Time: 2016.

"Fang Yan." as soon as Fang Yan left the space-time warehouse, he was called by Secretary Xiao Yang and said, "President Qi asked you to come to his office immediately."

"Can't it? Cai came back a step earlier than me and complained to Zimmer so soon?" Fang Yan straightened his long hair and muttered in wonder.

"Why, offend the customer again?" for Fang Yan's temperament, the whole company is well known, and Xiao Yang is not new. He said: "don't worry, it's not about this. President Qi has been in a bit of a trance these two days when you're on a mission. He sent me to see it several times. He said that as soon as he saw you, he would let you go to his office."

"In such a hurry, is something wrong?" Fang Yan immediately felt something unusual.

"I don't know." Xiao Yang urged, "you'd better go quickly."

Fang Yan moved slightly in his heart and said, "OK, I'll go right away."

Fang Yan is an orphan. She has received various special training since she was young. Five years ago, she passed many examinations and finally became a member of Shengshi, the world's top group, and became one of the five space-time tour guides.

She is the only woman among the previous guides and the best among the five.

In her life, in addition to training, it is a task. In addition, if there is anything else in the world that can shake her heart, it is only her boss and the project CEO of time travel... Zimmer.

"Mr. Qi, are you looking for me?" standing in the top office of the 70 story building "century cloud", Fang Yan looked at the young man sitting in the office chair in front of him.

It's strange that every time she faces this man, she subconsciously converges her wildness and turns a bad wild cat into a clever and smooth domestic cat. For this phenomenon, Fang Yan has also analyzed herself and concluded that she likes this man.

Zimmer clasped his fingers and slightly frowned. Although Junlang's face was covered with a layer of rare anxiety, it was still heroic. Under the sword eyebrow, the pair of wise eyes looked straight at her. Their eyes were clear but focused, which surprised Fang Yan. His face was slightly hot. He couldn't help but turn his attention to his slender and beautiful fingers.

"Fang Yan." after a while, Zimmer broke the silence and said, "this time, you have to do me a favor."

Until he changed his clothes and lay in the space-time warehouse, Fang Yan still felt that his chest was empty and cool. Zimmer is so careful that she can help. In fact, it's not difficult for her. It's just another time travel to bring back a person, which is no different from her previous tasks.

The only difference is that this mission is not authorized by the company.

As a top high-end technology, space-time travel is still an exclusive business in the world, and its cost is naturally surprisingly high. In addition to collecting a group of free testers in the early stage of the experiment, it has been clearly priced since it was officially put into operation. Even the senior managers of Shengshi group have to report to the board of directors before they can enjoy the discount.

The man Zimmer asked her to find was Luo Yu. He was neither a business celebrity nor a noble. He couldn't catch up with Shengshi group. But such an ordinary person has become a customer of time and space.

To put it bluntly, Zimmer is favoritism.

"Her travel deadline is set to be half a month. Now it's two days overdue. If there's something wrong with the return instrument, there's something unexpected." Zimmer said this with a deep worry in his tone.

Not worried about being discovered by the board of directors, but worried about Luo Yu.

After working together for several years, Fang Yan heard a lot about his affair, but this was the first time she saw him show such real feelings.

"In a few days, it will be the end of the month." although she was surprised, she had to remind.

The end of the month is the day of the general meeting of shareholders. The profit performance of the company in a month should be reported at the meeting. Although Zimmer is the second son of Shengshi group, he began to serve as the CEO of such an important project as space-time travel at the age of 25. There are many people who are jealous and dissatisfied. There are all forces in the company. Once it is shaken out, it will bring him no small trouble.

"As long as you can bring her back in three days, I will deal with other things." after saying this, Zimmer's eyes suddenly became deep and dignified, as if he was worried about something. "Fang Yan, no matter what happens, will you come back on time?"

After working together for three years, this is the first time that he is so hesitant about her ability, just because this time, is the customer the person he cares about?

"She is very important to you?" Fang Yan couldn't resist asking after all.

Zimmer unexpectedly didn't avoid her question. After pondering for a few seconds, he said, "it's a person I don't want to lose."

Sure enough! The slightest fluke in her heart was finally drowned by the cruel reality. The surging acid made her nose astringent. Fang Yan took a breath, showed her signature smile again and said, "don't worry, I'll bring her back as scheduled."

Zimmer's face was still dignified. He looked at her again and said, "pay attention to safety." as she told before each mission.

Recalling his eyes at that time, Fang Yan had a bad hunch that she had never seen before. Is there any unknown danger in the space-time where Luo Yu went?

However, after several years of work experience, she has also encountered thrilling accidents. So far, there are no problems she can't deal with.

Taking back his mind, Fang Yan flew with his fingers and entered the destination: Yunzhao state in the setter.

Press the space-time code and departure command, and all instruments will start running.

It is said that time is the gear that carries fate. Then, for people like her who often shuttle through time and space, what will their fate be?

Fate always has its own track, and there is a force that dominates its direction. At the moment, Fang Yan doesn't know that this task will be the end of her career.

The body was quickly wrapped by several beams of light. Fang Yan watched himself turn into little fine dust in the beam and fall into an endless black hole.

In the spring of the 16th year of Yande, Yunzhao state, at midnight, Jiangling city.

There was silence in a house in the east of the city. Only the small building in the northeast corner was still lit. In the house, the shadow of candles swayed and the green gauze curtain danced.

Above the gauze curtain and on the roof, Fang Yan saw this scene through the cracks of the tiles and nearly slipped down the eaves. She couldn't help but raise her hand and take a look at the instrument on her wrist. Yes, the source of the signal is in this room, that is to say, the people in the room are Luo Yu she is looking for!

Fang Yan tried to imagine various situations of meeting, but he never thought it would be the scene in front of him. Can it be said that Luo Yu's delay is because of the man in the house?

Zimmer bears so much risk for her, but she stays with other men in ancient times?

I thought I was the saddest woman in the world. In order to help the person I like find his sweetheart, I had to work on the roof in the cold wind in the middle of the night. But now it seems that Zimmer is a tea table full of cups compared with her.

Thinking of such an antique green hat on Zimmer's head, Fang Yan instantly balanced a lot, but then a sense of righteous anger rose.

Without a moment's hesitation, she turned over and jumped down the ridge, kicked open the window and rushed in.

Suddenly, the cold wind poured back, blowing away the beautiful scenery in the room.

"Who?" the people in the tent were obviously shocked, and the chant turned into a surprised and angry question.

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