Emperor's Women

Chapter 437

It made chupan wipe his sweat again and again, but he shook his head and sighed.

The next morning.

Rong Chengjin woke up dizzy and looked at mingyuke naked around her. She was stunned at the moment.

There was still some chaos in my head. I woke up a lot. Look at myself under the quilt. It's also

Looking at mingyuke, who was still sleeping next to her, Rong Chengjin only felt thunderous and couldn't react for a long time.

In her sleep, mingyuke turned over and habitually touched Rong Chengjin lying beside her, but threw herself into the air. Open your eyes and see that he is sitting beside you and looking at himself.

Then he blushed, covered his face with a quilt, only showed a pair of beautiful eyes, blinked shyly, and his voice was as small as a mosquito: "Emperor..."

Seeing her so shy, Rong Chengjin was more upset and determined what she thought. It's just... What happened last night? Why doesn't he remember anything?

"Ke'er, get up." Rong Chengjin opened the quilt and let mingyuke show his head. He wanted to ask mingyuke.

Mingyuke stretched out her head, looked at Rong Chengjin, smiled and said, "emperor?"

"What happened last night?" Rong Chengjin asked word by word.

Hearing his question, mingyuke's face turned more red: "emperor, if you ask like this, there are some ministers and concubines..."

Rong Chengjin asked the sky without a word. However, it was already bright outside at this time. He had to catch up with the early morning. However, he had to let Chu climb in to change his clothes. As he changed his clothes, he said, "I'll come back to you later."

With the fastest speed to pack up, Rong Chengjin no longer looked at mingyuke, raised her legs and walked out of Yijing palace.

Seeing Rong Chengjin's back without stopping for a moment, mingyuke's originally shy face immediately collapsed, and for a long time, a tear ran across her cheek.

Yue'er thought mingyuke was too happy, so she came forward and congratulated her: "Congratulations, Congratulations, your wish has come true."

"Achieved? The palace would rather that nothing had happened yesterday." mingyuke smiled at herself.

Last night, Rong Chengjin called Fang Yan and Mu Liqiu all night. It is said that Hehuan incense will let men see the appearance of their favorite woman. No matter who is in front of them, it will be that person.

Is he so in love with Fang Yan!

So much thought!

However, thanks to the Hehuan incense, she saw clearly that in Rong Chengjin's heart, she was nothing but her sister.

Even if it's good, it's just humiliating.

Because Fang Yan is in confinement, good morning and good night are exempted. Mingyuke doesn't have to get up early to dress up today. She simply depends on the quilt and can't get up.

Rong Chengjin's temperature has disappeared around him, but his mind is full of his tenderness last night and his surprise and indifference this morning.

He sighed deeply, I hope.

I hope it will be the same as Yueer and she imagined.

After noon, according to Rong Chengjin's arrangement, general Ming entered the palace and met mingyuke for the last time before the expedition.

But at the dinner table, mingyuke had no appetite. I know my daughter better than my father. What's more, this discerning person can see that mingyuke is in a bad mood.

"What's the matter? Who made our good daughter unhappy? Say it and dad will help you beat him!" general Ming said, patting his chest.

Even if you say so, how can you fight? I'm afraid you'll be full of praise for her? Mingyuke secretly feigned in her heart. He raised his head, changed his expression, wrinkled his nose at general Ming and said, "my father provoked me. My father is going to fight again. I don't know when he will come back."

"Oh, this man's father can't fight..." general Ming said, touching mingyuke's head and said, "Ke'er, it's a man's responsibility to protect the country. Dad is happy to lead the army to fight. Don't worry, dad will be fine. Otherwise, how can dad have the title of a winning general?"

Hearing what general Ming said, mingyuke was a little relieved, smiled and nodded, snuggling up in general Ming's arms.

General Ming touched mingyuke's head and told him, "in this harem, it's no better than at home. You can do whatever you want. Remember..."

"Don't conflict with others and cause trouble. Talk to your father about something and he will help you settle it..." the father and daughter said in one voice.

General Ming smiled at mingyuke. Before he could speak, he was robbed by mingyuke.

She opened her mouth weakly and whispered, "Dad, my daughter has finally become the emperor's woman."

General Ming was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

For so many years, he has never really been with mingyuke. General Ming wanted to ask several times, but he swallowed it back. Now, his daughter's wish has finally been achieved.

"It's very good. Dad is more relieved." general Ming touched mingyuke's head and was very pleased.

Seven days later.

At the gate of the city, Fang Yan couldn't send the army north with Rong Chengjin because she was still sitting in the month. Dongfang Hao and general Ming were dressed in armor. The word "Yunzhao" on the king's flag fluttered in the wind. They were very brave.

This time, in addition to soldiers and enough guns and bullets, there was also a team of people - animal trainers.

This time, I will be surprised and win canglan in one fell swoop! Take LAN Haotian!

When the horn sounded, Dongfang Hao and general Ming knelt down and worshipped Cheng Jin. Under the gaze of Ming Yuke, general Ming took a deep look at his daughter, turned around, got on his horse and left with the army.


This used to be the place where they fought hard. General Ming looked at the familiar place and waved to the Army: "zhazhai!"

This is the nearest place to canglan. From here, you only need to climb a mountain to reach canglan capital. Moreover, there are many fierce animals in the forest on the mountain. It is for this reason that Dongfang Hao gave all the animal trainers to general Ming, and he took the army to raid from the front.

The current canglan can be described as a double attack inside and outside, suffering from the enemy.

After camping, the animal trainers began to tame the wild animals in the jungle. Although you can't be as obedient as a beast who has been with you for so long in the short term, it will be much better than those who haven't been trained. At least, you can follow their orders and attack.

Looking at the well-trained animal trainers, general Ming did not slack off at all and began to train his troops and horses.

Finally, one month later, the animal trainers reported that all the wild animals had been trained and were only waiting for war at any time.

"OK, then contact Dongfang adult to see when to launch the attack." general Ming directed at his humanitarian staff.

The two finally agreed to attack together in seven days. These days, let general Ming create some disturbances for LAN Haotian and give him some pain.

After receiving Dongfang Hao's reply, general Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly. He said that Dongfang Hao was really a ghost. He could think of such tricks. It's just... This move is a little... Cruel.

However, war is not tired of fraud. In order to dominate the world, he can't care so much.

At that moment, when general Ming said that it was below zero, the animal trainer released some fierce animals from the mountains and forests and asked them to create riots among the people. They can hurt people, but they can't let people die without treatment. We must pay attention to discretion.

Canglan palace.

The palace of politics.

"What are you talking about? Monsters suddenly appear in the capital? When did they attack houses?" after listening to the report of the Minister of war, LAN Haotian immediately stood up from the Dragon chair, counted down with his sword eyebrow, and looked at the humanity in front of him incredulously.

The Minister of the Ministry of war bowed with both hands and said respectfully, "back to Khan, just what happened today. Somehow, many beasts suddenly rushed down from the mountain next to the capital. Normally, those beasts would not go down the mountain. Today, I don't know what evil they hit. After coming down from the mountain, those beasts attacked the people and stalls in the street, which made people panic and flee, regardless of those things."

After listening to the Minister of the Ministry of war, LAN Haotian put his hands on his hips and looked sad. He ordered: "go and catch those beasts. What's the reason for the investigation?"

"Yes, Khan, Weichen has sent someone to catch them, and they have almost caught them. So these beasts are going to..." the Minister of war asked LAN Haotian's opinion.

You know, these beasts are not easy to provoke. They are still shouting in their cages. If they are put back into the mountains and forests, I'm afraid they will cause riots among the people when they come back. If they are executed

Such indiscriminate killing of innocent people will be punished.

LAN Haotian thought and said, "put them in a cage and put them on the mountain. Let them live and die."

After thinking for a long time, LAN Haotian only came up with such a way. The Minister of war sighed without love, which is the only way.

In the distance, on the mountain.

Some soldiers saw canglan's Ministry of war Shangshu bring people over, put the beasts in the cage, then put them on the mountain, looked at the beasts, turned and left.

After those people left, some soldiers went back and reported the matter to general Ming, who should immediately order people to release all the wild animals. I'm going to make another raid late at night.

The next morning.

Sure enough, because of the chaos caused by a beast raid late last night, everyone advised LAN Haotian to put those beasts to death directly. However, the Minister of war's words made those excited ministers stop one after another.

"Khan, according to his men, the beasts retreated orderly after attacking the man, as if they had been arranged in advance." the Minister of war came forward and played.

For a time, the courtiers were surprised. They never thought that such a thing would happen.

"How could this happen? How could they retreat together?" a minister whispered to the ministers around him.

The next minister also said he didn't know.

Just then, in the hall, a soldier came to report.


"Khan, Yunzhao Dongfang Hao suddenly led the army to raid our camp outside the capital, but it was just a provocation. We didn't lose much." the soldier said with a memorial in his hand.

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar from top to bottom. You can see what's important and what's not important at a glance. LAN Haotian waved his hand, and Xiao Anzi next to him shouted to retreat from the dynasty, leaving only a few generals and the Minister of the Ministry of war to enter the political hall.

"What's the opinion of Aiqing about Dongfang Hao's raid?" Lan Haotian asked as soon as he entered the political discussion hall, before even his Dragon Robe had faded.

Although General Xu was defeated in the last battle, it's a common thing for soldiers to win and lose. It doesn't matter once, so he is here to discuss things with LAN Haotian.

"Back to Khan, Yunzhao didn't give the order to attack my canglan in advance. How did he enter outside my capital at one fell swoop, but we didn't know?" General Xu analyzed.

LAN Haotian also wondered. He couldn't understand it. "Is there any shortcut to copy?" there was only one explanation.

Suddenly, he remembered the place that general Ming had to fight for: "zhanzhou!"

When he came back from World War I last time, he made a careful analysis of three places. Those two places were analyzed, but he didn't expect that there was another zhanzhou. He couldn't understand whether he wanted to break his head.

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