"How do you know I will come back?" Fang Yan asked curiously.

Rong Chengjin said faintly, "I just think, maybe you will change your mind."

She really changed her mind halfway. If he could fully budget her mind, Fang Yan would also admit it.

"I asked someone to transform this device. However, due to technical and energy reasons, the effect is not ideal. I just improved it myself not long ago and haven't tried it yet. I'm likely to be killed. Dare I try it together?"

Rong Chengjin smiled and said, "if you give your life to accompany me, even if it's a sea of swords and fire, what regret can I have?"

Looking at the smile on his face, Fang Yan suddenly smiled.

Maybe she found some reasons for her disorder. In a sense, they still have something in common, which is commonly known as... Tacit understanding.

So, knowing that she shouldn't, she chose to help him.

Gliding wing is a little small for two people. After tying their seat belts, they are almost close to each other.

With the power equipment started, there was a suspension under their feet, and they staggered off the ground.

"What about you? Why did you change your mind?" in mid air, Rong Chengjin opened his mouth curiously.

This feeling of flying in the sky makes people feel a lot more open. Facing the wind, looking at the mountains and waters passing under them, Fang Yan smiled and said, "aren't you very good at strategizing? Why don't you guess?"

Rong Chengjin glanced at her and said, "in fact, I just want to wait, but I'm not sure you'll come back. You're different from all the women I know. You're a woman that people can't grasp."

His ability to please women was not small. Fang Yan asked, "what about sister mu? What kind of woman is she?"

Mentioned this, Rong Chengjin's eyes became more profound than ever before. After a while, he said, "she's very special."

Fang Yan looked at him discontentedly and said, "you seem to have described me with similar words just now."

Rong Chengjin smiled warmly and said, "you have some similarities."

Hearing this in Fang Yan's ear, he couldn't tell what it was like, "maybe it's like liking a person. You'll see the shadow of the same person from different people. But in fact, you know very well that it's not him."

Yes, no matter how it looks, it's not her. Rong Chengjin was a little empty in her heart, and then looked at the woman around her.

It seems that she also has feelings when she can say such words? He couldn't help wondering what kind of person the man named Zimmer was, which could make her so concerned.

But maybe I'll meet you one day.

The flight was unexpectedly smooth for Fang Yan. After flying for several hours, the energy of the power plant was finally exhausted, and the two had to land more than 100 miles away from the capital.

Rong Chengjin's learning ability is very strong. After landing, she untied her seat belt at the first time and began to help Fang Yan.

"Energy costs are very expensive. Don't forget to make up for me when you go back." Fang Yan reminded me coldly.

"OK." Rong Chengjin's smiling voice came after herself.

Fang Yan didn't have time to say anything. Suddenly, he was hit hard by something behind his neck. All of a sudden, I felt a black in front of me, and the whole person lost consciousness and fell down.

One second before she fell to the ground, Rong Chengjin hugged her behind her, and her black eyes were cold.

While holding her, he whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry, Fang Yan."

Fang Yan didn't know how long he had slept. He was in a deep sleep all the time.

It was a long and strange dream.

In her dream, she seemed to be in a magnificent imperial city, full of luxury, but there was an unspeakable sense of familiarity. Those pavilions seem to have been seen somewhere. The feeling of coming out is very strong. However, they can't break through the layers of fog.

What's more strange is that the huge imperial city is empty. She wandered alone in the towering palace. The feeling of familiarity and strangeness made her feel a little frightened and uneasy. She was eager to find something, but she was so confused that she didn't know what she was looking for.

I didn't know how long I wandered until I turned to a courtyard somewhere.

Compared with the former Qionglou Yuyu, this courtyard is relatively simple and elegant. However, Fang Yan was surprised.

Because there is a man standing under the pear tree in the courtyard.

The man turned his back to her. Judging from his figure, he should be a teenager. A moon white gown embroidered with golden auspicious clouds outlines his green figure, which is slightly thin and painful for no reason.

"Who are you?" Fang Yan only felt that his back was so familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had met.

The young man turned around when he heard the sound, but he was only twelve or thirteen years old. He still had a kind of immature face, just like a carefully carved jade, which made people like it at first sight. But there were some introverted and deep in those dark pupils. There was no expression on her beautiful face, so she looked at her faintly.

"Who are you?" Fang Yan asked again, but his tone was friendly. He only felt that the boy was familiar.

The young man didn't seem to like her very much. His eyes even showed some vigilance and said, "Your Highness."

Is he the prince? Fang Yan was quite surprised. However, this is the Imperial Palace, and he does have an aristocratic momentum. Although he still has a childish appearance, he has been vaguely revealed.

"I mean, what's your name?" Fang Yan showed him a innocent smile, trying to convince him that she was invincible.

The young man bowed to her with a cold attitude, then turned and left.

"Hey, don't go." Fang Yan was in a hurry and finally met a person. She still had a lot of questions to ask, so she hurried to catch up and said, "don't be afraid, handsome boy. I'm not a bad man."

Fang Yan has always been very confident in her appearance. Although she is not a country or a city, she is definitely not annoying. But just now she clearly saw a trace of disgust in his eyes. She didn't even want to say a word with her.

The little broken child despised her.

What's more incredible is that obviously she doesn't walk slowly, but she can't catch up with him.

"Little boy, if you don't stop, I'll be rude to you." Fang Yan even changed his name. He already decided that when he caught up with him, the first thing is to flatten his pink face.

Thinking of this, she simply ran. However, he was not far ahead, but no matter how fast she ran, the distance was not shortened at all.

Fang Yan had never encountered such an evil thing. Seeing the young man go farther and farther, she jumped up in a hurry.

However, this jump not only failed to jump up, but fell down fiercely.

Fang Yan felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss. He was busy trying to catch something to do. As soon as he earned his body, he woke up from his dream.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a warm chest.

A narrow gap is opened under the plain white skirt, and the firm and healthy texture can be vaguely seen inside.

Fang Yan only felt confused. Looking along the chest, he saw the familiar face.

Isn't it just that Yi Rong became Rong Chengjin of Dongfang hao?

Although it is easy to look, the white skin like a woman looks so natural.

I don't know whether Rong Chengjin's own foundation is too good, or his face changing technique is too exquisite. Even if his face has changed, the handsome facial features are still perfect.

At the moment, the owner of this handsome face was also looking at her. When she woke up, she couldn't help smiling a relieved smile and said, "you're awake."

Where is she? Why is your head a little dizzy?

After a moment of stupidity, all the memories returned to her mind. She clearly remembered that she was knocked unconscious from behind, and the only person behind her at that time was him... Rong Chengjin!

She was kind enough to help him, and he dared to plot against her?

Suddenly, a surge of rage rushed up!

Without hesitation, she punched the man in front of her in the face.

This punch came so suddenly that Zhang Junyan didn't even have time to show a trace of amazement, so she was punched.

He didn't dodge, and Fang Yan was surprised, but at the moment, anger dominated, and a mere punch could hardly dispel her hatred.

Then she jumped up, threw him directly on the bed board under her body, and put her arms across his neck.

"You... Why did you hit me?" the people under him were shocked and couldn't believe it.

He felt that his left face must have begun to swell, and the arm across his neck was still exerting force, as if he wanted to strangle him.

"Hum, I'm not only going to beat you, I'm going to waste you!" Fang Yan ignored the discomfort of his head, loosened his ring, showed a sharp blade, waved and rowed at him.

"Wait a minute!" it's not safe to see it. At this critical juncture, the people under me finally woke up and shouted, "I'm not Rong Chengjin!"

Fang Yan's hand was a meal, and the sharp blade stopped after cutting a section of the trouser head.

"I'm the real Dongfang Hao, not Rong Chengjin." the people under me explained hurriedly, lest she didn't believe it, and even swore.

After a short pause, Fang Yan looked at his face in doubt.

The man was extremely cunning. She couldn't believe it. She raised her hand and pinched his face. She pulled it hard near her ears. No one had a skin mask.

She rubbed hard again. There was no trace of makeup. It seemed to be true.

He is not Rong Chengjin!

However, Fang Yan didn't intend to let him go, grabbed his collar and asked, "where's Rong Chengjin's bastard?"

If you dare to treat her like this, she must peel off his skin!

Dongfang Hao is just entrusted by Rong Chengjin to take care of her. When Rong Chengjin handed her over to him, she only told him that her martial arts were not weak and that she should not be allowed out of this biewan.

But she didn't say at all that she was such a fierce and lethal girl.

Fortunately, he was secretly happy that such a beautiful woman could accompany him during this boring time. Unexpectedly, thousands of hopes woke people up, but it was such a scene.

"Miss Fang, calm down first." Dongfang Hao lay under her and comforted as softly as possible. "Rong Chengjin has returned to the capital, but he promised to come back to pick you up soon."

Speaking of it, when did Rong Chengjin become so tasty that she provoked such a master? Shouldn't he throw it to him because of his own injustice?

Back to Beijing? Fang Yanqi doesn't go anywhere. Yes, the guy's purpose is to return to Beijing.

I didn't expect to be cheated by him because of his intelligence. And she was knocked unconscious just after using it. It's really a shame in her life!

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