Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 85 Enemy Invasion (200 additional chapters per subscription)

In the southeastern region of the Daning Dynasty, there is a sea, which is called the East China Sea by the people of the Shenzhou world.

The East China Sea is hundreds of millions of square kilometers, leading to the unknown distance. It is said that the end is shrouded by endless deep cold winds and cannot be crossed at all.

On this vast ocean, there are many natives, one of whom is called the Ying tribe, which is the indigenous race that has the most dealings with the Daning Dynasty.

However, the people of the Daning Dynasty are used to calling it the Stinky Tribe or the Shit Tribe. The reason is that the people of the Ying tribe like to eat a fruit called Shell Melon.

This fruit smells very stinky, just like shit, and it tastes very stinky. Most people can't stand it.

But the people of the Ying tribe like it very much, even to the point of madness.

Because of the long-term consumption of Shell Melon, the Ying people also have a smell of Shell Melon, so they are given the title of Stinky Tribe and Shit Tribe.

Although the Stinky Tribe protested in every possible way, there were too many people shouting, and almost no one called them the Ying tribe.

So gradually, the Stinky Clan also lay flat, and even the Sakura Clan themselves often called others the Stinky Clan and the Shit Clan.

The Stinky Clan natives are not only stinky, but their actions are even more stinky. Many Stinky Clan members do not like to produce, even though there are many rich islands in the East China Sea where many crops can be grown.

Not to mention anything else, the shell melon alone can make them eat endlessly.

However, most Stinky Clan members dislike that doing so is too slow to make money, and often like to plunder the surrounding islands. As the dynasty closest to the Stinky Clan, Daning has naturally been harassed a lot.

To be honest, the Stinky Clan is good at fighting at sea, but not so good at fighting on land, and the power of the Stinky Clan is not even one-tenth of Daning.

If it is taken seriously, it will not take many years to make the Stinky Clan throw away their weapons and dare not harass Daning at all.

However, the old emperor and Ning Zhongyu pursued the way of peace. Not only did they not teach these Stinky Clan natives a lesson, but they did business with them, just like treating those demons and monsters.

This has also led to the fact that the natives of the Stinky Tribe have become more and more rampant in recent years, and they will invade the coastal areas of Daning from time to time.

In the past half month, prefectures and counties in the coastal areas have successively reported the invasion of the natives of the Stinky Tribe.

If Lu Changjing were in charge of the court, the Daning army would have taught these natives of the Stinky Tribe a lesson.

However, Cao Wenzheng, Zhao Jintian and others were too soft-hearted and did not dare to go to war with the natives of the Stinky Tribe. They repeatedly asked the prefectures and counties along the coast not to conflict with the Stinky Tribe, and even issued an imperial edict in the name of Ning Zhongyu, strictly prohibiting many prefectures and counties from going to war with the Stinky Tribe.

Their servile and submissive attitude is simply disgusting.

Even if the royal secret treasury and the national treasury have no money and cannot raise military expenses, some prefectures and counties are willing to defeat the invading Stinky Tribe without the court's money.

However, they were still rejected by Cao Wenzheng and others, and even coveted their resources and money and food. What is the difference between such behavior and traitors?

In the eyes of the court, Cao Wenzheng and others are the peace party, but in the eyes of Lu Changjing, the so-called peace party is no different from the traitor party.

Weak knees, soft bones, servile kneeling... It's simply unworthy to be a senior official of Daning.

Even if Lu Changjing is just a fake emperor, he feels very aggrieved at this moment, and he wants to kill Ning Zhongyu, Cao Wenzheng, Zhao Jintian and others, so that the Daning Dynasty can stand up again.

No wonder more and more barbarians dare to humiliate the Daning Dynasty in recent years. With such an old emperor and a young emperor, how can the Daning Dynasty stand up.

No matter how many reasons there are, they cannot cover up the bad influence that the old emperor Ning Tianbao and Ning Zhongyu have brought to the Daning Dynasty.

Today's morning court is about this matter.

Cao Wenzheng reminded Lu Changjing early in the morning to let him continue to negotiate and not agree to send troops, no matter what happens.

It was not the time to break up with Cao Wenzheng yet, so Lu Changjing could only watch and act as if he did not know about it, pushing and pulling, pulling and pushing, and letting the whole court once again witness the name of the emperor pushing and pulling.

Because of this, the Minister of War and dozens of remonstrators came out one after another, asking His Majesty to do something, which was almost the same as accusation.

Even the Grand Commandant Cai Chaoan, one of the three ministers, spoke out for this, which shows that many ministers in the court did not like the natives of the Ying tribe.

Lu Changjing also discovered one thing. Throughout the two dynasties of Ning Tianbao and Ning Zhongyu, there were indeed many ministers of the peace party who were servile and submissive, but there were also many pillars of support who were particularly strong.

At least the three ministers were good people. Except for the Taicha who was too smooth, the Grand Commandant Cai Chaoan and the Prime Minister Tang Chongzhi could be called loyal ministers.

There were also the Minister of War, the Minister of Works, the King of Southwest, the King of Heluo, etc., all of whom could be called famous ministers.

Perhaps because of this, the Daning Dynasty has suffered losses repeatedly in recent decades, but it can still maintain its basic territory.

Even though the royal secret treasury and the national treasury are now empty, the country is still stable.

If it were the ancient dynasties in the previous life, the emperors of both dynasties would have made the country like this, with demons and monsters making trouble inside and many barbarians, natives, and dynasties eyeing covetously outside, and the country would have been close to destruction.

Unfortunately, the three officials do not have much real power. Among the six ministries that hold real power, at least half of them belong to the peace faction, including the extremely important Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Revenue, and Ministry of Punishment.

The Minister of Rites can barely be regarded as a peace faction, but he has a good relationship with the pro-war faction and is the kind that does not offend either.

However, if the emperor gives an order, the Minister of Rites will obey immediately, so most of the time he works for the peace faction.

After a quarrel, Emperor Tuituo returned to the imperial study with a gloomy face. He did not make any decision, but basically he had made all the decisions.

It was still a peace negotiation, and he still insisted on not going out, even if he suffered a little loss.

The news quickly spread to the eastern coast and reached the ears of Qi Pinghai, the lord of Donghai Prefecture.

Upon receiving this news, several generals of Donghai Prefecture were furious and came to Qi Pinghai one after another.

"Master Qi, the Sakura bandits have bullied us to such an extent. How can we let them continue to be rampant? We have a million troops ready to go. We can send troops to Donghai to quell the Sakura bandits as long as Master Qi gives an order."

"What is there to fear about the stinky tribe? They are just a group of filthy natives. I don't understand why Your Majesty has to tolerate them again and again. Is our Daning Dynasty afraid of them?"

"Your Majesty doesn't need to send a single soldier, let alone any money and food. We can fight on our own."

"These stinky bandits are getting more and more aggressive. If we continue to give in, they will be more excessive in the future. At that time, they will not only harass villages and towns, but may even send troops to attack the county."


Many generals in Donghai Prefecture rose up and opposed the decision to negotiate peace.

PS: I will add two chapters first. No matter how I feel, there should be no problem with 200 average subscriptions. Thank you to every book friend who supports the genuine version.

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