The voice of hissing heart and cracking lung not only made Rong Chengxuan freeze, but all the actions of everyone present were a pause and looked at the source of the voice.

Fang Yan was close. As soon as he looked back, he saw a woman in a lake blue robe running towards her. Her long hair was tied behind her at will. Looking at the plain chimera face, he should have just slept and rushed over without time to make up.

"Lord......" the woman's sad wind passed Fang Yan's side and rushed to the pile of rubble. The whole person was silly, suddenly "Ao" a voice and fainted.

"Empress Cai bin..." the two maids who didn't have time to follow her ran over and held their master, "empress Cai bin, wake up."

Fang Yan realized that it was Cai bin. Look at her reaction. It seems that she doesn't know about Rong Chengjin's fake death.

However, with Rong Chengjin's plan, since he doesn't hesitate to pretend to die, naturally he won't let too many people know. The more real the play, the better. Where has he gone now? What are you planning?

"Miss Ma." while thinking, Rong Chengxuan's voice interrupted her. Fang Yan looked up, but saw him pointing in the direction of CAI bin with his eyes.

Seeing that Cai bin fell into the arms of the two maids without any movement, Fang Yan immediately understood that Rong Chengxuan asked her "doctor" to save people.

Although Fang Yan doesn't hate this CAI concubine to the bone, it's definitely not much. What's more, she doesn't need to be diagnosed at the moment. She just can't bear the blow and fainted. She can't die. However, since Rong Chengxuan has opened her mouth and has so many eyes watching, her current identity is "Miss Ma", so she can't stand idly by.

So he had to nod and rushed forward to the two maids and said, "I'm a doctor. Let me see it for her."

As soon as the two maids heard of the doctor, they immediately stepped aside. However, when they looked back and saw that it was Fang Yan, their face immediately changed.

They are Cai Bin's girlfriends, so naturally they recognize Fang Yan. It was her who broke their master's wrist and put the prince in prison. Seeing her reaching out to Cai bin, they almost instinctively stopped her.

Fang Yan impatiently raised his eyes and glanced at them, but with such a faint glance, they felt that although the eyes were not sharp at all, they had a awe inspiring dignity in their eyes, and immediately timidly shrank back and dared not speak.

Fang Yan even saved the trick of feeling her pulse. As soon as she pinched the upper part of CAI Bin's people, Cai Bin's eyelashes trembled and soon woke up and turned around.

When she opened her eyes, Cai bin was a little confused at first. When she saw the person in front of her, her face immediately changed. She stretched out her hand and jumped at Fang Yan, grabbed her neck and shouted hysterically, "it's you, witch. You've hurt the king! I'll kill you, kill you..."

If it were normal, Cai Bin's hands would be completely useless. However, in full view of the public, Fang Yan had not forgotten that her identity was "Miss Ma" at the moment, so she let her get the hand. However, what she didn't expect was that Cai Bin's hand strength was not like a person who had just woke up from fainting. With the strength of jumping, she grabbed her and pressed her to the ground. Looking at the sharp green veins on the back of her hand and the gnashing of teeth, it seemed as if she wanted to pinch off her neck.

"Cough... Help..." Fang Yan hurriedly grabbed her wrist while calling for help, and secretly removed half of her strength to avoid being strangled by her, but she inevitably fell to the ground.

Cai bin was born in a general's family. She is not as Petite as an ordinary woman. At the moment, she is even more powerful. She presses Fang Yan under her body. Her red eyes are full of crazy hatred and vows to kill her.

The people next to him looked silly for a moment. In addition, most of them were Rong Chengjin's people. The remaining officers and soldiers were afraid of CAI Bin's identity, but no one came forward to stop them.

"Stop!" suddenly, with a deep angry drink, Cai bin felt numb in her shoulders. Then she was lifted up and pushed aside. Her strength was so great that she couldn't hold her feet for a moment. She staggered out a few steps and fell to the ground.

Fang Yan lifted his eyes and saw Rong Chengxuan's worried face in his slight anger.

"Are you all right?" Rong Chengxuan squatted down and helped her up. When he saw the red fingerprints on her neck, his pupils could not help shrinking.

Fang Yan shook his head, but he coughed a few voices. It was the first time in her life that she had no technical content to fight with people. Although she was not hurt, she was really embarrassed.

Rong Chengxuan saw it in his eyes. A touch of heartache and apology suddenly rose in his eyes. He turned back and glanced at Cai bin and said, "come on, Cai bin is too sad and has lost her mind. Escort her back to rest."

"Yes." immediately, two guards came out, one on the left and one on the right, and said, "madam, please."

Cai bin was helped up by her two maids. After this fall, she looked much calmer. Although the temples were scattered and the face was pale, the mood was not as out of control as before. The beautiful eyes swept the two guards coldly and said, "I see who of you dares to move me!"

Then he raised his chin, greeted Rong Chengxuan and said, "Lord Chen, don't forget that I'm the wife of King Yun's concubine. Now King Yun is still buried under the ruins. If you want to forcibly send me away, you're not afraid of humanity. What's your heart?"

No one can imagine that she was like a shrew a moment ago, but now she can be so calm and not afraid to question Rong Chengxuan. She really has the momentum of a tiger girl.

The speed of her transformation made Rong Chengxuan slightly stunned, but only for a moment, the frozen handsome face was colder and said, "since you know that King Yun is still buried under the ruins, you shouldn't hinder the rescue here. Otherwise, the king will ask you what your heart is."

His words were sonorous and powerful, and there was no room for doubt. When he finished, he looked directly at Cai bin and said, "in the face of King Yun, the king will not investigate with you for the moment, but if you dare to move Miss Ma again, you know the king's means."

He didn't say anything more, but Cai bin shivered and tightened her lips.

Rong Chengxuan turned sideways and said to the other Yan, "Miss Ma, you have good medical skills. It's all up to you to help save people in a moment." then he told the guards behind him, "half of you follow Miss Ma. If she needs anything, you should try your best to cooperate, and the rest follow the king." then he took the lead to the collapsed ruins and grabbed the shovel in the hands of an officer and soldier, Start shoveling.

The rest of the people immediately recovered, waved their tools again and continued to dig.

Rong Chengxuan's words were very effective. On the one hand, Cai bin dared not move her mind on Fang Yan, and on the other hand, they also gave her a hope. Although there was still hatred in CAI Bin's eyes, she completely calmed down, stood still and stared at the pile of ruins, as if Rong Chengjin would jump out of the crack of the pile of stones the next second.

Fang Yan looked in his eyes and thought to himself that this CAI concubine seemed reckless and mindless. In fact, she was not so arrogant because of her identity. Judging from the series of reactions she had just made, the woman was not stupid.

On second thought, even if he was born in the general's gate, and in a place like the capital, he was involved in the imperial family and nobles, who could not be a bit of a city government? What's more, listening to Rong Chengjin's words, Cai bin married him with some thoughts. Moreover, it was able to let Rong Chengjin fall in her "erotic love powder", which shows that there are quite some means.

I don't know how she will attack when the results come out later? However, Fang Yan didn't care. Anyway, Rong Chengxuan volunteered to stand in front of everything.

This is not a matter of a moment and a half. She simply asked the bodyguard to find a stool to sit down and wait. Not surprisingly, this move naturally made Cai bin look more at her.

There were many people digging, and the efficiency was really fast. Within an hour, a big pit had been dug. From time to time, stumps and broken arms were pulled out of the rubble, and a strange smell of blood gradually filled the air, making the hearts full of hope become very heavy.

When a bodyguard pulled out half of Rong Chengjin's robe from the mound, it seemed to give everyone a slap in the head. Even Rong Chengxuan's face was briefly complex and dignified. Then the people seemed to return to their senses and continued to dig without saying a word.

It was not until dawn that the whole excavation was over. The place that was originally a prison has become a pit several meters deep, and the ground next to it is filled with a row of excavated bodies. A few of them were lucky to have been smashed and pressed a little twisted. At least they left a whole body, but most of them were blown up to be incomplete and unable to identify. What's more, their flesh and blood had been mixed with the soil.

Cai bin obviously hadn't seen such a tragic scene. She had already vomited and almost fainted again. The person in charge of the excavation was also in mourning, with his head bowed and no one spoke. Fang Yan saw more. Although he couldn't smell the smell, he didn't wait for Rong Chengxuan to open his mouth. He checked the still complete bodies one by one.

"You say, is there a Yun king in here?" Rong Chengxuan threw the shovel in his hand and squatted down with her, but his eyes fell on the ground.

His tone did not seem to be asking her, but rather wanted a confirmation. Fang Yan didn't lift his head and said, "what do you want?"

Rong Chengxuan immediately pursed his lips. If she hadn't looked at him, he almost thought she was smart enough to see through the contradiction in his heart. It was an idea that had been repeated in his heart since he came to the scene. He hoped that Rong Chengjin had been buried in the pile of stones, and vaguely hoped that he was still alive.

Seeing Fang Yan raised the body's bloody face and looked left and right, he couldn't help saying, "don't look, it's not him."

Fang Yan shook his head and said, "their cause of death may be helpful for you to investigate the truth."

"Cause of death?" Rong Chengxuan was surprised. "Do you mean that these people were not killed by bombing?"

Yes, seeing this scene, even if he is smart, he will instinctively think that these people died because of the explosion. What's more, he was anxious to confirm whether Rong Chengxuan was included, and had no way to take into account others.

Fang Yan withdrew his hand and said, "although the explosion will also cause bleeding in the seven orifices due to internal organs extrusion, you should pay attention to his eyelids and subcutaneous tissue. There are varying degrees of bleeding, which is a sign of poisoning."

Rong Chengxuan looked at it according to his words. When he saw this, he was shocked and couldn't help appreciating her a little more. "Sure enough, you are as careful as dust. I almost missed this important clue."

Fang Yan only smiled faintly at his praise. For a person who has experienced it personally, these symptoms have long been known without looking at her. However, what should be installed in front of him should still be installed.

"Well, do you know what kind of poison is in him?" seeing that she didn't speak, Rong Chengxuan couldn't wait to ask again.

"It's hard to judge just by this symptom." Fang Yan looked puzzled. In fact, after this inspection, she could almost determine what poison these people died of. However, for one thing, she didn't trust Rong Chengxuan and couldn't confirm whether he had anything to do with it. Second, who knows who will be behind this? Too smart. That's the rhythm of death.

Sure enough, Rong Chengxuan didn't doubt it. He raised his hand and summoned his bodyguard, ordered him to verify the identity of all the dead here, and asked Wu Zuo in the government to come to the autopsy.

"Wait a minute!" a steady and powerful voice calmly inserted in. One of the guards came over. Fang Yan recognized that he was Rong Chengjin's side and called Wufeng.

Wufeng Chong Rong Chengxuan bowed with an unassuming fist and said, "Lord Chen, please forgive me for being disrespectful. My Lord went to prison because of you. Now there's something wrong. You should avoid suspicion before you find out. You've also been busy all night. Please go back to bieyuan to have a rest first. We'll deal with the matter here by ourselves."

"Why, listen to what you mean, are you doubting the king?" although he had expected it to be so, Rong Chengxuan's face sank a little and said: "Not to mention that the king has no motive to harm his brothers and brothers, let alone that the world knows the lawsuit between King Yun and the king. If it was really done by the king, wouldn't it let people all over the world say that the king planned to harm his own brothers? Even if it was to prove the king's innocence, the king will take charge of it!"

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