"No, I can see that you are very serious." Rong Chengjin's thin lips tipped all sentient beings and said, "so, you can stay with me at ease." he said, throwing her into a soft couch.

It turned out that they had entered the guest room. Fang Yan ignored these. To her surprise, the man really wanted to put her under house arrest as a hostage?

"I don't know your name yet." Rong Chengjin sat down in the chair opposite her and looked at her.

Does he think they can chat now? Fang yanleng looked at him and wondered if Zimmer had done something to him. Otherwise, why did he want to cause him such trouble?

"It seems that you are not going to say it." Rong Chengjin was not worried about her cold eyebrows. She felt something in her sleeve and threw it in the palm of her hand, saying, "how about exchanging it?"

Fang Yan immediately straightened his eyes. Isn't that her ring? She hurriedly looked at her right hand. Sure enough, her thumb was empty.

"You stole from me again!"

Rong Chengjin leaned slightly, looked at her and said, "so what? Don't say it's this little ring, it's your man, and I'll do what I want at the moment."

The pair of smiling eyes have a submissive Majesty in their essence, which seems to interpret "my territory is my master" to her silently.

"How? Change or not?" Rong Chengjin looked at the ring in her hand, and her tone was very sexy.

Fang Yan was moved. The ring was designed by her own hand and carefully modified. It has been used very smoothly all the time. Although he was unwilling to compromise with him, he didn't want to be so cheap. In particular, seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, he put the ring on his tail finger and played with it with satisfaction. Fang Yan was anxious and said, "you mean what you say?"

"Of course." Rong Chengjin's eyes shifted back to her face from the ring and said, "you should learn to believe me."

Although the good-looking black eyes are deep and bottomless, they are incredibly clear and clean, which makes it difficult to doubt what "treacherous" he will be.

Although Fang Yan was extremely unwilling, he said dryly, "my name is Fang Yan."

"Fang Yan." Rong Chengjin repeated these two words and wrote them down.

"Can I have the ring back?" Fang Yan urged angrily.

"Of course." Rong Chengjin stroked the ring just right on his tail finger and said, "I'll give it back to you when I'm in a good mood."

Hearing this, Fang Yan immediately became angry, "Hey, you just agreed to change my name with the ring. How can a big man go back?"

"I really mean to exchange it for your name." seeing her face red with anger, Rong Chengjin said, "but I didn't say I'll give it to you right away. What's your hurry?"

"You're cheating in disguise!" if Fang Yan didn't recover his strength, he would immediately step on his fox like face.

Rong Chengjin probably decided that she was "powerless", played his hateful to the extreme, and said, "do you think you have a demanding tone and attitude now?"

"You..." Fang Yan was so angry that he was out of words, but he was right. Now he is in a weak position. Such a tough theory with him is of no help. Thinking of this, she had to take a deep breath, suppress the raging anger and said, "well, when will you be in a good mood?"

Rong Chengjin looked like a "teachable child" and said, "it depends on your performance."

After all, you just want to coerce her, don't you? Fang Yan almost broke his silver teeth, but he still tried his best to make himself look calm and said, "I think you're in a great mood now. I'm so humble to talk to you. Are you happy?"

"That's not possible." Rong Chengjin looked at her and said, "if you are also threatened with a knife and stunned by eight acupoints at the same time, I don't think you're in a good mood."

Fang Yan was stunned and immediately collapsed in the soft couch. How could she forget this?

After all, he wanted to avenge that day. He didn't remember for a moment, but he was fooled around by him.

Her reaction made Rong Chengjin very satisfied. Then she stood up and said, "I'm going downstairs. You have half a column of incense to take a bath and change clothes." then she hooked her chin and said, "take advantage of this time to think about how you should behave tonight."

Seeing that he let go of her and turned to go out, Fang Yan woke up and asked, "what do you mean?"

Her sudden change of expression made Rong Chengjin's lips slightly raised. It seems that he has identified her weakness.

"What do you think?" Rong Chengjin directly threw the problem back to her, said no more, and stepped out of the door.

Fang Yan was stunned. He didn't mean to live in a room with her tonight, did he? Well, he won't take advantage of her again, will he?

No, there is a great disparity between the strength of the enemy and ours. If he really does something worse than a pig or a dog to her, she won't even have a chance to resist.

Just thinking about it, the waiter led the two old ladies to bring in several buckets of hot water and poured it into the bath bucket in the inner compartment. It seems that Rong Chengjin ordered it just after she went out.

It's not too late. Rong Chengjin said that she would only be given half a column of incense. She'll escape tonight while he's away. When she recovers her strength, she may be able to look for opportunities in the dark.

After making up his mind, Fang Yan made up his mind. When the waiter and the two old ladies went out, he stepped in vain steps to close the door and plug in the top of the door.

At the moment of closing the door, I heard a faint noise downstairs. Well, it's so busy that no one will notice this upstairs. Fang Yan dared not delay, moved to the window and pushed the window open.

Just listen to the "bang" sound, like hitting something. Then, there was a sound of a heavy object landing.

Fang Yan was stunned by the movement. Can't the window be opened? It broke when she pushed it? She looked down at the window with some uneasy probe, but she was surprised to see a man squatting on the ground downstairs, dressed in a dark robe, but with a snow-white face, tiger eyes hanging eyes and eyebrows, looking up at her with a bloody mouth.

At this time, it was dark. At first sight of such a face, Rao Shifang Yan was brave and almost cried out in horror. But when he looked at it, he found that the man was just wearing a mask on his face.

Fang Yan looked at the window, then looked at the people on the ground and asked, "were you outside my window just now?"

The masked man didn't answer. He raised his hand and touched his nose across the mask. Suddenly, he leaned down and rushed up like an arrow. The special iron hook on his palm hooked the bar at the top of the window lattice accurately, and the whole person hung in front of her.

He has answered her questions with action.

It seems that she should use this move carefully when performing her tasks in the future. It's not fun to meet someone who happens to come and open the window.

"I think you didn't happen to come up to peek at my bath?" Fang Yan stepped back vigilantly as he spoke.

As soon as the foot moved, the man had seen through her intention, suddenly swung into the house, hooked his long arm, and grabbed her waist.

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