coins. There are also various more exquisite high-end glass mirrors, which require not copper coins, but silver, or even gold.

On the night when the glass mirrors sold well, Tan Qianqian quietly sent a large number of resources and treasures to Lu Changjing, the value of which far exceeded ten thousand taels of silver.

Obviously, Tan Qianqian is extremely optimistic about the prospects of glass products and is grateful for this ten percent profit.

With the profits provided by glass mirrors, Lu Changjing can be more at ease in the future. At least he will not be short of money after replacing Ning Zhongyu as the emperor.

As an emperor, if even the royal secret treasury and his own small treasury are empty, it would be a joke.

However, Lu Changjing and Tan Qianqian both know that glass products can only bring wealth in gold and silver, and it is difficult to exchange them for spirit stones and other spiritual objects.

The most important commodity is still gunpowder, or more precisely, thunderbolts made of gunpowder. This is the key point, and the profit is far greater than that of glass products.

There is a certain barrier between spiritual stones and spiritual objects and gold and silver. If you want to exchange ordinary gold and silver for spiritual stones and spiritual objects, the premium required is more than two or three times, and there is often no market for them.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of most people, spiritual stones and spiritual objects are extraordinary things, and gold and silver are ordinary things.

When dividing the levels of weapons, elixirs, formations, etc., it can be seen that, for example, the weapons, elixirs, formations, etc. used by warriors are called ordinary medicines, ordinary tools, and ordinary formations...

But when it comes to the weapons, elixirs, formations, etc. used by the Grandmaster, they are called spiritual medicines, spiritual pills, spiritual tools, and spiritual formations...

It is easy to exchange extraordinary things for ordinary things, but it is not easy to exchange ordinary things for extraordinary things.

But at the level of Lu Changjing and Tan Qianqian, no matter how many ordinary things they have, it will not help them practice. Only spiritual things can make them soar.

So compared with glass products, the first commodity derived from gunpowder, Thunderbolt, is more important to the two.

In order to sell the Thunderbolt Seeds, Tan Qianqian specially held a trade fair and invited most of the Grandmasters of Baiyujing to participate, including a Grandmaster of the Tenth Level of Forging Pulses.

It was not a public trade fair, but an internal trade fair of the Tan's Trading Company.

Thanks to the reputation of the Tan's Trading Company that has been passed down for thousands of years, on the day of the trade fair, nearly a hundred Grandmasters of the Forging Pulses level came to the Tan's Waterside Bamboo Forest.

"The Tan family business has been very prosperous recently. They just invented glass products, and now they are selling a special spiritual weapon. It seems that the Tan family business is going to prosper again."

"It is said that the power of this thunder seed is comparable to that of low-level and mid-level spiritual talismans, but the price is only a fraction of that. Is this true or false? Are there such high-quality and low-priced spiritual weapons?"

"If you have it, buy it. If you don't have it, just look at it. Just give Tan's business a face. It only takes a little time anyway. Besides, Tan's business is very hospitable. There are actually quite a few spiritual fruits and spiritual meats in this waterside bamboo forest."

"I heard that the glass and thunder seed were not made by Tan's business itself, but were given to Tan's business by a big man above. Tan's business can only share a little profit from it."


A group of masters tasted the various spiritual fruits, spiritual meats and spiritual wines prepared by Tan's business, while curiously discussing and guessing the truth of this matter.

After the hour of You, when almost everyone had arrived, Tan Qianqian led several high-level masters and grand masters hired by Tan's Company and a group of beautiful maids into the trading grounds of the waterside bamboo forest.

In the hands of these maids, there were plates of black thunderbolt seeds.

These thunderbolt seeds are mainly divided into two types, one the size of a thumb and the other the size of an apricot, and they are thoughtfully labeled with low-level thunderbolt seeds and medium-level thunderbolt seeds.

There are a thousand low-level thunderbolt seeds and a hundred medium-level thunderbolt seeds.

Looking at the curious eyes of the masters, Tan Qianqian did not say too much nonsense. After a brief greeting, he began to introduce everyone.

"The items on the plate are the merchandise of this trade fair, and they are also the only merchandise, the Thunderbolts. The small ones are low-level Thunderbolts, the larger ones are mid-level Thunderbolts, and the more powerful high-level and top-level Thunderbolts are still under development and are not available for sale at the moment."

"The power of low-level Thunderbolts is equivalent to that of low-level Fire Spirit Talismans, and the price of Fire Spirit Talismans is well known. Three low-level Fire Spirit Talismans are worth one low-grade Spirit Stone, but the price of our low-level Thunderbolts is much lower than that of low-level Fire Spirit Talismans. One low-grade Spirit Stone can buy ten low-level Thunderbolts. The power of the two is almost the same, and low-level Thunderbolts are even slightly better."

"As for the intermediate thunderbolt, its power is similar to that of the intermediate fire spirit talisman, but an intermediate fire spirit talisman requires a low-grade spirit stone, while our intermediate thunderbolt only needs one-third of the low-grade spirit stone, which means that one low-grade spirit stone can buy three intermediate thunderbolts."


As soon as the words fell, the whole room was in uproar, and many masters exclaimed.

"Is it true? The power of low-level Thunderbolt Seeds is comparable to that of low-level Fire Spirit Talismans, but the price is less than one-third of that. Why is it so cheap?"

"Intermediate Thunderbolt Seeds are about the same. This price is too cheap. Could it be that the power of Thunderbolt Seeds is not that strong, or there are other defects, otherwise why would it be so cheap?"

"If it is true, such a good thing must be bought. It is much more cost-effective than buying a talisman. This kind of thing is a treasure that can save lives at critical moments."

"Master Tan, why don't you test the power of Thunderbolt Seeds to see if it reaches the level of Fire Spirit Talismans. If it is really as good as you said, we can buy all these Thunderbolt Seeds for you."


Looking at the many skeptical masters, Tan Qianqian agreed without hesitation, ready to let everyone witness the power of Thunderbolt Seeds with their own eyes.

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